Adobe在Max大会上推出了全新的桌面端UX原型工具Project Comet,这是新一代网页与移动应用的UX设计工具。现在,Adobe将Project Comet改名为Experience Design,也就是Xd。整个软件的界面非常清爽,工具栏非常简洁,如果美工们对Sketch的使用很熟悉,那基本不需要任何额外的学习就可以直接上手干活了。
打开Xd软件界面,默认手机、Pad、网页和自定义尺寸。像Sketch一样,可以根据不同的端口设计,提供了非常丰富的设计尺寸可以选择。同时还自带了一些常用的UI Kits,比如 iOS、Google Material 等。这样就可以帮助设计师快速从素材库选取内容搭建页面,十分人性化。
- 无标尺功能,在不拖动物体的情况下无法做到如 PS 或 Sketch 一样,直接查看对象之间的间距尺寸。
- 无缩放工具,无法做到如 Sketch 一样做到针对特定对象的聚焦缩放。
- 无像素预览模式,所以无法做到图标边缘的像素对齐,在输出 PNG 格式切图时会出现边缘模糊的情况。
- 目前仅支持纯色填充,无渐变或其他选项。
- 文字属性目前仅支持对齐方式及字间距的调整,无行高、段落等选项。
- 支持编辑节点 ,但无端点、交点、虚线、闭合路径、描边扩展等选项。
- 圆角矩形无法如 AI 一样,单独调整某一圆角的度数。
- 支持页面之间的交互跳转,不支持同一页面控件间的位移、缩放及透明度动画。
所以目前版本的 Xd 是无法独立完成界面以及图标的绘制。当然,这些问题对于 adobe 来说应该不存在技术难点。问题在于 Xd 的定位是一款需要与 PS、AI 协作的轻量化交互原型工具,还是更趋于独立。值得一提的是 Xd 提供了一种新的控制模式 Repeat Gird,在此我将其称作批量控制。选中任意对象后点击此按钮,对象的定界框会由蓝色变为绿色,同时在水平和竖直方向多出两个圆角矩形的按钮,点击并拖动按钮即可在不同方向上对该对象进行批量复制,同时可以通过点击对象之间的区域进行拖动来批量调整所有对象之间的间距。
总而言之,Xd 作为一款新的交互软件,在它的身上我们能够看到不少新兴工具的身影。同时也能看出 Adobe 公司突破其已有软件束缚,所做的一些新尝试。虽然软件本身还有着许多不足之处,但对于产品设计师来讲,它的一些功能还是可圈可点的。正如其官网所述:A new experience in user experience。期待 Adobe 能够给我们带来更多新的惊喜。
What’s new in Adobe XD.
Interactive prototypes
Switch from design to prototype mode with a single click, and connect artboards to communicate the flow and paths of multiscreen apps. Connect design elements from one artboard to another, including Repeat Grid cells. Add interactions with intuitive visual controls to test and validate the experience.
Publish prototypes for feedback
Generate shareable web links to get feedback on your designs, or embed them on Behance or a web page. Reviewers can comment directly on your prototypes and specific parts of your design. You’ll get notified when they make comments, and they can simply refresh their browsers to see your changes.
Fast, versatile artboards
Whether you’re working with one artboard or a hundred, XD gives you the same fast performance. Design for different screens and devices. Pan and zoom without lag time. Choose from preset sizes or define your own, and copy between artboards without losing placement of your design elements.
Repeat Grid
Select items in your design, such as a contact list or photo gallery, and replicate them horizontally or vertically as many times as you want — all your styles and spacing stay intact. Update an element once and your changes will update everywhere.
Cross-platform support
Adobe XD natively supports multiple operating systems, including Windows 10 (Universal Windows Platform), Mac, Android, and iOS.
Assets panel
Make colors and character styles easily available for reuse by adding them to the Assets panel (formerly the Symbols panel), which automatically includes symbols. Edit any color or character style in the panel and the changes will be reflected throughout your document.
Reimagined symbols
Save time with symbols, reusable design elements that eliminate the need to find and edit each instance of an asset across a document. Update one and they’ll update everywhere, or choose to override specific instances. Symbols can be vector graphics, raster images, or text objects, and they can also be used as objects within Repeat Grids.
Creative Cloud Libraries
With Creative Cloud Libraries integration, you can access and apply colors and character styles created in Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, and other Creative Cloud applications from inside XD, and reuse them anywhere in your documents.
Contextual Property Inspector
Work in an uncluttered space thanks to the context-aware Property Inspector, which only displays options for the objects you’ve selected. Modify properties like border color and thickness, fill colors, shadows, blurs, opacity, and rotation, and access options for alignment, dimensions, and Repeat Grid.
Smart canvas navigation
Easily zoom in on a specific area of your design, or make a selection on an artboard and use a shortcut to zoom right to it. Pan or zoom with your mouse, touchpad, or keyboard shortcuts. And get great performance even if you have hundreds of artboards.
Contextual layers
Stay organized and focused while managing complex designs thanks to a contextual approach to layers. XD highlights only the layers associated with the artboard you’re working on, so you can quickly and easily find what you need.
Layout guidance tools
Seamlessly draw, reuse, and remix design elements using snap-to grids and other intuitive layout tools that help you create relative measurements between objects, mask with shapes, group, lock, align, and distribute design elements, and more.
Blur effects
Quickly blur a specific object or an entire background to change the focal point of your design, giving it depth and dimension.
Versatile linear gradients
Create beautiful linear gradients using simple yet precise visual controls in the Color Picker. You can also import gradients from Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC.
Modern Pen tool
Draw shapes and paths easily with the Pen tool. Use custom paths, add or remove anchor points, easily manipulate lines, and switch between curved and angled paths — all with the same tool.
Boolean group editing
Create and experiment with complex shapes by combining groups of objects using non-destructive Boolean operators.
Typography styling
Style text with precise control to enhance the user experience. Easily adjust typographical elements like font, typeface, size, alignment, character spacing, and line spacing. Change the appearance of your text the same way you change other elements in XD like opacity, fill, background and blur effects, and borders.
Streamlined color control
Pick colors by entering exact values or by sampling from inside or outside XD with the Eyedropper. Create and save color swatches, and use shortcuts for hexadecimal codes in the Color Picker.
UI resources
Quickly design and prototype for Apple iOS, Google Material Design, and Microsoft Windows devices using high-quality user interface components.
Copy and paste from other design apps
Bring artwork into XD from a wide range of design apps, including Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, and InDesign CC.
In-context iOS and Android previews
Preview your designs and all interactions on the actual devices you’re targeting. Make changes on the desktop and then test them on your devices for fidelity and usability.
Hotspot hinting
Automatically highlight the hotspots in your prototype so users can see which areas are interactive and clickable.
Prototype management
Create multiple URLs from the same file to share different versions of your prototype. Share an unlimited number of prototypes, and easily access and delete them from your Creative Cloud account.
Record prototype interactions as videos
As you click through your preview, record an MP4 file to share with your team or stakeholders. You can also generate a link to your prototype to share (Mac only).
Export artwork, assets, and artboards
Export images and designs in PNG and SVG formats, which you can configure for iOS, Android, web, or your own custom settings. Export an entire artboard or individual elements. And share assets and artboards by exporting them as individual PDF files or as a single PDF file.
Multi-language support
Supported languages include English, French, German, Japanese, and Korean.
Adobe XD CC v27.0.12 for Win 正式注册版
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Adobe XD CC v1.0.12 for Win 正式注册版
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