ActiveFax Server 让你能在Windows或UNIX的应用软件中收发传真。它很容易操纵并能和现存软件结合,新版并增强Email的功能,它能在Windows和UNIX的应用软件中随意传送传真与Email,并且能支援Windows NT终端伺服器和Citrix。
ActiveFax已被设计为网络范围传输和接收的传真消息,以及发送和通过电子邮件转发传真消息。该软件在任何Windows版本从Windows 95或更高的运行,同时还支持终端服务器。由于ActFax的客户机/服务器体系结构中,所有数据都存储集中传真服务器上。与集成传真客户端和ActiveFax打印机驱动程序,从任何标准的应用是传真印刷一样简单。对于传真服务为自己的应用程序的集成,ActiveFax提供各种标准化的接口。
由于直观的用户界面(见截图),安装和ActFax的配置,在短短几分钟内完成。由于ActFax自动检测和配置可用的硬件,传真服务器安装后立即准备就绪。 ActFax也可通过下载区免费下载深入的测试。所有特性和功能由ActFax支持的详细介绍可以在下面的特性和功能总结发现。
与ActiveFax发送传真邮件一样简单,快捷的打印在纸上的文档。传真或电子邮件ActiveFax的文档,请在您的应用程序照常打印功能,并选择ActiveFax打印机作为目标打印机。 ActFax现在会显示一个对话框窗口,要求在屏幕上的信息的接受者(或收件人列表)。中央和私人电话簿协助在这种情况下用户。
*运行于Windows XP/2003/VISTA/2008/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2016
*支持所有常见的传真调制解调器(传真1类,1.0,2和2.0),ISDN适配器和Brooktrout的/大合唱和Intel/ Dialogic的传真板卡(推荐调制解调器清单)
*支持V.34传真(超级G3)支持高达33,600 bps的传输速率
*支持的VoIP/ IP传真(IP语音/ IP传真)与Eicon公司“的Diva Server SoftIP”软件
*传真和UNIX和Linux通过LPD/ LPR,FTP,TFTP和RAW-TCP端口的连接,以及从文件系统中导入电子邮件
ActFax has been designed for network-wide transmission and receipt of fax messages, as well as sending and forwarding fax messages by email. The software runs on any Windows version from Windows XP or higher and also supports terminal servers. Due to the client/server architecture of ActFax, all data is stored centralized on the fax server. With the integrated fax client and the ActFax printer driver, faxing from any standard application is as easy as printing. For the integration of the fax service into own applications, ActFax offers various standardized interfaces.
Sending fax messages with ActFax is as simple and fast as printing a document on paper. To fax or email a document with ActFax, choose the printing function in your application as usual and select the ActiveFax printer as the destination printer. ActFax now displays a dialog window asking for the recipient (or a list of recipients) of the message on the screen. Central and private phone books assist the user in that case.
ActFax now transfers the document to the fax server that automatically stores the fax and transmits it as fast as possible, depending on priority and available fax lines. For failed transmissions, the call is automatically repeated using sophisticated redialing techniques. The owner of the document can be informed about the result of a transmission with automatically printed sending reports, email notifications or through a popup window on the fax client.
Features and Functions Summary
* Runs on Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / 2012 / Win7 / 8 / 8.1 / Win10 / 2016
* Support of 64-bit Windows (x64)
* Runs on Virtual Machines (VMware ESX, Citrix XenServer, Hyper-V)
* Terminal Server and Citrix support
* Complete client/server architecture
* Centralized data storage on the fax server
* Data access from every workplace in the network
* Sophisticated user, group and security concept
* Support of all common fax modems (fax class 1, 1.0, 2 and 2.0), ISDN adapters and Brooktrout/Dialogic fax boards (list of recommended modems)
* Support of V.34 Fax (Super G3) for transfer rates of up to 33,600 bps
* Support of VoIP/FoIP (Voice over IP/Fax over IP) with TE-Systems “XCAPI” software or Dialogic “Diva Server SoftIP” software
* Support of ConcordFax and Venali/eFax Web Fax Service
* Unlimited number of fax lines (modems)
* Mail-to-Fax through POP3 mailboxes
* Free technical support and software updates available for free download for two years
* Faxing and emailing from any Windows application through native printer driver
* Faxing and emailing from UNIX and Linux through POP3, LPD/LPR, FTP, TFTP and RAW-TCP-Port connections as well as import from the file system
* Automatic routing of received fax messages with extension numbers (DDI, MSN, DID), station id (CSID) and line routing
* Automatic printing of received fax messages and sending reports on different printers per user
* Automatic forwarding of fax messages by email, also to multiple email addresses
* Automatic export of fax messages
* Support of the file formats PDF, Tiff, Multipage Tiff, GIF and BMP for email attachments and document export
* Automatic definition of fax parameters (fax number, subject, priority, etc.) for fully automated fax messages from own applications through data fields
* Formatting of fax messages from non-Windows operating systems with printer commands of HP-LaserJet (PCL), Epson-LQ, Postscript and PDF
* Automatic archiving of fax messages
* Central and private phone books
* Direct access to Outlook and Exchange address books
* Cover pages and overlays
* Data exchange with external database tables through ODBC
* Fax on Demand server and client (fax polling)
* Least Cost Routing and automatic delayed fax transmissions
* Email transmission through SMTP with direct Internet connections or RAS dialup connections
* Support of HP Digital Sender 9100C and Xerox Workcentre series
* Economical utilization of available resources for low hardware requirements
* Automatic hardware detection and configuration by the setup program
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