
Exposure X7 v7.1.5.197 Win/Mac 正式注册版

Exposure X7 是屡获殊荣的RAW照片编辑器、组织器和滤镜工具,软件本身非常专业,功能强大,可以独立运行,也可以作为PhotoshopLightroom的插件,主要达到的效果就是将普通的照片渲染成胶片的曝光效果,使其看起来有一种复古和经典的感觉,Exposure X7 操作简单,效果选择面广,有上百种胶片效果,而且支持色彩编辑,如曝光度、冷暖度、对比度及锐度等等,在PS圈内尤其流行。

Exposure X7 v7.1.5.197 Win/Mac 正式注册版

Exposure X7 可让您创建精美的图像并掌握您的工作流程。十多年来,Exposure 通过无与伦比的创意工具帮助摄影师将他们的图像变为现实。

Exposure X7 功能特性:
* 使用画笔工具无缝混合调整
* 使用刷子对图像进行调整
* 选择性地应用具有径向,平面和半平面渐变的效果
* 修复或克隆以修饰人像或消除照片中的小干扰
* 叠加混合模式–不透明度,乘法,屏幕,叠加,强光
* 高质量的原始处理算法可显着增强阴影和高光细节
* 调整对黑白转换中使用的颜色的敏感度
* 查看照片的完整编辑历史记录,并查看特定的滑块值
* 导入在互联网上找到并由其他照片和视频编辑程序导出的LUT
* 超过500种图片预设
* 导出或打印时给照片加水印
* 将文件拖动到Apple Finder或Windows资源管理器以复制或移动它们
* Lightroom文件夹将转换为Exposure书签,可以将Lightroom调整后的图像与原件一起导出以供参考
* 选择条纹的颜色以使用预定义的常见条纹颜色或吸管进行校正

Exposure X7 新增功能 :
① 新的 3D色彩遮罩
② 全新的完整镜头校正解决方案
③ 全新的Defringe工具
④ 新的相机预设
⑤ 更快的启动时间,图像加载和图像导出
⑥ 弹出色调曲线到可调整大小的窗口中
⑦ 将DCP文件应用于原始照片

Exposure X7 is an advanced, non-destructive RAW editor. Its many features exist to help you master your workflow and create beautiful images as efficiently as possible.

Creative Adjustments

NEW 3D Color Masking

  • new Enables precise control of where image adjustments are applied
  • new Specify areas defined by combinations of luminance, hue, and saturation
  • new Masking presets enable one-click selection of sky, foliage, skin tones, and more
  • new Quickly select mask constraints with an eyedropper tool

Nondestructive Layers

  • Layer effects, including presets and photo adjustments
  • No limit on number of layers
  • Seamlessly blend adjustments using the brush tool
  • Work on layers in multiple photos simultaneously
  • Adjust the opacity of each layer

Exposure X7 v7.1.5.197 Win/Mac 正式注册版

Brush Tool

  • Portrait touch ups
  • Enhance Iris
  • Soften Skin
  • Whiten Teeth
  • Remove Red Eye
  • Lighten or darken part of an image
  • Adjust warmth, clarity, and contrast
  • Make a preset affect a specific area
  • Stack effects
  • Adjust opacity

Linear and Radial Gradient Tools

  • Selectively apply effects with radial, planar, and half-planar gradients
  • Adjust opacity of the gradient

Spot Heal Tool

  • Heal or clone to touch up portraits or remove small distractions from a photo

Creative focus tools

  • Bokeh tool for creative focus effects
  • Radial blur for focusing attention on a subject
  • Planar blur enables tilt shift effects
  • Vignettes
  • Vignette Location tool displays exact center of the vignette on your image


  • Borders
  • Textures
  • Light effects
  • Sun flare, side, corner, and surround light effects
  • movable overlays enable precise placement and rotation of light effects
  • Batch overlay import
  • Overlay blend modes – Opacity, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Hard Light

Grain tools

  • Use presets or customize your own
  • Renders grain differently in shadows, midtones, and highlights to accurately emulate film grain

Infrared tools

  • Glow
  • Fog
  • Halation

Photo Editing

Core Editing Tools

  • Exposure, contrast, saturation, and other common adjustments
  • Adjustable overall intensity slider to blend effects with original image
  • High quality raw processing algorithm enables significant shadow and highlight detail enhancement

