
Liquid Studio 2019 v17.1.11.9618 正式注册版-XML编辑器

Liquid Studio 2019 是一款功能强大的XML编辑器,内置XML架构编辑器、图形json模式编辑器、数据映射器、XSLT编辑器和调试器等多种编辑工具,集编辑、验证和高级转换等功能于一体,为您进行XML编辑带来新的解决方案,大大提高编辑效率,开发环境包含一整套用于设计XML和JSON数据结构和模式的工具。这些工具提供编辑,验证和高级转换功能。对于新手或专家,直观的界面和全面的功能将帮助您节省时间和金钱,从而实现成功的项目。

Liquid Studio 2019 v17.1.11.9618 正式注册版-XML编辑器

另外还增强了各种图形和文本编辑器,以及提供Web服务工具,用于转换数据库,EDI,文本文件,Web服务和XML数据的数据映射工具以及功能强大的代码生成器。另外新版本支持JSON Schema Draft 7,添加了XML Data Binder全局函数PreserveCharacterRefCR,修复了调用Web服务时转义字符的问题。我们这款软件产品套件包括一个图形化XML开发环境,可以简化企业中XML Schema,JSON Schema和XML Documents的开发。

Liquid Studio 2019 v17.1.11.9618 正式注册版-XML编辑器


Liquid Studio 2019 v17.1.11.9618 正式注册版-XML编辑器

Liquid Studio 2019新功能

新 JSON编辑器版


新的 JSON Schema Draft 6支持

与JSON Schema Draft 4一起,图形JSON Schema编辑器现在支持JSON Schema Draft 6,JSON编辑器现在为JSON Schema规范提供验证。

新的 JSON文档大纲视图


新的 JSON模式库


适用于HTML和PDF的新 JSON模式文档工具


新的 Schematron编辑和验证


新的 XSLT 3.0支持

提供对最新XSLT 3.0函数和子句的支持。

新的 Git源代码控制集成支持


XML Data Binder中的新 .Net标准支持

Liquid XML Data Binder现在支持为.Net Standard(1.6和2.0)生成C#和Visual Basic .Net源代码和项目文件。

XML Data Binder中的新 .Net Core支持

Liquid XML Data Binder现在支持为.Net Core(1.1和2.0)生成C#和Visual Basic .Net源代码和项目文件。

Version: (Friday, October 4, 2019)

Added .Net Framework 4.8, .Net Core 3.0 and .Net Standard 2.1 options to XML Data Binder and Data Mapper code generators.
Added option in Liquid XML Objects to support INotifyPropertyChanged and ObservableCollection in order to raise PropertyChanged and CollectionChanged events when items change.
Fixed issue in XML Editor when showing intellisense options for local enums.
General Fixes.

Version: (Friday, September 27, 2019)

Added new option in XML Data Binder to ignore Optional Element Default values.
Fixed issue with class initialization error in Liquid Data Mapper Runtime for .Net Standard 2.0.
Fixed issue using Liquid XML Data Binder VB6 Runtime on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Fixed issue using Tabs in XPath Browser.
General Fixes.

Version: (Thursday, September 12, 2019)

Fixed issue with Liquid XML Objects Runtime Serialize to file.
Fixed issues in Annotation Editor.
General Fixes.

Version: (Monday, September 2, 2019)

Updated Liquid XML Data Binder VB6 Runtime to reference MSXML6.
Fixed issue with Liquid XML Objects .Net Standard 2.0 Runtime reporting missing dependency.
Fixed issue with reading quoted strings from JSON documents.
General Fixes.

Version: (Wednesday, August 28, 2019)

Added ability to filter registered assemblies and classes in Liquid XML Objects.
Fixed issue with Start Page showing Upgrade Support Expired message.
Fixed issue with HTTP requests not closing correctly.
General Fixes.

Version: (Wednesday, August 21, 2019)

Fixes issue with XML Data Binder Runtime for .Net Standard 2.0 reporting dll tampered.
Optimised Liquid XML Objects naming algorithm and fixed issue with items with same name and namespace.
General Fixes.

Version: (Thursday, August 15, 2019)

IMPORTANT UPDATE – Fixes issue with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (v16.2.2) unresponsive.
General Fixes.

Version: (Wednesday, August 14, 2019)

Added global vertical splitter option.
Fixed issue in Data Mapper Excel properties window Edit Columns button not working.
Fixed issues in Data Mapper Schema Resolution Form for locating missing XSD and JSON Schema.
Fixed issues in running JSON Schema Documentation generator from command line.
General Fixes.

Version: (Tuesday, August 6, 2019)

Added Data Mapper Lookup component to XSLT Engine.
Fixed issues in Data Mapper padding Excel.
Fixed issues in JSON Schema Documentation generator.
General Fixes.

Version: (Thursday, July 11, 2019)

Fixed issue with Liquid XML Objects reading non-utf-8 encoded XML Schema.
Fixed issues in Data Mapper writer components when combinations of Default Filename, connected Filename and Output Params are set.
General Fixes.

Version: (Wednesday, July 3, 2019)

New JSON Schema Draft 7 support.
Added XML Data Binder global function PreserveCharacterRefCR.
Fixed issue with XML Data Binder C++ 14.2.
Fixed issues in JSON Schema Draft 6 support.
Fixed Escaping characters when calling Web Services.
Fixed Data Mapper If component.
Fixed Data Mapper WADL support.
Fixed Liquid XML Object XSD 1.1 validation.
Fixed High DPI issues.
General Fixes.

Version: (Tuesday, May 21, 2019)

Liquid Studio 2019 – Update 1.
Added XML Data Binder Visual C++ (14.2) Runtimes.
Added Automatic Trailers option for EDI Writer Data Mapper component.
Fixed XML Data Binder C++ Runtime memory leaks.
Improved Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 integration.
Includes many fixes and improvements.
Includes rollup of all previous fixes.

Version: (Monday, April 15, 2019)

Fixed Exclude file issue in Project Control.
Fixed XML intellisense to show enum values.
Allow escaped strings to be entered into constant values in Data Mapper.
Fixed naming and namespace issues in Liquid XML Objects.
Added missing Examples type to json intellisense and improved autocomplete.
Changed Flat File Columns Editor to allow column Width up to Int32.Max.
Improved Clipboard performance for big data.
Fixed issue with spelling correction menu not displaying.
General Fixes.

官网地址: https://www.liquid-technologies.com/

官网更新记录: https://www.liquid-technologies.com/change-log

官网下载地址: https://www.liquid-technologies.com/download/full

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