STAR-CD 是一款强大的计算流体力学软件,除了计算核心外并包含完整前后处理器,能帮助工程师在产品设计及开发过程中快速得到流场相关信息。在设计初期,可以透过 STAR-CD 参数化的特性得到最佳化设计,可以节省大量时间及成本。而
STAR-CD 新版本的发行更加强了和CAD之间的整合,可以让工程师完全在Pro/E 、 SolidWorks 、 UG 、 Catia 等 CAD 软件操作接口下使用 STAR-CD 。不会有学习两套软件的感觉。 Es-tools 专家系统模块为特定用途之客户开发,包括引擎流场分析、汽车外流场分析、燃料电池分析 … 等,都能让工程师更能发挥软件效能。目前国内已超过六十间工业界、研究单位、学术单位应用于各种不同领域的问题分析,也在国内外许多期刊及研讨会发表论文。
CD-adapco has been actively involved with in-cylinder analysis from its inception and there are many engines in production around the world today that have benefitted from detailed analysis using STAR-CD and es-ice. These range from the smallest motorcycle through car and truck engines to the largest stationary and marine engines.
Designers of modern Internal Combustion engines face huge challenges to deliver power units which satisfy legislation and have competitive economy, performance and manufacturing cost. In particular, technology advances in fuel injection systems, alternative fuels, combustion systems, multi-fuel operation, downsizing and engine management coupled to ever shorter engine development timescales dictate that analysis is used widely to deliver optimum solutions.
Although CFD analysis of in-cylinder flow and combustion has been established for over 30 years, the demands for increasing accuracy, flexibility, speed of turnaround and closer integration of analysis into engine development programs have never been greater.
To keep pace with developments in engine technology, CD-adapco is continually developing the software to add new capabilities, functionality and the speed and ease with which powertrain engineers can execute projects.
CD-Adapco Star-CD 4.22.018 Win/Linux x64 注册版下载地址: