
Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具

Navicat Premium 是一套数据库管理工具,让你以单一程序同時连接到 MySQL、MariaDB、SQL Server、SQLite、Oracle 和 PostgreSQL 数据库。 此外,它与 Drizzle、OurDelta 和 Percona Server 兼容,并支持 Amazon RDS、Amazon Aurora、Amazon Redshift、SQL Azure、Oracle Cloud 和 Google Cloud 等云数据库。

Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具

结合了其他 Navicat 成员的功能,Navicat Premium 支持大部份在现今数据库管理系统中使用的功能,包括存储过程、事件、触发器、函数、视图等。

Navicat Premium 能使你快速地在各种数据库系统间传输数据,或传输到一份指定 SQL 格式和编码的纯文本文件。计划不同数据库的批处理作业并在指定的时间运行。其他功能包括导入向导、导出向导、查询创建工具、报表创建工具、数据同步、备份、工作计划及更多。Navicat 的功能足以符合专业开发人员的所有需求,但是对数据库服务器的新手来说又相当容易学习。

Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具


Navicat 可以让你通过 SSH 通道创建安全的 SSH 阶段作业,确保两台主机之间的连接受到强大验证和安全加密的保护。验证方式可使用密码或公钥和私钥对。Navicat 亦支持 HTTP 通道,让你灵活地绕过限制直接数据库服务器连接的互联网服务供应商。


使用专业的对象设计器创建、修改和设计所有数据库对象,例如:表、视图、函数、过程、索引、触发器和序列。无需编写复杂的 SQL 来创建和编辑对象,你会知道你正使用什么选项。

Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具



Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具



SQL 创建工具

视觉化 SQL 创建工具让你创建和编辑查询或视图,而不必担心语法和正确命令的用法。选择你想在表中执行的操作,它会为你编写 SQL 语句。

Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具


使用我们的自动完成代码功能,能快速地在 SQL 编辑器中创建 SQL 语句。无论你想选择的是数据库对象的属性或 SQL关键字,你只需从下拉列表中选择。


使用 Navicat 的逆向工程,你可以从一个现有的数据库创建数据库模型,可视化地显现和编辑你的数据库结构或创建一个图形模型,并由模型生成一个数据库。



导出 SQL 让你有机会全面控制最终的 SQL 脚本,生成参照完整性规则,生成模型的独立部份、注释、字符集等。它可以节省你的工作时间。


从不同格式的文件导入数据到表,例如 Access、Excel、XML、TXT、CSV、JSON 及更多。而且,在设置数据源连接后,你可以从 ODBC 导入数据。只需简单地选择你要导入的表,或使用添加查询按钮指定查询。同样,你可以将数据导出到各种格式,如 Excel、TXT、CSV、DBF、XML 等。

Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具


在多个不同的数据库系统间轻松地传输数据 – MySQL、MariaDB、SQL Server、Oracle、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite 数据库。你可以选择以指定的 SQL 格式和编码导出数据为 SQL 文件。这个功能可大大的简化迁移数据的进程。



Navicat Premium v12.1.25/12.1.27 Win/Mac 简体中文/繁体中文/英文注册版-数据库管理工具




不同数据库的设置文件可以创建在单一批处理作业,这样你就可以设置计划并在指定的时间运行。批处理作业可以创建的对象包括打印报表、数据库备份、查询、数据传输、数据同步、导入和导出。当任务完成后,Navicat 可自动传送电子邮件通知给你指定的收件人。此外,导出的文件或打印的报表可以添加到批处理作业作为电子邮件附件,让你可以轻易与其他人共享你的数据。

Oct 2 2019  Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.24

  1. Failed to update records in table viewer.
  2. “Input profile is invalid” error occurred when opening export query profiles.
  3. Tab was exported instead of “,” when scheduling to export CSV files.
  4. Automation was failed when scheduling export profile and import profile.
  5. Unable to copy and paste “,” comma decimal separator.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Sep 17 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.23

  1. Export process was slow.
  2. Error occurred when editing Stored Aggregate Functions.
  3. Unable to restore tables that included “pg_catalog”.”name” type.
  4. Unable to dump the default value of TIMESTAMP field.
  5. Synchronize to Database feature wrongly detected differences of unique constraints.
  6. Unable to show multiple values for list partitioning in PostgreSQL partition table.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Aug 1 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.22

  1. Copy and paste data issue in Table Viewer.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Jul 30 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.21

  1. Unable to list users for MariaDB 10.4.
  2. Code Completion did not work in some cases.
  3. Unable to import signed numbers when there was spaces between the sign and the number.
  4. A double quote was added to the JSONB column index (PostgreSQL).
  5. Unable to map a source field to multiple target fields in Import Wizard.
  6. DELIMITER statements did not work in Console.
  7. “Synchronize to Database” incorrectly detected differences for unique constraints (PostgreSQL).
  8. “Cannot open file” error occurred when scheduling export profiles in some cases.
  9. “IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table” error occurred when transferring tables (SQL Server).
  10. Unable to show empty fields in query result sets.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Jun 10 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.20