White Balance Adjustment

  • White balance eyedropper
  • Temperature and tint controls
  • Temperature slider uses Kelvin units
  • White balance presets for specific lighting scenarios
  • Keyboard shortcut toggles White Balance Picker

Color Editing

  • Adjust hue, saturation, and lightness using sliders for specific colors
  • Use targeted adjustment tools to adjust HSL for a selected color
  • Adjust saturation in shadows, midtones, and highlights
  • Apply warming and cooling with an easy slider adjustment
  • Apply lens filter simulations with any color you choose

Black and White Editing

  • Adjust sensitivity to colors used in B&W conversion
  • Sensitivity presets for frequently used conversion styles
  • Oranges and purples sensitivity sliders
  • Sensitivity adjustment tool to select color from image

Noise Reduction and Sharpening

Transform Tools

  • Adjust vertical and horizontal keystoning
  • Adjust rotation, scale, and offset
  • Adjust aspect
  • Optionally show grid while adjusting transform controls


  • Overlays show areas where highlights and shadows are clipped
  • Adjustable regions enable editing of specific tone ranges
  • Toggle highlight and shadow clip warnings with shortcut keys
  • Specify black or white clip warning threshold
  • Display RGB value of pixel under cursor
  • Choose sample size – single pixel or 5×5 weighted average

Complete Edit History

  • Review the full editing history of a photo and see specific slider values
  • Mouse hover over a previous edit to see how the photo looked at that point
  • Easily revert to a previous editing step
  • Option to limit the number of edit history entries

Look Up Table (LUT) Support

  • Apply industry-standard LUT adjustments to photos
  • Import LUTs found on the internet and exported by other photo and video editing programs
  • Visually browse installed LUTs for easy selection
  • Adjust intensity to tone down or punch up impact of effect

Tone Curve Editing

  • Precisely adjust image brightness with control points
  • Save tone curve presets to be reused
  • Adjust shadows, highlights, and contrast with sliders
  • Adjust intensity to tone down or punch up impact of effect
  • new Pop out tone curve into a resizable window


Over 500 Presets

Review our full list of presets

  • Subtle, modern portrait films
  • Saturation boost for landscapes
  • High-contrast black and white
  • Vintage looks, such as daguerreotype
  • Color and B&W Infrared films
  • Cinema looks
  • Faded looks for a hazy, dreamy effect
  • Bright looks that are great for outdoor portraits and weddings
  • Platinum print emulations and border overlays
  • Hundreds more looks, spanning the entire history of analog photography
  • Linear and radial presets
  • Presets that mimic the in-camera film simulations of Fujifilm cameras

Selective Presets

  • Create presets that affect only certain settings
  • Include or exclude layers from presets
  • Factory presets no longer affect basic and detail panels
  • Selective settings also available when copy/pasting
  • Choose which categories of settings are overwritten when pasting with the Paste Settings from Previous command
  • White balance is now a separate group

Audition Presets

  • Compare multiple presets on screen, then apply your choice with a single click
  • Flexible viewing options – Vertical, Horizontal, Columns, Rows, Quad, Six
  • Presets are highlighted in the Presets panel while they are being auditioned

Complete Photo Manager

NEW User-supplied camera profiles

  • new Apply DCP files to raw photos
  • new Controls the interpretation of color from RAW sensor data of a particular camera
  • new Applied at the start of the rendering pipeline
  • new Can adjust hue, saturation, and lightness of all colors
  • new Enables real-world accurate color reproduction
  • new Basic DCPs for fixed lighting conditions
  • new Dual illuminant DCPs for a range of lighting conditions
  • new Camera Presets
  • new Enable automatic application of DCPs to images from a particular camera
  • new Match by Camera Model or Serial Number
  • new Optionally match by Lens or ISO (exact, at least, at most, in range)
  • new Optionally apply a preset (e.g. Detail and Noise Reduction settings)
  • new Automatically applied in:
  • Folder Monitor
  • Copy-from-card
  • Browse to unmodified images
  • Reset (and Total Reset)

