
AIMP v4.60 Build 2153 Final 多语言中文正式版 - 音乐播放器

AIMP 4是一款强大且免费音乐播放器软件,它的强大不仅仅体现在音乐播放功能,更提供了与音乐相关的多种实用工具,如式转换、标签管理和录音等,比较 EQ、播放视觉特效、设置播放器皮肤、多标签浏览切换等等。

AIMP v4.60 Build 2153 Final 多语言中文正式版 - 音乐播放器

AIMP 4音乐播放器的操作界面,乍一看界面似乎有点像以前流行的经典音乐播放器Winamp,不过看起来比 Winamp 更有质感一些,所以您完全不用担心无法很快上手的问题。AIMP 4提供了2款主流的皮肤面板、具备 18-band 的声音均衡器、可视化的窗口可以以多种视图显示节奏的动态效果、播放列表功能可更方便地编辑和管理您的音乐文件等等。

此外,周全的音量控制功能,可避免歌曲之间的音量剧变。 当然,AIMP 4音乐播放器的主要功能还是在于音频播放,它所有的操作都能通过快捷键来实现。另外 AIMP 还自带了很多的实用的小功能,比如自动关机、或在指定时间让电脑自动关机、休眠、停止播放或关闭 AIMP 软件。当然你也可以让某一首歌曲播放完成后自动关机或停止播放,相当方便。

AIMP v4.60 Build 2153 Final 多语言中文正式版 - 音乐播放器

AIMP 音乐播放器具有很好的用户体验,每当一首歌曲播完,开始播放下一首歌曲时,会电脑屏幕上方将正在播放的歌曲名显示几秒,常用的设置功能在界面左上方的“main menu”列表中都能看到。不足的是,AIMP 没有歌词的功能,但可通过第三方插件实现,安装迷你歌词 MiniLyrics 即可让 AIMP 显示歌词。

除了播放音乐,AIMP 音乐播放器还提供3个额外的增强功能,使您可以录制来自计算机中的声音,并实现格式之间的转换以及标签编辑。AIMP 音乐播放器基于著名的 BASS 音频引擎开发,所以它对插件有相当好的支持性(程序提供插件库),以实现扩展更多功能如果你觉得内置皮肤不能满足你的个性化需求。

Multi-format Playback:
.CDA, .AAC, .AC3, .APE, .DTS, .FLAC, .IT, .MIDI, .MO3, .MOD, .M4A, .M4B, .MP1, .MP2, .MP3,
.MPC, .MTM, .OFR, .OGG, .OPUS, .RMI, .S3M, .SPX, .TAK, .TTA, .UMX, .WAV, .WMA, .WV, .XM, .DSF, .DFF

Internet radio
Listen internet-radio stations in OGG / WAV / MP3 / AAC / AAC+ formats
Capture stream to APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WV, WMA and MP3 formats
Capture stream as is for MP3 / AAC / AAC+ formats

AIMP v4.60 Build 2153 Final log (15.10.2019)

