Siemens NX 2406 Build 4001 (NX 2406 Series) x64 中文注册版是一个领先的CAD/CAM/CAE系统,基于旨在创建任何复杂产品的最佳技术。 该系统的主要任务最终是降低产品创建成本,提高其质量并缩短上市时间。 这允许公司在短时间内退还用于购买和实施Unigraphics的投资。 在俄罗斯,Unigraphics占据了强大的地位,这要归功于在各个行业领域(航空工业、发动机行业、汽车、机械工程等)使用该系统的广泛可能性,以及使用现代技术,在产品创建的所有阶段为用户提供先进的MCAD解决方案。 Unigraphics系统在俄罗斯市场的成功得到了广泛的用户群的证实,以及他们因使用该系统而取得的成功。
Siemens NX 软件是一款既灵活又功能强大的集成式解决方案,有助于您更快更高效地提供更优质的产品。 NX 提供了下一代的设计、仿真和制造解决方案,支持公司实现数字孪生的价值。NX 支持产品开发中从概念设计到工程和制造的各个方面,为您提供了一套集成的工具集,用于协调不同学科、保持数据完整性和设计意图以及简化整个流程。
西门子是第一家提供连续发布模式的CAD/CAM/CAE软件公司。 有了NX连续发布,升级是快速、自动化和无缝的。西门子数字工业软件是全球领先的产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件和服务提供商,在全球拥有700万个许可席位和71000个客户。 西门子数字工业软件总部位于德克萨斯州普莱诺,与公司合作,提供开放式解决方案,帮助他们将更多想法转化为成功产品。
Siemens NX is a integrated software for product design, engineering and production, is that you in the field to provide better, faster, and more effective products can help you. With new functionality and improved the latest version of NX speed and efficiency throughout product development improves. See how NX CAD, CAM and CAE can to speed you in the design, engineering and build processes accelerate.
Specs and features of the Software Siemens NX :
- Advanced solutions for conceptual design, modelling, 3D documents
- Simulation of multi-filament to the structure, move, heat. flow and applications physical
- Solutions complete part production for molding, machining, and quality inspection
- New functionality and improved for the design of 2-dimensional-based modeling, drafting and documentation, design, industry specific
- Tool body design: the introduction of a set of design tools, aerospace
- The design of the complex form
- Accelerate conceptual design with layout of the NX
- Increase the life of the tool cutting methods new
- Full cycle design productivity: speed and more flexibility with the design tool, industry-specific options, and new user interaction
- Increase technology simultaneously to design 2D
- Design and visualize the full layout with the use of the platform, Siemens
Siemens NX 2406 Build 4001 (NX 2406 Series) x64 Multilingual 中文注册版