Smart Collections

  • Automatically populate collections based on criteria you specify
  • Organizational criteria – ratings, color labels, flags, and more
  • Photo criteria – camera make, capture time, exposure time, f-stop, and more
  • Metadata criteria – copyright, name, email, caption, keywords, and more
  • Editing criteria – edit time, has virtual copy, and more
  • Create Smart Collection from file list

Lightroom© Migration Tool

  • Lightroom folders are converted to Exposure bookmarks
  • Photo metadata is transferred to Exposure
  • Flag/Rating/Label
  • Copyright/Name/Email/Address/Title/Caption/Copy Name
  • Keywords
  • Collections
  • Orientation and Crop & Rotate
  • Lightroom-adjusted images can be exported alongside originals for reference


  • Apply keywords to add descriptive tags to your photo
  • Apply keywords during image copy
  • Retain or remove keywords during image export
  • Manage keywords and create keyword sets in the keyword library
  • Import keyword sets from Lightroom
  • Easily remove all keywords from a photo
  • Export a keyword set to Lightroom
  • Copy keywords to clipboard

Virtual Copies

  • Edit and export multiple variations of a single photo without taking up additional disk space
  • Create new virtual copy by right-clicking a preset


  • Quickly group images, no matter where they appear on your computer
  • Use subcollections for detailed categorization
  • Designate a collection to be the Quick Collection to quickly add photos to it with a keystroke
  • Optionally add all selected photos when creating a collection

Side-by-side image comparison view

  • Review multiple photos simultaneously to speed up image culling
  • Link views to synchronize panning and zooming of multiple images
  • Pin one or more images to keep them in view
  • Flexible viewing options – Vertical, Horizontal, Columns, Rows, Quad, Six

Review and edit photo metadata

  • Title and Caption metadata fields
  • Create and apply metadata presets from the metadata panel
  • File size available in metadata panel and info overlay options
  • Collection information now shown in Metadata panel
  • Add photo to collection via text entry or menu
  • Navigate to collection

Search and filter photos

  • Full text search of photo metadata
  • Filter by metadata, ratings, or keywords

File and folder operations (copy, move, rename, delete)

  • File rename uses flexible naming templates
  • Names are synced when renaming RAW+JPEG shots

Watermark photos when exporting or printing

  • Compose a watermark from multiple text and graphic elements
  • Text elements can include items from image metadata
  • Adjust size, location, opacity, and more
  • Save watermark settings in a workflow preset for easy reuse
  • Place watermark elements using precise move and rotate tool

More Organizing Tools

  • Drag files to Apple Finder or Windows Explorer to copy or move them
  • Drag an image or folder onto Exposure to visit that folder and create a bookmark
  • Batch file renaming
  • Adjust capture time
  • Full text search to find images by a variety of criteria
  • Flexible selection and sorting options
  • Ability to create and manage workflow presets (import, export, categorize, rename, and more)


  • Print one or more photos at a time
  • Preview the print job before sending to the printer
  • Print multiple images per page, with flexible row and column options
  • Auto-rotate images to best match print area
  • Create full-bleed prints using flexible margin adjustments
  • Specify paper size in inches, millimeters, or points
  • Apply output sharpening for specific paper types
  • Apply watermarks to printed photos
  • Zoom-to-fill option to fill entire cell, and adjust crop for individual cells
  • Match orientation of printed photos to cells option
  • Print one image per page option
  • Keep square option
  • Presets for print settings
  • Save/restore sets of print settings
  • Save/restore selected printer and paper source (Windows only)
  • Print dialog remembers your previous settings
  • Factory presets
  • Common print sizes like 4×6 and 5×7
  • Contact sheets

Support for many compact, DSLR, and mirrorless cameras

Review our full list of supported cameras

NEW Complete lens correction solution

Review our full list of supported lenses

  • Automatic selection of lens correction profile from photo metadata
  • Select which lens profile to use or turn it off completely
  • Distortion correction
  • Profile-based or (new) manual correction: apply barrel/pin-cushion transformation to counteract lens distortion
  • new Vignette correction: counteract darkening around the edges
  • new Profile-based or manual
  • new Chromatic aberration correction: counteract per-color focus differences caused by the physical properties of light traveling through the lens
  • new Profile-based or manual
  • new Save and reuse lens correction settings as presets

