
Folder Guard 24.8 Multilingual 中文注册版 - 文件夹软加密工具

Folder Guard 是一个软加密用的工具,主要用于对文件夹保护,能够防止别人对您的目录和文件进行查看、复制、删除、移动等操作,最新版本支持Win10/Win11。它的优点就在于使用简单,作为Folder Guard的系统管理员,你可以很方便的修改目录加密,同时您也可以给各个不同的用户设置访问的帐号和口令;控制范围全面,不但各种格式的文件都可以禁止访问。

Folder Guard 24.8 Multilingual 中文注册版 - 文件夹软加密工具

还可以禁止访问开始菜单、控制面板等;灵活的控制方式,您可以指定一些程序为Trusted Modules可信任程序模块,像备份工具、磁盘扫描工具、病毒检测程序等等,您可以指定对它们允许访问加密文件夹的权利;占用内存极少,运行时大约只须30K的内存;同时支持网络计算机,对于来自网络的访问一样能够有效的控制;您还可以让Folder Guard自动记录登录信息、保护可移动存储介质等。

初次运行Folder Guard时,您应该首先给您的Folder Guard设置管理员密码,这样以后别人在没有密码的情况下就无法对Folder Guard的配置进行修改了。在File文件菜单里选择Password子菜单,然后选择Administrator’s Password系统管理员密码,输入您的密码并确认就行了,还有一个Folder Access Password目录访问权限密码是用于给目录指定访问密码的。

可以从任何程序中被隐藏,包括:Windows资源管理器、Office、MS-DOS 程序等;可对任何文档文件夹进行密码保护,防止入侵者在不知道密码的情况下访问个人文件;可以设置应用程序,只允许某些用户使用控制面板更改计算机设置,而拒绝其他用户;将备份程序指定为受信任的程序,在后台备份受保护的文件,而无需每次都询问密码;允许或拒绝对可移动驱动器的访问,限制用户在计算机上运行或安装未经授权的程序;可以选择特定的键盘组合作为您的程序热键,并且支持快速启用或禁用对电脑的保护;可保护电脑支持的任何文件系统上的文件和文件夹,包括:NTFS、FAT、FAT32 等。

Folder Guard software to protect files and folders is appropriate. The program enables users to easily access files, folders, and other Windows resources is limited. You can share the file or folder with a password. Hide them. Just read access manager. Front access to USB and copy your files into it. You can get the access to the Windows Control Panel. Note that files that are hidden by the program only through this app and you can not rerun by DoS and other techniques to access them. Also in the limiting users can even limit the user’s administrator. It’s not like you as a regular user with the program administrators with access to the encrypted file and leave it open. Admin password will be required to open.

Folder guard can help prevent the installation of applications or open applications and enables you to place only to authorized users. Another interesting feature of this app allows you to lock down USB drives, CD-ROM and other removable drives. You can also adjust the front-end application access to the media by unauthorized users and only to certain people permission to access. The program is very simple graphical interface is designed to work with no complicated steps. Wherever they need to explain the program gives you enough information. If your computer has multiple users, and are concerned about the security of your files from the app.

Folder Guard Compatibility:

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with Windows
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022

Folder Guard 24.8 Multilingual 中文注册版 – 文件夹软加密工具
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-1347905152-7efac0?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qvl_7mr_HnChiJoTFbCi6Q 提取码: w4u6

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