  1. “syntax error at end of input” error occurred when running CREATE RULE statement in Query Editor.
  2. “Unknown Internal Error” occurred when opening Table Designer.
  3. “syntax error at or near “VERBOSE”” occurred when using Vacuum Analyze on PostgreSQL 11 tables.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
May 23 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.19

  1. Text editor did not display the full text in some cases.
  2. Data Synchronization inserted values into Generated Columns.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Apr 17 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.18

  1. Error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4.0.
  2. Unable to execute SQL files that contain “NaN” values.
  3. Primary Key checkbox was deselected when tabbing to the next field in Table Designer.
  4. “Unknown Internal” error occurred when importing data.
  5. The DDL of PostgreSQL tables with “tstzrange” data type was incorrect.
  6. Table Designer cannot show the definition of MySQL 5.0 triggers.
  7. Unable to set the precision of “datetime2” data type to 0 in Table Designer.
  8. The deployment scripts generated incorrect default value in Structure Synchronization.
  9. “Access Violation” error occurred after editing the data pipeline in Report.
  10. “Unknown Internal” error occurred when using Automation.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Mar 21 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.17

  1. SQLite table structure cannot be modified when using an HTTP tunnel.
  2. Query result pane size did not retain after minimizing the window.
  3. Paradox tables cannot be imported.
  4. Unknown Internal error occurred when importing data.
  5. Unknown Internal error occurred when opening GridFS Buckets.
  6. “On Update Current Timestamp” option did not reflect the settings when using ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode.
  7. Column order was incorrect when importing database to model.
  8. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Feb 26 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.16

  1. “Replace All” button was unable to replace the last occurrence in Query Editor.
  2. Code completion suggestion list did not show on the same screen as the editor.
  3. Crashed when opening Oracle table with Spatial data.
  4. A table was mistakenly transferred even it was not selected.
  5. Incorrect syntax highlighting issue in Query Editor.
  6. MySQL trigger definition displayed \\ as \ .
  7. Unable to transfer unique index from MySQL to SQLite.
  8. Filter criteria input box was not retained when switching applications.
  9. Drag and drop selected text on Query Editor did not move the text.
  10. JSON expression did not display correctly in Table Designer.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Feb 13 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.15

  1. Add a “Drop with CASCADE” option for deleting PostgreSQL objects.


  1. Crashed when opening Oracle table with Spatial data.
  2. “Cannot add foreign key constraint” error occurred when importing Access file.
  3. Code completion box displayed off the bottom of the screen and partially obscured.
  4. Unable to customize query result tab name by using /*NAME:XYZ*/ .
  5. Hanged when executing script files in MongoDB server.
  6. Boolean or BIT(1) values importing, exporting and transferring issue.
  7. Copying table field names in Table Designer was slow.
  8. Table Form view was unable to show jpg images.
  9. Unable to import data when using Append/Update mode.
  10. Importing files to Oracle server was slow.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Jan 10 2019 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.12

  1. Error occurred when modifying a MongoDB view and auth was enabled.
  2. Unable to change variable’s value when debugging Oracle function.
  3. SQL order issue in Structure Synchronization.
  4. Console window was not colored when connection coloring were set.
  5. Unable to specify the minimum property when designing a collection in MongoDB.
  6. Unable to save PostgreSQL function in some cases.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Nov 23 2018 Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.10

  1. Added the “Include Owner” or “Include Definer” option in Data Transfer.


  1. Geometry field precision was lost when transferring MySQL/MariaDB tables.
  2. Field types and length did not show in PostgreSQL Table Designer when using HTTP tunnel connection.
  3. List index out of bounds error occurred when inserting data in Table Viewer.
  4. Unable to shrink the last column on the Process List tab in Server Monitor.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.


官网更新记录: https://www.navicat.com/en/products/navicat-premium-release-note



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for x64: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat121_premium_ct_x64.exe

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for x64: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat121_premium_en_x64.exe

for MacOS: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat121_premium_en.dmg



for x86: http://www.navicat.com.cn/installers/navicat120_premium_cs_x86.exe

for x64: http://www.navicat.com.cn/installers/navicat120_premium_cs_x64.exe

for MacOS: http://www.navicat.com.cn/installers/navicat120_premium_cs.dmg


for x86: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat120_premium_ct_x86.exe

for x64: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat120_premium_ct_x64.exe

for MacOS: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat120_premium_cs.dmg


for x86: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat120_premium_en_x86.exe

for x64: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat120_premium_en_x64.exe

for MacOS: http://download3.navicat.com/download/navicat120_premium_en.dmg



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