Album arts: cache manager now takes disk number into account
Audio converter: added an ability to pause conversion operation
Audio converter: an ability to customize hotkeys
Common: BASS libraries has been updated
Common: localizations has been updated
Common: saving settings and playlists is now safe to unexpected OS shutdown
General: clouds support
General: podcasts support
General: support of dark mode introduced in Windows 10
General: 3rd party libraries were updated
General: an ability to switch on/off night mode manually
General: glyphs for secondary windows has been updated
General: icons library for file types – special iconset for the M3U and CUE file formats has been added
Music Library: creating a smart-playlist via command in context menu of grouping tree now automatically creates a sorting template based on sorting that uses in music library
Music Library: drawing performance has been increased for the “group details” and “album thumbnails” views
Player: an ability to capture only one track from internet radio
Player: an ability to specify album art for internet radio
Player: the %bitdepth and %comment (for playing track only) macros has been added
Player: the “jump to next track and pause the playback” option has been added
Player: the “pause the playback on app startup” option has been added
Player: the “resume playback position on app startup” option has been added
Player: internet-radio – support for JSON-based metadata
Playlist: smart-playlists – folders – an ability to filter files by extensions
Playlist: support for IPTV extensions for M3U/M3U8 playlists formats
Plugins: last.fm – an ability to disable scrobbling for remote files
Plugins: last.fm – an ability to specify folders that will be ignored for scrobbling
Plugins: last.fm – scrobbling status is now displayed over tray icon
Plugins: last.fm – similar artists are now displayed in track info dialog
Plugins: API for audio decoders has been extended
Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization – fill mode was changed to the “TV like” – album art is no longer cropped
Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization – now plugin uses for rendering album art in original resolution
Plugins: InputFFmpeg plugin has been replaced by BASSWebM
Plugins: MyClouds – OneDrive API has been updated
Plugins: the AlbumArt visualization now can be unloaded
Skin Engine: TASETextDisplayEx – word wrap performance has been improved
Skin Engine: scripts – performance of objects binding procedure has been improved
Skin engine: TASESliderVertical / TASESliderHorizontal – support for custom localizations for the TextLabels
Skin engine: TASETextDisplay / TASETextDisplayEx / TASEButton – text alignment and auto-size options has been added
Skin engine: an ability to specify custom hotkey to toggle visibility of secondary windows
Smart-playlists: folders – now content will be sorted by file name if sort template is not specified
Sound Engine: an ability to disable samples interpolation for tracker music
Sound Engine: replaygain – analysis quality has been improved
Sound engine: an ability to remap channels
Sound engine: limit of pause between tracks has been increased up to 15 minutes
Sound engine: loudness compensated volume control (optionally)
Sound engine: settings of the “remove silence” feature has been extended
Sound engine: upper limit of tempo and speed has been increased to 2x
Sound engine: the “pre-load next track” option has been added
Tag Editor: support for in-place expressions in text tag fields
Tag Editor: ID3v2.4 – support for tag fields with multiple values
Tag Editor: the copy / cut / paste buttons has been added near the lyrics editor
Tag editor: an ability to customize hotkeys
Tag editor: an ability to find and download information about the album from music brainz / discogs / last.fm services
Tag editor: batch copying ID3v2 to ID3v1 and vice versa
Tag editor: batch download album arts / lyrics for specified files
Tag editor: visual appearance has been updated
UI: an ability to disable auto-hiding of windows that docked to screen edges in desktop toolbars mode
UI: now you not need to hold Ctrl key to scroll tabs playlists via mouse wheel
minor issues were fixed
Fixed: Music Library – view point position was not restored after restart the app if the “group details” or “thumbnails” view is used
Fixed: Plugins – last.fm – showing the “Information About the Track” dialog leads to app hangs if description for the track is too long
Fixed: Tag Editor – BPM calculation – preview dialog uses different rounding algorithm than used for save the data to tags
Fixed: Tag Editor – auto-filing function based on the Discord and MusicBrainz services put the data to ISRC tag field instead of the Catalog tag field.
Fixed: Tag Editor – removing album art for internet radio station in the dialog does not remove it from local database
Fixed: audio converter – an error occurs when trying to encode file using Monkey’s Audio codec
Fixed: general – an error occurs on app close if the album art / lyrics search task is active in background
Fixed: general – few minor issues related to the “night mode” feature
Fixed: general – the %FileCreatedDate / %FileCreatedTime / %FileModifiedDate / %FileModifiedTime macros does not work for virtual files
Fixed: internet radio – tracks meta of HTTP-Live streams updates incorrectly
Fixed: lyrics – the %FileName% macro does not work (regression)
Fixed: lyrics – unsupported tags of Enhanced LRC file format are no longer shown
Fixed: music library – incorrect order of hieroglyphs in alphabetic index
Fixed: music library – issues related to view settings restoring after switching between different data sources
Fixed: player – the MPEG-DASH containers cannot be played when running at Windows 7 (regression)
Fixed: plugins – FFmpeg – player ignores some tag fields for known file formats if the plugin is loaded
Fixed: plugins – FFmpeg – the album gain value initializes incorrectly for files in OPUS file format if track gain is not specified in file header
Fixed: plugins – FFmpeg based plugin crashes on attempt to play the file (regression)
Fixed: plugins – GUI API – some object’s properties does not react to changes (regression)
Fixed: plugins – Lastfm – an error occurs on track start if the track information dialog and similar artists panel are visible
Fixed: plugins – MyClouds – subfolders are not displayed for OneDrive cloud drive
Fixed: plugins – last.fm – plugin leads to hang up the application in some cases when display information about the song
Fixed: plugins – last.fm – some links has not been localized in the “Information about the file” dialog
Fixed: scheduler – does not handle a new tracks adding to the queue/playlist while last track from queue/playlist is playing
Fixed: skin engine – TASELayoutItem – the AutoHide feature does not work for items whose property Align is set to alClient
Fixed: skin engine – TASELayoutScrollView always handles the mouse wheel action even if nothing to scroll
Fixed: skin engine – TASEScrollBarXXX – value of the AllowFading property does not take into account
Fixed: skin engine – TASETextDisplay – text incorrectly center by vertically in some cases
Fixed: skin engine – TASETextDisplayEx – HitTestByText property works incorrectly if the AlignmentVertical property is set value different from taAlignTop
Fixed: skin engine – TASETextDisplayEx – auto size works incorrectly if the alignment property is set value different from taLeftJustify
Fixed: skin engine – duplicates of the “playlist” and “music library” menu items are displayed in window’s context menu in certain skins
Fixed: skin engine – edit field – text position calculates incorrectly if text shadow is displayed
Fixed: skin engine – font color changes during content scrolling in some cases
Fixed: skin engine – minor issues has been fixed
Fixed: skin engine – original sizes of hidden background elements sometimes restores incorrectly on applying the skin
Fixed: skin engine – the %time(..) macro does not accept localizable arguments
Fixed: skin engine – the “duplicates not allowed” error occurs after rename the object via script
Fixed: skin engine – the GrayScale blending mode works incorrectly
Fixed: skin engine – the TASEPanel.OnMouseUp event does not fired
Fixed: smart-playlist – content of smart-playlists based on user rating criteria not updated on change the rating in playlist for multiple files at same time
Fixed: smart-playlists – filter by file type does not work for audio files with CUE
Fixed: sound effects – an error occurs on attempt to show hint for volume slider
Fixed: sound engine – CD playback is interrupted in end of track if the “pre-load next track while current is playing” option is switched on
Fixed: sound engine – scratches can be heard during volume changes if the “loudness compensated volume control” option is switched on
Fixed: tag editor – Vorbis Comments – loses the information about library version that has been used to create a file
Fixed: tag editor – non-square album arts displays cropped
Fixed: tag editor – unable to store values longer than 260 characters to some tag fields
Fixed: tags – ID3v2 – app processes #0-separator incorrectly while read the ID3v2.3 tag data
Fixed: tags – MP3 – parameters of variable bitrate stream determines incorrectly in some cases (regression)

