XYPlorer 是一款多标签文件管理器,具有强大的文件搜索功能,各种预览功能,可以高度自定义的界面,以及一系列方法可以让你的电脑有效地自动处理周期性的任务。XYplorer是一个工具而非玩具,名副其实,绝对是高级用户和电脑高手苦苦寻找的浏览器替代品。支持Windows 7 / Windows 10 / Windows 11。
XYPlorer 是一款由德意志网友 Donald Lessau 精心设计与积极开发的功能强大且简单、易用的文件资源管理工具,其具备实质的文件搜索、通用预览及可高度自定义的用户界面等功能特点,或者一系列的可用于自动执行的周期计划任务的独出心裁之功能。因具有着与 Windows 资源管理器相似的交互界面而富有良好的可操作及适应性,与Q-DIR 异曲同工且皆为鼠标一族提供了便捷。
通过 XYplorer 的双面板、多标签页模式可以高效地浏览文件或者目录,同时每个面板窗口均能够开启多个文件夹标签页,更方便的帮助你完成资源的浏览、查看、复制、删除等操作。
只需通过“默认文件管理程序”设定即可完美取代默认的 Windows 资源管理器组件,使得文件管理操作从此变得流畅、简单、高效而且富有个性化,对于拥有大屏幕且经常进行文件操作的鼠标一族来说选它没错!
- 标签页式浏览:重命名标签页,转移,隐藏,拖放的文件的标签页标题,存储它们之间的配置与会话;
- 即时预览图像(包括 PNG、JPEG、GIF、TIFF、ICO 等等),音频和视频文件(显示详细的媒体信息);
- 图像文件的缩略图显示在文件列表中,引入了独特的“Mouse Down Blow Up”的功能;
- 即时预览安装和卸载的 TrueType 字体文件;
- 即时预览 HTML、MHT、PHP 的文件与打印选项;
- 即时显示每个选定的文件的完整的文件/文件版本信息;
- 具有一个可视化的过滤器的文件列表,便于管理常见的简单通配符模式,比如 *.TXT 文本;
- 特别 MP3 服务:ID3 v1.1 标签的即时视图和编辑,再加上自动 ID3 v1.1 标签常规的文件名;
- 生成各种文件系统的报告。
- 创建日期、最后访问日期和属性在文件列表中显示;
- 自动调整列宽;
- 高度可定制的显示格式、文件大小和日期信息;
- 对于每一个文件和文件夹,使用的磁盘空间会立即显示;
- 记住最后一个文件夹的位置、排序顺序、滚动条的位置和所选的文件;
- 类似浏览器的历史记录功能;
- 可以自定义喜爱的文件夹;
- 图标提取,多文件的时间标记和属性标记;
- 完全支持鼠标拖放和滚轮;
XYplorer is a file manager for Windows. It features tabbed browsing, a powerful file search, a versatile preview, a highly customizable interface, optional dual pane, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. It’s fast, light, and portable.
XYplorer supports 25 different interface languages.
The default language is English. Translations for the following languages are available: Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Klingon, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
How to Select a Language
Use the command Select Language… in menu Help to download the language file of your choice from the server and load it into the interface in one go. No restart required.
v26.30.0300 - 2024-08-23 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v26.30.0209 - 2024-08-23 15:14 ! Dropping Messages: If two mails had the same name and date stamp, they could not be successfully dragged to XYplorer at the same time. Only one of them was copied. Fix #2. (Not all situations were covered in fix #1.) v26.30.0208 - 2024-08-23 11:41 ! Virtual Folders: Using SC tab right before browsing a Virtual Folder, e.g. via a Custom Event Action, could cause the Virtual Folder to be processed incorrectly. Fixed. ! Dropping Messages: If two mails had the same name and date stamp, they could not be successfully dragged to XYplorer at the same time. Only one of them was copied. Fixed. v26.30.0207 - 2024-08-22 16:23 * SC tagitems: Now the command processes the input data just like the "Tags | Tags | Edit Tags..." dialog. Multiple tags can be separated by either , (comma) or CRLF (line feed). For example: tagitems("tags", "yes,no"); //sets tags "yes" and "no" to the selected item(s) tagitems("tags", "yesno"); //sets tags "yes" and "no" to the selected item(s) Previously, was not handled at all and resulted in a corrupt tag database entry. v26.30.0206 - 2024-08-21 14:38 + Filters in Small Dialogs: Now the filters obey to the setting of "Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Ignore diacritics", e.g. the filters in "Go | Recent Locations..." or "Help | List All Commands..." or "Tools | Customize Toolbar...". The global "Ignore Diacritics" setting can be changed via the right-click menu of the filter icon in the filter box. + Tools | Customize Toolbar...: Now the filter icons in both filter boxes of the dialog have a small context menu where you can toggle the global options "Ignore Diacritics" and "Use Space Character for B&oolean AND". Note that the "Ignore Diacritics" flag is identical to "Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Ignore diacritics". v26.30.0205 - 2024-08-20 17:34 ! Address Bar: The drop-down list could open upwards instead of downwards in a multi-monitor setup. Might be fixed. v26.30.0204 - 2024-08-19 15:32 ! Thumbnail Cache: If the system short date was set to an exotic custom definition, the thumbnail cache (the date field "Mod") was not written correctly. Fixed. v26.30.0203 - 2024-08-17 13:26 ! Queued File Operations: A manually started job from later in the queue would trigger other waiting jobs. This should not happen. Fixed. v26.30.0202 - 2024-08-16 13:06 + Toolbar | Icons: Now you can have all icons in monochrome grayscale. It's a tweak: ToolbarGrayIcons=1 Note that this only affects the native icons. Custom toolbar buttons and bookmark buttons will still display colors if their icons have colors. + Preview Pane: Now you can right-click on the (empty) pane to open a small menu that allows you to close the pane. v26.30.0201 - 2024-08-15 17:15 ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections in focused controls | Use: If these colors were rather bright, the selection could become invisible when hovering over a selected item if in light mode and "Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered items" was enabled. Fixed.
Home Page – http://www.xyplorer.com
语言设置: Help—Select Local Language File—选择你的语言文件即可,语言文件以下面的链接中下载
多语言中文包下载:(包含简体中文-Chinese (Simp.)、繁体中文-Chinese (Trad.))
官网更新记录: https://www.xyplorer.com/download/History.txt
XYplorer 26.40.0000 Multilingual 中文注册版-多标签文件管理器
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-1353674620-b38514?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iqocL0Yv60mpy-NKrRwDdw 提取码: 9xju
XYplorer 26.30.0300 Multilingual 中文注册版-多标签文件管理器
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-1345360849-8a9f60?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RGgqW3IPpsnY1IjCKjhp1Q 提取码: qqyi
XYplorer 26.30.0000 Multilingual 中文注册版-多标签文件管理器
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-1334865526-b21a01?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dfcq93_izmUDoxtAyuV4EQ 提取码: pgt4
XYplorer 25.50.0000 Multilingual 中文注册版-多标签文件管理器
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-1016717662-d9ad38?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PiWg6yqBpyYJmw_344-JiQ 提取码: hpqr
XYplorer 25.20.0000 Multilingual 中文注册版-多标签文件管理器
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-978207823-ba6f35?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qhbJquoCL0_Y5xb5Mmv6MA 提取码: sujy