
McAfee Endpoint Security v10.2 多语言中文正式版

全球最畅销的杀毒软件之一,McAfee防毒软件, 除了操作介面更新外,也将该公司的WebScanX功能合在一起,增加了许多新功能! 除了帮你侦测和清除病毒,它还有VShield自动监视系统,会常驻在System Tray,当你从磁盘、网络上、E-mail夹文件中开启文件时便会自动侦测文件的安全性,若文件内含病毒,便会立即警告,并作适当的处理,而且支持鼠标右键的快速选单功能,并可使用密码将个人的设定锁住让别人无法乱改你的设定。

McAfee Endpoint Security v10.2 多语言中文正式版

McAfee Endpoint Security v10.2 最新功能

Endpoint Security 模块包括下列增强:

•  SHA-2算法支持 — This release adds dual certificate support and integration of the Intel Security certificate.

• 支持在Windows操作中心中显示防火墙 — Registration for Windows Action Center is now available in Firewall.

• 改进EPO中防火墙类别显示响应时间 — This release includes response time improvements.

• 支持Windows 10周年更新

• 对过慢启动速度的修复——当威胁防护检测到SuperFetch (或者Prefetch)类服务时,启动过慢,或者系统卡死的例子时有发生。这次更新通过更新对应驱动,避免占据对预读取文件的读写的方式修复了这个问题。

McAfee Endpoint Security v10.2 多语言中文正式版


These issues are resolved in this release of the product. For a list of issues fixed in earlier releases,
see the Release Notes for the specific release.
See KB82761 for information about previous releases.
Endpoint Security Client
Reference Resolution
1145556 The Access Protection rule names reported in Events now match the names displayed in
the UI.
Reference Resolution
1148183 Endpoint Security now correctly recognizes a certificate used by Microsoft.
1132108 Endpoint Security no longer prevents Windows from starting when Cryptographic and
Power services are not running.
1138129 Certificate settings now properly save when using a language other than English.
1149855 Endpoint Security no longer fails on systems that previously had McAfee Agent 4.8
1124261 Certificates managed and used by Endpoint Security to maintain trust between
components now correctly migrate in upgrades from earlier versions of Windows to
Windows 10 TH2 (version 1511) and Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version1607).
1148163 Updates to the McAfee Link driver allow systems with Windows Server 2008 R2
Enterprise installed to run successfully.
Threat Prevention
Reference Resolution
1130699 Threat Prevention now successfully installs on systems without a “C:” drive letter
1139363 Endpoint Security no longer experiences slow performance issues while opening virtual
machines on VMware Workstation 12.
1142482 An upgrade issue with AMCore 1.4.1 no longer occurs.
1133572 You can now successfully save a new user-defined Access Protection rule.
1137951 Threat Prevention no longer crashes (BugCheck 24) when Microsoft App-V applications
are used.
1132734 Sometimes, systems with Endpoint Security installed experienced longer than usual
startup times. This release resolves the issue.
1146286 This release increases the number of high-risk processes and low-risk processes that can
be sent to the client.
Reference Resolution
1135722 USB network interfaces now successfully connect when Firewall is enabled.
1145366 Location Aware Groups (LAG) using a connection-specific DNS suffix now work properly.
Reference Resolution
1150514 Network activity is no longer blocked due to corrupted policies when Host IPS Firewall
policies are automatically migrated.
1150723 Endpoint Security no longer disables or enables the Windows Firewall so that Microsoft
Direct Access can initialize connections properly.
Web Control
Reference Resolution
1139441 The Web Gateway Interlock settings now enforce correctly when behind a proxy.
1142540 Links that open new windows now work as expected when viewing salesforce.com using
Internet Explorer.
1138691 Web Control policies now enforce correctly.

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