AnyDesk是一款号称速度最快的免费远程连接/远程桌面控制软件,据说是前 TeamViewer 开发小组人员自立门户的产品,它拥有先进的视频压缩技术 DeskRT, 可轻松穿透防火墙/路由器,实测在电信、移动的跨网宽带环境下,速度确实要比 TeamViewer 和 QQ 流畅。软件潜力巨大……软件支持Windows 10 & Windows 11。
现如今网络环境越来越复杂,防火墙、路由器、宽带提供商等各种因素常常会导致很多「直连」的远程控制软件(如微软的 Remote Desktop) 操作缓慢甚至是连接错误。而 AnyDesk 给人的印象是速度极快、反应流畅迅速,比起前辈 TeamViewer 有过之而无不及,而且它体积还极为小巧。
AnyDesk 为了解决远程桌面连接速度慢的问题,使用了名为 DeskRT 的底层技术,内置了先进的视频解码器,使得在复杂的网络坏境下依然能让用户体验到流畅的远程桌面控制。
AnyDesk 支持声音传输、支持画质设置、屏幕截图,重点还支持与远程电脑同步剪贴板!不仅是文字,即使是文件或文件夹,都能直接复制/粘贴到另一台电脑去,这点非常实用!功能还算比较丰富。
另外,AnyDesk 既可以以绿色软件的方式运行,也可以安装到系统上实现开机启动、无人干预的情况下接受控制等。总的来说,AnyDesk 原生简体中文、原生绿色免费、原生单文件、体积小巧,但功能却很实用,使用也足够简单,整体速度较为流畅,应该可满足很多人远程控制需求。
虽然 QQ 拥有远程协助功能,但很多时候连接并不流畅,而且被控电脑那方也必须有人操作才行。因此,很多人会选择 TeamViewer 这样更专业的远程控制软件。而免费流畅的远程协助软件无疑AnyDesk最好!
28.08.2024 - 8.0.14 (Windows) New Features: - Actions on the tray icon can now be disabled in custom clients Other Changes: - Improved handling of expired licenses 13.08.2024 - 8.0.13 (Windows) New Features: - License registration via URL handler Fixed Bugs: - Crash on trying to establish a session in case of expired license Other Changes: - Improved overall handling of expired licenses 23.07.2024 - 8.0.12 (Windows) Fixed Bugs: - Fixed crash when starting AnyDesk via Command Line Interface 16.07.2024 - 8.1.1 (macOS) New Features: - Preview files with QuickLook in the File Manager - File Manager navigation with Keyboard - Address Book hierarchical tags support - Remote restart support for Macs with FileVault enabled Fixed bugs: - Sticky modifier keys issue addressed - Improved Chat notifications - Fixed mouse text selection issue when working with Pages and Numbers applications remotely - Minor UI issues fixed 10.07.2024 - 8.0.11 (Windows) Other Changes: - Improved anti-fraud measures 29.01.2024 - 8.0.8 (Windows) Other Changes: - Security update: Exchanged code signing certificate. The previous certificate will be invalidated soon. Please update 16.01.2024 - 8.0.7 (Windows) Fixed bugs: - Fixed crash when working with permission profiles settings - Fixed Ctrl-Alt-Del permissions - Fixed buttons visibility in dark mode - Fixed various UI glitches - Fixed bug that settings were not correctly opened from command line interface - Fixed bug that alternative background wasn't switch back to original one - Fixed bug that multiple AnyDesk instances were opened after update - Improved performance when using long messages in session chat - Improved wordings and localizations
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