ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2023 旗舰版为您提供各种高效省时的工具,例如全新的媒体模式,用于与 ACDSee 照片数据库交互;以及人物模式,通过人工智能引擎,帮助您流畅地为人脸命名。本身就很强大的图层编辑器则更上一层楼,新增大量选择工具,让您就像掌握了秘密武器,在拥挤的数字世界中轻松建立起自己的摄影帝国。
随着数码摄影的蓬勃发展,一项秘密武器必不可少。 新颖而高效的设计,无论是专业摄影师还是摄影小白,皆可轻松使用。ACDSee 2023 旗舰版打破繁复的枷锁,对抗平淡无奇,创造出一个由创意掌控、充满无限可能的新世界。
人物模式是 ACDSee 2023 旗舰版的新功能,将 ACDSee 业界领先的人脸检测和识别功能与机器学习完美结合。各行各业的摄影师可以按客户、家人或感兴趣的人对图片进行分类,通过合并、重命名或删除人脸来管理人物,或查看人工智能助手提供的标签建议,将未命名的相似人物归为同组。
由数据库驱动的媒体模式是 ACDSee 另一项强大功能,用于查看和访问您在管理模式下浏览过的文件夹,或编入 ACDSee 数据库中的文件夹。ACDSee 媒体模式的文件视图精简、整洁,让您可以轻松排序、分组,或通过任意条件组合对文件进行筛选。
ACDSee 2023 版对以前不可能实现的各种选择进行了微调,从而达到根本性的变化。将通道选择和通道滤镜与新的选择篮结合使用,创建可以随意存储和载入的任意大小选区。ACDSee 的图层编辑器功能强大,能为每个镜头找到其对应的独特视觉效果,再加上对 HDR 和焦点堆栈的改进,您无疑将收获人们羡慕的目光。
在像素定位中添加了色轮和亮度范围,让您可以基于像素选择完美的颜色和亮度,对图像局部进行精准微调。为天际线增添细节,使隐去的山峰变得鲜活,或让沉闷的小船充满活力……尽情探索无限可能。对于那些高 ISO 的镜头,ACDSee 2023 旗舰版改进了其降噪功能,添加全新工具,将降噪与冲印画笔结合,实现精准控制局部,无需对图像整体进行修改。另外,您现在还可以一键预览复杂的选择,更好地控制色调曲线,使用更加灵活的渐变工具。
冲印模式新增像素定位工具的精准精度,包括原有的色轮。现在像素定位可以与当前选定的画笔或渐变结合,这意味着每个画笔或渐变都会有对应的像素定位设置。通过这些高效的选择方法,您可以在充分发挥创造力的同时,获得完美的图像轮廓,并探索创建蒙版的全新可能性。冲印模式只有一个目的:通过复杂的调整和效果,释放冲印创意,且不损害原始图像。了解有关的 参数化相片处理 更多信息。
ACDSee 具有卓越的文件管理功能。查找、分类、移动、整理和共享——摄影工作流程所需的一切尽在您的掌控中。无需上传或导入图像。添加评级、分层关键词、标签、类别、位置数据和自定义颜色标签。在 ACDSee 2022 版中,我们新增对 SVG 文件的支持,进一步丰富了已涵盖甚广的支持文件类型。
我们对 RAW 的承诺
我们在推广和采用新相机技术和设备方面的良好记录一直是 ACDSee 软件开发的试金石。最新发布的旗舰版也不例外,我们进一步扩展了支持相机列表,其本身已包括 Go-Pro、佳能、尼康、松下、宾得、奥林巴斯、三星和索尼等。
Version (27/September/2022)
!! Fixed an issue in AI Face Edit involving eye whitening, wrinkles/crow’s feet, and makeup on certain RAW images.
!! Fixed an issue in AI Face Edit that could cause parts of the image to shift when certain edits were applied on certain RAW images.
Version (21/September/2022)
+ AI Face Edit, take your portrait retouching to new heights. Control fine details of facial features such as Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth, and Face Shape, as well as apply Makeup to the subject of your photo.
+ Edit mode AI Actions, allow you to perform complicated procedures like removing or blurring the background, selecting the subject or the sky, or giving your subject a black and white background with a single click.
+ Shape Selection Tool, use the Shape Selection Tool to make complicated selections with curves and corners.
+ Panorama Stitching, combine photos into a panorama image. Use options like remove vignetting to clean up the edges where the photos meet.
+ ACDSee Photomerge, quickly combine multiple images into one using a dedicated and streamlined UI. This includes Panorama Stitching, HDR, and Focus Stacking.
+ Advanced AND/OR Search, choose from numerous search criteria, including ACDSee Metadata and EXIF & IPTC fields. Built-in logic for AND/OR states let you narrow down results to a microscopic level.
+ With the newly designed Quick Search, you can now quickly perform more complex searches. Select from a variety of search types such as Contains All, Contains Any, or Starts with and Ends with.
+ ACDSee SendPix™, share your photos with family and friends.
+ Import Options, import your options from ACDSee Photo Studio 2022.
o Added RAW support for 18 new camera models.
o Added the Properties pane to Media mode, allowing you to assign and read ACDSee Metadata, EXIF, and IPTC. Also made other UI improvements.
o MS OneDrive™ and ACDSee integration improvements: Keep your OneDrive™ files online until you are ready to view or edit them, then download individual files or whole folders.
o MS OneDrive™ and ACDSee integration improvements: Easily move files from your PC into OneDrive™, and control whether OneDrive™ keeps local copies or offloads them to the cloud.
o Added New Develop mode Presets for Food photography and Vintage styling.
o Improved Quick Search and Advanced Search performance. Now faster than ever!
o WebP file format, added support for transparent and animated WebP files.
o Added support for different types of RAW files from the Nikon D6.
o Improved support for TIFF files including fixing blue and yellow color swap in some cases.
o Added 100+ cameras and lenses to the lens correction feature.
!! Fixed a grouping bug in Media mode; images and videos without EXIF Date/Time Original now fall back to grouping by Date Modified.
!! Fixed an issue where HEIC files appear blurry in a slideshow.
!! Fixed a bug with the New Image dialog would prompt an incorrect error message.
!! Fixed an issue where ACDSee did not decode Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 IV RAW files with the square setting.
!! Fixed a bug where the comma in the GPS coordinates is stripped out after you reload the same search.
!! Fixed a bug where you couldn’t delete a snapshot for certain file types after you develop the image.
!! Fixed a few random crashes in Develop mode.
!! Fixed a bug where clicking and dragging a preview in Develop mode while rotated results in a crash.
ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2023 v16.0.3.3188 x64 正式注册版附汉化补丁
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ACDSee Photo Studio v8.2.2634 MacOS 正式注册版
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