PWGen是一款功能强大的随机密码生成软件。PWGen可以帮助用户生成非常安全的密码,不仅可以生成密码,而且支持设置排列方式随机生成密码。本站提供PWGen下载,有需要的用户欢迎前来体验! PWGen可以生成难以记住的随机密码或容易记住的密码,可以以交互方式使用它,也可以通过脚本以批模式使用它。
在默认情况下,PWGen 向标准输出发送许多密码,一般来说,我们不需要这种结果;但是,如果希望选择要手工输入的一次性密码,这种输出是有用的。在生成密码时,PWGen 在默认情况下尝试在密码中包含数字和大写字母。
完全 Unicode 支持;
密码哈希值功能:生成基于主密码和参数字符串(例如:网站名称)密码,类似 Hashapass 工具;
可运行在 Win 95 OEM SR2/WinXP/Vista/Windows 7/Win 8/Windows 10以及所有更高版本 Windows 系统平台中;
-1 每行输出一个密码
-c 必须包含大写字母
-n 必须包含数字
-s 随机密码
3、pwgen 命令更多有趣的参数:
-B, –ambiguous:密码中不包含容易混淆的字符,比如说“1”和“l”、“0”和“O”.
-v, –no-vowels:密码不包括元音字母或者可能被误认为是元音字母的数字.
(1. 使用命令 PWGen 来生成一个长度为 10 个字符的独特的随机密码;生成一个独特的随机密码,一口气生成若干组长度为 50 个字符的唯一的随机密码!
(2.生成多组随机密码:你还可以使用 makepasswd 来每次生成一个给定长度的独特的随机密码.在你把玩 makepasswd 命令之前,请确保你已经安装了它.如若没有安装它,试试使用 Apt 或 YUM 包管理器来安装 makepasswd这个软件包.
5、生成一个长度为 10 个字符的随机密码.该命令产生的密码的长度默认为 10.
6、使用 makepasswd 生成独特的密码:生成一个长度为 50 个字符的随机密码;生成长度为 50 的密码;生成 7 个长度为 20 个字符的随机密码.
There are many ways to choose good (i.e., secure) passwords—but the best way is to let a random generator choose a password. If these passwords are long enough, it will take years, if not centuries, to find them by “brute force”. Computer programs like PWGen can assist you in generating random passwords, as humans are not very good at making up random numbers themselves. Unfortunately, random character sequences like zio5FcV7J are fairly hard to memorize (although this is possible and probably not as difficult as you might imagine), so you may want to try passphrases composed of words from a word list instead: Five words from a word list with 8000 words or more are sufficient in most cases to create a high-quality passphrase; moreover, the security can easily be increased by adding some random characters.
The need for secure passwords has grown since the advent of the Internet and its many websites where the access to certain resources (message board, user account, and so on) is controlled by a user name/password pair. Fortunately, since the invention of so-called password safes, you don’t have to remember all these passwords anymore—you just store them in the password safe which is protected by a “master password” (that must be memorized carefully, of course). As this master password is used to protect highly sensi-tive data, it should conform to the highest security level possible. The security level, which grows with increasing password length, is only limited by the user’s ability to mem-orize random characters or words. With some effort, most people are certainly able to memorize a 90-bit password.
PWGen is capable of generating cryptographically secure random passwords and passphrases conforming to highest security levels. It can be used to generate master passwords, account passwords and generally all sorts of random sequences. It also offers the option to create lots of passwords at once. Just give it a try!
Program Features
●Password generation based on a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator (combination of SHA-256 and AES)
● Entropy gathering by measuring time intervals between keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks; additionally, entropy from volatile system-specific parameters is collected in regular time intervals
● Generation of pass phrases composed of words from a word list
● Pattern-based password generation (formatted passwords) provides nearly endless possibilities to customize passwords to the user’s needs
● Generation of phonetic (pronounceable) passwords based on language-specific trigram (3-letter sequences) frequencies
● Numerous password options for various purposes
● Generation of large amounts of passwords at once
● “Password hasher” functionality
● Secure text encryption (AES with 256-bit key)
● Multilingual support
● Full Unicode Support
● Runs on all 32-bit & 64-bit Windows versions (i.e., Windows 95 [OEM SR2], NT 4.0, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Vista, Win7, 8, Win10; Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012).
PWGen v2.9.0/ 更新日志:
– New option “Specify length” for the “Include words” setting;
– Check on start-up if an instance of PWGen is already running;
– New option “Change font” in the context menu of the “Quick help” window;
– Changed hot keys for profiles from <Ctrl>+<Alt>+… to <Alt>+<Shift>+…;
– Password option “Include at least one lower-case letter” did not work for phonetic passwords with mixed-case letters;
软件下载地址: PS:中文版由软件缘蓝天星宇汉化。
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