
UFS Explorer Professional Recovery 5.20.3 x86/x64注册版附注册机- 专业数据恢复工具

UFS Explorer Professional Recovery是一款强大的、综合的、但是易用的数据恢复软件,可以帮助用户进行快速和全面的数据恢复和反删除程序文件。支持各种Windows损坏的RAID阵列恢复支持系统, UFS的资源管理与专业恢复可以帮助您从不同的操作系统的文件系统的中恢复损坏或者丢失的文件,包括磁盘映像文件,虚拟磁盘,RAID阵列等,且不需另行扫描需要的数据。

UFS Explorer Professional Recovery 5.20.3 x86/x64注册版附注册机- 专业数据恢复工具

该软件允许打开磁盘映像,并通过领先的虚拟化软件厂商(包括VMware播放器,VMware工作站,VMware ESX服务器,VMware的融合,微软的Virtual PC,微软Hyper-V的Parallels Desktop等)的虚拟机产生的虚拟磁盘。该软件运行虚拟磁盘和磁盘映像文件完全相同的方式,好像他们是物理磁盘,并允许访问或恢复从磁盘映像和虚拟磁盘丢失的数据。

支持RAID系统的虚拟重构控制器或RAID元数据失败后恢复。能够轻松处理简单的RAID配置(如条带集 – RAID级别0,跨度,镜像 – RAID级别1),和复杂的RAID,如RAID 5和RAID 6上RAID RAID功能允许建立的RAID配置增加的复杂性,如RAID 50,RAID 60等支持运行时软件的虚拟镜像文件连同RAID定义语言使人们有可能建立自定义的RAID配置不同的数据分布算法。异步数据访问技术和自适应的RAID重建使恢复快,efficent。


软件打开磁盘映像文件或虚拟磁盘从UFS Explorer中打开一个文件系统。有了这个程序,你可以很容易地构建RAID存储的VMware ESX虚拟机(VMFS文件系统),开放虚拟直接从VMFS磁盘,并直接从虚拟机恢复数据,而不需要先提取虚拟磁盘。磁盘 – 磁盘上的软件功能可以激活各种低级别的数据访问工具,如访问运行Hyper-V服务器,访问存储在’水货’作业的文件系统的CD / DVD映像文件系统锁定虚拟磁盘系统等。

UFS Explorer Professional Recovery is a full-featured software application designed exclusively for data recovery specialists. The application successfully combines low-level data analysis and data management functions with high-level data recovery tools. UFS Explorer Professional Recovery is the only software of the UFS Explorer group that allows to alter original information on the storage.

Advanced multi-tool interface makes the software suit even complicated data recovery tasks. With UFS Explorer Professional Recovery you can carry out thorough data analysis and conduct full-scaled data recovery. Embedded RAID-Builder mechanism allows to build standard RAID configurations of any level. Moreover, ‘RAID definition language’ used by this software will let you build any custom RAID configuration. If necessary, low-level tools of UFS Explorer Professional Recovery allow to make permanent changes to the information initially contained on the storage. The software can be installed to several operating systems – Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS and Linux.

With consideration for user-friendliness software tools are grouped into several separate blocks each applicable to certain operations. Disk management system automatically defines storages and opens disk images, standard and custom RAID configurations as well as virtual disks of virtual machines. The system will let you open a disk partition or a storage device specifying name or mount point (disk letter, mount path etc.). UFS Explorer Professional Recovery embraces embedded Hex-Viewer tool that allows to view data on a disk or separate disk partition and alter including overwrite data on the storage. File manager allows to preview existing file system and recover data from it. Among other functions file manager includes files search and preview, data analysis, identification and positioning by file content and file descriptors. File system recovery manager allows to find files, preview found files and recover them to a local disk. For added convenience UFS Explorer Professional Recovery manages simultaneous performance of multitasking operations.

Designed for professionals this product requires at least basic user expertise. The software contains a set of safe read-only data analysis tools that allow to solve most practical data loss cases and a write-enabled hexadecimal editor to correct even severe cases of file system damages.

As a comprehensive multi-functional application UFS Explorer Professional Recovery will be perfect solution for detailed data analysis and professional recovery of lost and deleted data.

Download 城通网盘: http://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/QtB157012497
Download 百度云盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1slVcCbz 密码:qtwe
Download 360云盘: https://yunpan.cn/ckEu8tgL9j6wY 密码:ed23

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