
Eazy Image 6.0 多语言中文注册版附注册机 - 硬盘备份工具

Easy Image 是一个强大而易用的硬盘备份工具,可以保护资料免受电脑灾难的破坏,备份功能可以帮助您建立整个硬盘丶一个或多个磁区的备份影像档,该影像档可以还原到一个或多个磁区或光盘片上。

Eazy Image 6.0 多语言中文注册版附注册机 - 硬盘备份工具

作为电脑灾难备份工具软件, Easy Image 简单易用而且效率高。如果您的硬盘或分区因为文件中毒或作业系统损坏而导致无法启动或存取资料 , 您可以使用已经备份好的影像档还原到整个硬盘或单一分区上面。如果您的硬盘已经物理性损坏 ( 也就是撞坏 ) ,那麽您可以使用这些影像档在一个新的硬盘上还原整个硬盘或磁区。

在单一文件还原方面, Easy Image 相当快速而便捷。如果您的某个文件损坏了或丢失了,您可以使用 Easy Image 的 [ 浏览 ] 工具,从您先前备份的影像档中把指定的文件救援出来。

您也可以使用 Easy Image 把一台电脑上的作业系统丶应用程序丶文件资料备份到另一台电脑或新的硬盘上。在从影像档还原整个硬盘到新的硬盘的时候,您可以使用 Easy Image 移动目标磁区功能或改变磁区的大小。

Нis one worx where Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image fail ! Give it a try, it’s very good software ! Easy Image is an affordable and reliable drive image solution that allows you to create backup images of hard disks or partitions in user-friendly Windows interface with just several clicks. Easy Image protects your valuable data from disasters in the most simple and effective way!

Eazy Image 6.0 多语言中文注册版附注册机 - 硬盘备份工具

What can Easy Image be used for?

Use Easy Image as a backup program for disaster recovery. If your disk or partition is no longer accessible due to corruption of the disk’s file system or system files, and you previously created a disk image or partition image file, you will be able to use that image file to restore the disk or partition. If the hard disk is physically damaged, you can use the image file to restore the data to a new hard disk.

Use Easy Image for basic file recovery. If you lose a file and don’t have a dedicated file backup, any previously created image file containing the lost data can be read by Easy Image Explorer to extract the desired file from that image file.

Use Easy Image as a mean to transfer a computer’s entire operating system, with programs and data files intact, to a new computer or to a new hard disk. If you want to restore a system from an image file to a different hard disk, Easy Image can move or resize a partition’s location or size to suit the new hard disk.

Eazy Image 6.0 多语言中文注册版附注册机 - 硬盘备份工具

Easy Image Highlights

Real-time Hard Disk Imaging Backup – All your applications remain online during the hard drive backup. Easy Image performs hot backup and protects your system without interrupting your working process.

Fast and Reliable System Restore – Easy Image delivers fast workstations restore even from bare-metal state. You can browse backup images and restore separate files and folders or entire hard disk partitions and hard disks.

User-Friendly Recovery Media Builder – Easy Image includes a user-friendly recovery media builder that allows you to create and burn bootable recovery CD/DVDs containing HDD backup images.

Hardware and Software Flexibility – Wide range of software and hardware support, local or network backup media support as well as built-in CD/DVD Burner to place HDD backup images on CD/DVD delivers great flexibility to IT professionals and system administrators.

Eazy Image 6.0 多语言中文注册版附注册机 - 硬盘备份工具

Eazy Image Highlights

Real-time Hard Disk Imaging Backup – All your applications remain online during the hard drive backup. Eazy Image performs hot backup and protects your system without interrupting your working process.

Fast and Reliable System Restore – Eazy Image delivers fast workstations restore even from bare-metal state. You can browse backup images and restore separate files and folders or entire hard disk partitions and hard disks.

User-Friendly Recovery Media Builder – Eazy Image includes a user-friendly recovery media builder that allows you to create and burn bootable recovery CD/DVDs containing HDD backup images.

Hardware and Software Flexibility – Wide range of software and hardware support, local or network backup media support as well as built-in CD/DVD Burner to place HDD backup images on CD/DVD delivers great flexibility to IT professionals and system administrators.

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