Boris FX Silhouette 2023 是一款Boris FX公司推出的影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件,Silhouette 是同类产品中最佳的视觉效果工具,具有行业最强大的无损修补和旋转摄影工作流程,可用于故事片和电视的后期制作。现在可作为独立应用程序和功能齐全的多主机插件使用。SilhouetteFX 可以通过遮罩、抠像等操作来填补画面的细节或修补画面的穿帮部分,它的整个工作流程也非常完整,包括绘制、校准、抠像、扭曲、变形、2D/3D转换等。这款小工具可以说是后期剪影的新突破,对于那些需要细致并且大量的工作来说可以极大地提高其工作效率。
Silhouette 2023 更新内容
AI/ML:生成式 AI 和机器学习工具在 Stability 和 Denoiser ML 节点中首次亮相。
Grain 管理工具: Denoiser ML、Regrain 和 Sapphire UltraGrain 节点为项目提供电影般的真实感。
Primatte:这项获得奥斯卡奖提名的技术使用 GPU 加速算法和 3D 预览显示可以轻松地键控和合成绿/蓝屏幕素材。
可独立使用的软件 Silhouette 2023.0
After Effects CC 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,2023,2024或更高版
Premiere 2020,2021, 2022,2023,2024或更高版
Silhouette is the world’s most refined rotoscoping tool. Create sophisticated masks using B-Spline, Bézier, X-Spline, or Magnetic Freehand shapes. Easy-to-use tools such as variable per-point edge softening and magnetic reshaping assist in creating articulate animations in record time. Render mattes with realistic motion blur or export to industry-standard shape formats including new Cryptomatte support.
Advanced roto tools include:
- Highly-optimized interface, layer controls, and toolset
- Specialized shape editing tools include magnetic splines, point groups, weighted keyframes, brush-based reshape, split shapes, collapse, and distribute points
- Cryptomatte support
- Integrated point tracking, planar tracking, and Mocha planar tracking
- IK (Inverse Kinematics) to animate limbs and all manner of jointed creatures
- Stereoscopic 3D workflow
- Built for teams and collaboration with review/approval notes for quality control
Silhouette’s 32-bit float raster-based paint and tracking system meets the demands of high-resolution, color-managed VFX pipelines. A unique AutoPaint recording system delivers the speed of raster paint with the repeatability of vector paint on tasks like matte painting, beauty work, rig removal, or just plain paint.
- Paint Tools: Pressure-sensitive customizable brushes and presets. Includes Clone, Grain, Repair, Drag, and more.
- Non-Destructive Paint: Efficient layer system for high resolution film/video paint.
- Channels & Detail Separation: Paint on individual RGBA channels or work on separated detail and color views for advanced control.
- Sophisticated Cloning: Advanced offset and warping, onion skin, and display views enable a streamlined workflow for aligning, patching, and removing unwanted pixels.
- Powerful Tracking Options: Native point, planar tracking, and Mocha options.
- New Mocha Pro and PowerMeshWarp nodes enable warped surface paint workflows.
Silhouette’s core is a powerful node-based effects tree that delivers film-grade results. View and edit any combination of nodes for complex compositing, matte manipulation, keying, color correction, grain management, look development, morphing, warping, and much more.
Silhouette 2023 includes 400+ specialty nodes organized into Color, Composite, Diffusion, Filter, Film Lab, Image, Key, Light, Sapphire, Silhouette, Special Effects, Time, Tints, Transform, Warp, and OFX groups.
- Gestural node-based compositing
- Improved tracking and spline data ports and node actions
- Updated OCIO v2 color managed workflow
- Customizable workspaces for dual monitor set-ups
- Exacting color grading with 4-way color wheels and presets
- Proprietary matte generation
- Edge tools to color correct or blur the composite’s edge
- Matte manipulation using shrink, grow, blur, and wrap functions
- Now includes Sapphire effects (270 nodes) and Particle Illusion (1700+ emitters).
Silhouette 2023
- AI / ML: Generative AI and machine learning tools debut in the Stability and Denoiser ML nodes.
- Grain Management Tools: Denoiser ML, Regrain, and Sapphire UltraGrain nodes deliver cinematic realism to projects.
- Primatte: The Academy Award-nominated technology makes it easy to key and composite green/blue screen footage with a GPU-accelerated algorithm and 3D Preview display.
- Expressions: Create complex animations & link parameters, perform math functions, and use variables without writing code.
- Nodes: Atmospheric Glow and Curves.
- Presets: Beauty Studio, Camera Shake, Chromatic Aberration, Day for Night, Develop, Film Glow, Grunge, Light Leaks, Prism, Rays, Smear Blur, Sunset, Two Strip, Vignette, and X-Ray.
Boris FX Silhouette 2023.5.4-2023.5.0 x64 注册版 – 影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件
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Boris FX Silhouette 2023.5.3 x64 注册版 – 影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件
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Boris FX Silhouette 2023.5.2 x64 注册版 – 影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件
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Boris FX Silhouette 2023.5.1 x64 注册版 – 影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件
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Boris FX Silhouette 2023.5.0 x64 注册版 – 影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件
Download 百度网盘: 提取码: ksjk