
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8.0.2024 Patch 12 多语言中文注册版-McAfee防毒软件

全球最畅销的杀毒软件之一,融合了杀毒软件、防间谍软件、防火墙和入侵防护技术,能够阻止和删除恶意软件,阻止蠕虫、间谍软件和病毒。McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 可保护系统和文件免受病毒及其他安全风险的侵扰。

McAfee防毒软件, 除了操作介面更新外,也将该公司的WebScanX功能合在一起,增加了许多新功能! 除了帮你侦测和清除病毒,它还有VShield自动监视系统,会常驻在System Tray,当你从磁盘、网络上、E-mail夹文件中开启文件时便会自动侦测文件的安全性,若文件内含病毒,便会立即警告,并作适当的处理,而且支持鼠标右键的快速选单功能,并可使用密码将个人的设定锁住让别人无法乱改你的设定。

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8.0.2024 Patch 12 多语言中文注册版-McAfee防毒软件



抵御针对 Microsoft 应用程序的威胁

防范针对 Microsoft 应用程序漏洞的缓冲区溢出漏洞利用攻击。


保护台式机、笔记本电脑和文件服务器免遭破坏。恶意软件和黑客无法禁用 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise。


McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 部署策略、管理安全警报并查看自动报告。


检测并清除 Microsoft Outlook 和 Lotus Notes 中的病毒,包括 HTML 文本和附件。


McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 的扫描速度更快,占用的内存更少,所需的 CPU 周期更少,并且能够提供比任何其他防恶意软件产品更卓越的安全保护。


限制病毒爆发的风险和影响。甚至能够在 .DAT 文件发布之前关闭端口,监控应用程序和电子邮件引擎,并阻止文件和目录。

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8.0.2024 Patch 12 多语言中文注册版-McAfee防毒软件

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs. McAfee VirusScan 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers.

This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today’s threats-including buffer – overflow exploits and blended attacks – and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator or ProtectionPilot for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.

以下仅为最低系统要求。实际要求将视具体环境而定。某些技术支持 64 位操作系统。

Windows 10、Windows 10 for Embedded Systems、Windows 8.1、Windows 8、Windows 7、Windows 7 Professional for Embedded Systems、Windows 7 Ultimate for Embedded Systems、Windows Vista、Windows Vista Business for Embedded Systems、Windows Vista Ultimate for Embedded Systems、Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)、Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems 32-bit、Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SP2、Windows Embedded for Point of Service (WEPOS)

We will continue to support current versions of enterprise endpoint products on Windows XP SP3 beyond April 8, 2014, for a limited time, as long as it is technically and commercially reasonable to do so, and there is no external dependency. For example, if a McAfee product requires a Microsoft fix that is not provided, then we can no longer support the product. Future releases of enterprise products that are released after April 8, 2014 may not support Windows XP SP3.

Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2012 Release 2 (R2)、Windows Server 2012、Windows Small Business Server 2011、Windows Embedded Standard 2009、Windows Embedded Point of Service 1.1 SP3、Windows Embedded Point of Service Ready 2009、Windows Server 2008 R2、Windows Server 2008 SP2: Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Foundation, Web, HPC、Windows Small Business Server 2008 SP2、Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2、Windows Server 2003 SP2、Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 SP2、Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP2、Citrix Xen Guest、Citrix XenApp 5.0, 5.6, 6.0, 6.5, 7.5, 7.6

This version is live update capable. Windows 10 Supported

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8 Patch 12
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McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.8 Patch 10
Download YunFile云盘:http://yfdisk.com/fs/7tdo9pdm4o3ldda0/
Download 皮皮网盘:https://sun0816.pipipan.com/fs/3477565-228356993
Download 城通网盘:https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/3477565-228356993
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8wt81s 密码:bfeg

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