NEW Defringe Tool

  • new Fixes color fringing problems that are not counteracted by the lens correction
  • new Algorithmic detection and removal of color fringes
  • new Select the color of the fringe to correct with predefined common fringe colors or eyedropper
  • new Save and reuse defringe settings as Presets

Supports a variety of file types (RAW, TIFF, JPEG, DNG)

PSD support

  • Browse thumbnails for Photoshop files
  • Add Exposure effects to Photoshop composites
  • Launch Photoshop as an external editor directly from Exposure

Transform Orientation

  • Rotate 90° clockwise and counterclockwise
  • new Flip horizontal and vertical

Non-destructive Workflow

Catalog-free workflow

  • No need to import images
  • Easy moving of images between computers or external storage
  • Easy backup
  • Cloud syncing to easily work from multiple computers or collaborate

Copy from card

  • Display visual preview of source images
  • Select source images to copy
  • Apply one or more editing presets on copy
  • Add to one or more collections on copy
  • Add one or more keywords on copy
  • Preserve file creation and modification times
  • File names are kept in sync in RAW+JPEG shots
  • Number suffix file naming option for preserving camera sequence
  • Optionally reset a sequence each time it is used
  • Copy from multiple cards at once
  • Organize and edit photos while copy happens in background
  • Apply metadata during card copy
  • Add photos to a collection during card copy
  • Back up photos to a second location when copying
  • Photos from the latest card copy are automatically added to a Last Copy from Card collection

Send photos to an external editor

  • Launch photos in other programs
  • Send original files with Edit Copy In
  • Send exported images with Exposure edits using Edit Copy In
  • Designate a favorite editor for launching with a key shortcut
  • Edit Copy In uses a full naming template, custom resolution setting, and presets

Monitored Folders

  • Monitor any folder in the folder panel
  • Use with tethered cameras and tethering software provided by your camera manufacturer
  • Auto-select new files
  • Rename new files using file naming presets
  • Apply presets as files are added
  • When more than one preset is applied, a virtual copy is created for each
  • Apply metadata as files are added
  • Add keywords as files are added
  • Add to collection as files are added

Flexible File Export

  • Export to JPEG, TIFF, and PSD
  • Export destinations include folder, special folder (like Desktop or Pictures) or prompt each time
  • Include a variety of metadata in file and folder name with advanced naming templates
  • Export presets allow easy reuse of frequently used settings
  • Export destination can create multiple subfolders and use metadata for folder names
  • Quick Export enables fast access to frequently used export recipes via mouse or keyboard shortcut
  • Includes built-in, customizable Quick Export profiles for popular social media and print services
  • Apply output sharpening for specific paper types
  • Quickly preview watermark from Export dialog
  • Custom Text / Ask option prompts for text to use in file name or folder templates
  • File creation time is set to match image capture time
  • Sequence numbers are generated in order of the selected sort
  • Number suffix file naming option for preserving camera sequence
  • Optionally reset a sequence each time it is used
  • Downsize image on export
  • Constrain by dimensions, long edge, short edge, height, width, megapixels, or percentage

User Interface

Customizable User Interface

  • Reposition and hide panels
  • Solo mode to work with one panel at a time
  • Multiple monitor and full-screen support
  • Optionally place right and left docks on the secondary window
  • Show/hide tagging and filtering controls
  • Grid view allows up to 20 columns

Edit photos side-by-side

Auto Updater

  • Notifies about available updates

User Interface Languages

  • English
  • French
  • German

Configurable Shortcut Keys

  • Keyboard shortcuts to increase/decrease grid thumbnail size
  • Designate one or more keyboard shortcuts for editing and organizing functions
  • Shortcut presets manage multiple key layouts
  • Included Lightroom-compatible layout eases migration
  • Use arrow keys to position various in-preview controls
  • Shift-arrow to move 10x
  • Alt-up/down to rotate (shift-alt-up/down to rotate 10x)
  • Applies to spot fixes, brush gradients, Bokeh regions, Overlay move/rotate handles, and Watermark move/rotate handles
  • Keyboard shortcuts to toggle individual docks
  • Keyboard shortcuts to increase/decrease grid thumbnail size

High-Resolution Display Support

  • User interface scales on Mac Retina and Windows High-DPI displays


Exposure X7 v7.1.5.197 Win/Mac 正式注册版


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