
Symantec Ghost v12.0.0.11531 BootCD x86/x64 - 赛门铁克Ghost备份恢复

Symantec Ghost Boot CD 12 它可以创建和还原整个磁盘、分区或单个文件夹的备份映像,即使一切似乎都受到损害,您也可以恢复系统。它支持最新版的Windows 11 & Windows 10 x86/x64 操作系统。Norton Ghost 支持热备份,这意味着您可以在救援操作期间继续使用 Windows 及其应用程序。也没有用于按预定义间隔或发生某些事件时计划这些操作的选项。副本可以上传到系统的分区,CD / DVD,蓝光或USB可移动媒体上。Ghost 可以备份和恢复存储在计算机上的重要数据。它的工作原理是制作计算机的完整系统映像,该映像可以在硬盘驱动器故障或无法进入操作系统时恢复,从而使您可以在不丢失数据的情况下继续工作。

Symantec Ghost v12.0.0.11531 BootCD x86/x64 - 赛门铁克Ghost备份恢复

Symantec 的 Symantec Ghost Boot CD for Windows 允许您创建完整的系统备份,在发生硬盘故障或重大系统问题时,可用于还原计算机。Ghost允许您备份到任何类型的媒体,包括CD和DVD光盘,外部硬盘驱动器或Iomega Zip和Jazz磁盘。您甚至可以计划增量备份,从而允许您仅备份自上次备份以来已更改的项目。Ghost是备份和快速恢复计算机系统的绝佳选择。

Symantec Ghost Boot CD 12  该软件具有增量备份、计划备份和触发备份等高级功能,有助于以最佳方式保护存储在计算机系统上的数据。Ghost 具有 LightsOut Restore 功能,允许您通过磁盘上的软件恢复系统。这有助于在不需要可引导 CD 的情况下进行恢复。您还可以从恢复映像创建与VMWare 和 Microsoft 格式兼容的虚拟磁盘映像。

Symantec Ghost v12.0.0.11531 BootCD x86/x64 - 赛门铁克Ghost备份恢复

Symantec Ghost Boot CD – creates and restores backup images of the entire disk, partition, or individual folders, and allows you to recover the system even when everything seems compromised.Norton Ghost operations happen “hot”, which means that you can continue to use Windows and its applications during rescue operations. There are also no options for scheduling these actions at predefined intervals or when certain events occur. The copy can be uploaded to a partition of your system, on a CD / DVD, on Blu-ray or on a USB removable media.

The Symantec Ghost Boot CD for Windows from Symantec allows you to create a full system backup that you can use to restore your computer in the event of a hard drive failure or major system problem. Ghost allows you to backup to any type of media, including CD and DVD discs, external hard drives or Iomega Zip and Jazz disks. You can even schedule incremental backups, allowing you to backup only items that have changed since your last backup. Ghost is an excellent option for backing up and quickly restoring your computer system.

Ghost can backup and recover the important data stored on your computer. It works by making a full system image of your computer which can be restored in the event of a hard drive failure or if you can’t enter your operating system, allowing you to pick up working without losing data.

Overview of Symantec Ghost Boot CD 12 Features

– The software features advanced features such as incremental backup, scheduled backups and triggered backups to help optimally protect the data stored on your computer system.
– Ghost features a LightsOut Restore feature that allows you to restore a system via on-disk software. This facilitates restoration without the need for a bootable CD. You’ll also be able to create a virtual disk image, compatible with VMWare and Microsoft formats, from a recovery image.

Symantec Corporation, the world’s leading cyber security company, helps organizations, governments and people secure their most important data wherever it lives. Organizations across the world look to Symantec for strategic, integrated solutions to defend against sophisticated attacks across endpoints, cloud and infrastructure. Likewise, a global community of more than 50 million people and families rely on Symantec’s Norton and LifeLock product suites to protect their digital lives at home and across their devices. Symantec operates one of the world’s largest civilian cyber intelligence networks, allowing it to see and protect against the most advanced threats.

Symantec Ghost v12.0.0.11531 BootCD x86/x64 – 赛门铁克Ghost备份恢复
Download 诚通网盘 for x86:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-810537302-57cc2d?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 诚通网盘 for Win10 x64:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-810537026-47b1ad?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 诚通网盘 for Win11 x64:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-810536605-0949f8?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘 for x86:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NPM9-84uabMVbJGcnSnhIA 提取码: q2ah
Download 百度网盘 for Win10 x64:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YviskhgdrAf3lQQFXMZvRQ 提取码: g4dq
Download 百度网盘 for Win11 x64:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iMHyZqcK72esmf_FX1dxIg 提取码: qfr7

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