UltraEdit 是一款十分强大的编辑工具,你能够用它来十六进制、编辑文本、ASCII 码,你完全可以用它来替换你系统自带的记事本。内建英文单字检查、C++ 及 VB 指令突显,可同时编辑多个文件,而且即使开启很大的文件速度也不会慢。软件附有 HTML 标签颜色显示、搜寻替换以及无限制的还原功能,一般用其来修改EXE 或 DLL 文件。你的编辑需求基本都能满足。
想要取代记事本或正在寻找一款强大的文本编辑器?UltraEdit 正是您需要的产品。UltraEdit 功能全面,使用方便,是理想的文本、十六进制、HTML、PHP、Java、Javascript、Perl 和程序编辑器。UltraEdit 拥有将近 2,000,000 个用户,销量居全世界第一,是最强大的一款超值文本编辑器!
它是多面手和易使用的。 UltraEdit为输入,编辑文本和代码特别地设计, UltraEdit支持配置高亮语法和几乎所有编程语言的代码结构。它清楚的布局和强大的项目和工作区功能,它可能处理复杂和高深的软件开发项目。 尽管UltraEdit有广泛的功能, UltraEdit从未感到压抑。 定制,处理超出4GB文件是灵活和容易的,并且优美的用户界面提供容易进入的大部分重要选项。
UltraEdit 横跨各个行业的使用,从专业作家、研究员和新闻工作者到高级程序员,数据库管理人和网络开发商。 由于它能同时处理多个文件,大文件处理,强大的搜索/查找/替换功能,拼写检查通用性等等。数以万计的人使用UltraEdit作为强大的windows 笔记本替换,更多的人使用它作为文本编辑器。
UltraEdit 2024.0 changes (2024-04-19)
Features and enhancements
Support for cloud storage services:
- Google Drive
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Amazon S3
- Dropbox
- Access and edit files from all your cloud storage services
Application scripting additions:
- New document properties: dateCreated, dateModified, dateAccessed, fileAttributes, owner, syntaxHighlighting, characters, lines, nonEmptyLines, sLOC, averageLineLength, longestLine, changedLines
- readText/writeText functions
- getEnvironmentVariable function
Updated SSH/Telnet dockable window :
- Latest encryption standards
- Support for key agents
Other notable quality improvements
- Honor Windows setting to hide cursor (mouse pointer) while typing
- Allow sorting by clicking on the column headers in the Windows dialog
- Add “Copy” button to Sum Selection dialog for total value
- Sum selection returns incorrect negative value
- Add link to main downloads page in Support menu
- Add ability to run PowerShell script from context menu in Project or FileView
- Add “New script” as default PowerShell template
- Default language for syntax highlighting is changed if new wordfiles are added
- Second instead of first configuration item selected on using Find in Configuration
- Display issues with Manage Themes dialog on Windows 11 at 175% scaling and UHD resolutions
- Clipped labels in Modify Templates/Modify Groups dialogs at 125% scaling
- File extension based font setting is ignored
- URL selection is incorrect in Markdown file
- Default Template fails to appear, after closing and reopening the file
- Renaming a file is not reflected in file lists
- Creating a new template with the same existing template name
- “New script” default template does not appear for all applicable template groups
- UI elements not clearly visible after resizing Modify Templates dialog
官网地址: https://www.ultraedit.com/
官网更新记录: https://www.ultraedit.com/products/ultraedit/latest-changes.html
for Windows 简体中文版:
x86: https://downloads.ultraedit.com/main/ue/win/ue_chinese.exe
x64: https://downloads.ultraedit.com/main/ue/win/ue_chinese_64.exe
for Windows 繁体中文版:
x86: https://downloads.ultraedit.com/main/ue/win/ue_chinese_traditional.exe
x64: https://downloads.ultraedit.com/main/ue/win/ue_chinese_traditional_64.exe
for Windows 英文版:
x86: https://downloads.ultraedit.com/main/ue/win/ue_english.exe
x64: https://downloads.ultraedit.com/main/ue/win/ue_english_64.exe
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UltraEdit x86/x64 正式注册版 – 简体/繁体中文/英文 -文本编辑器