AIMP v4.50, build 2058 (27.12.2017)
Fixed: Player – internet radio capture without transcoding does not work (regression)
Fixed: Skin Engine – unnecessary re-creation of the window handle during state restoring, if it was maximized (regression)
Fixed: Skin Engine – layout of content of music library and playlist re-calculates incorrectly on text scaling in some cases
Fixed: Skin Engine – small issues have been fixed
Fixed: Utilities – files does not transferred from the player in certain cases (regression)

AIMP v4.50, build 2055 (17.12.2017)
Skin Engine: an ability to use the old-style scaling behavior
Skin Engine: custom possible scale factor has been extended up to 500%
Fixed: Audio Converter – default template for FAAC command line encoder is invalid (regression)
Fixed: Skin Engine – known issues have been fixed
Fixed: Smart-Playlists – tracks meta data were not updated on synchronization in some cases
Fixed: Player – information about the playing track not updated on the screen for stations that broadcast in the OGG / FLAC / OPUS formants
Fixed: Playlist – auto bookmark is not created for the playing playlist on close the app
Fixed: Tag Editor – tag fields with multiple values are read incorrectly in some cases for M4A file format
Fixed: Tag Editor – the “all words with capital letter” function works incorrectly in some cases
Fixed: Plugins – inputFFmpeg – replay gain information was not read from file tags for OPUS file format
Small bugs and defects were fixed

AIMP v4.50, build 2048 (19.11.2017)
Lyrics: support for lyrics that embedded to CUE sheet
Common: the LAME codec has been updated to v3.100
Fixed: Lyrics – auto search does not work for tracks from CUE sheet
Fixed: Music Library – player processes meta data of track incorrectly if the title field contains a “feat” key work
Fixed: Music Library – filter by the “(none)” value works incorrectly in some cases
Fixed: Skin Engine – known issues have been fixed
Fixed: Lyrics – the LRC file format parser processes some brackets incorrectly
Fixed: Plugins – InputFFmpeg – the AlbumArtist tag field was not read from file tags
Fixed: Plugins – InputFFmpeg – memory leak
Small bugs and defects were fixed

AIMP v4.50, build 2042 (30.10.2017)
Localizations and 3rd party libraries have been updated
Fixed: Playlists – changing the read only setting does not take any effect if playlist was not yet loaded
Small bugs and defects were fixed











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