
Turbo Studio 23.11.19 注册版 - 虚拟封装软件

Turbo Studio 是一个用于构建便携式软件的绝佳程序。使用这个高效的工具,可以轻松地将所需的软件转换为便携版本,无需安装即可在任何系统上运行。实际上,该程序创建了一个用于执行程序的虚拟环境,并包含所有组件,例如注册表和系统设置等(通常嵌入在程序文件夹中)。

当运行可移植程序时,它不会与注册表,系统文件建立任何连接,这是与包含这些部分的程序文件夹的虚拟连接,这使得可以在任何生态系统中运行该程序而无需安装它。需要 .NET、Java、AIR或 SQL 等先决条件的基于.NET和Java的应用程序也可以由 Turbo Studio 移植。

Turbo Studio 23.11.19 注册版

Turbo Studio 功能特点

  • 应用程序模板和新的桌面导入向导允许轻松迁移应用程序。或者,使用安装程序捕获来虚拟化自定义应用程序。
  • Turbo 可处理其他人无法处理的应用程序。虚拟化 32 位和 64 位应用程序、复杂的互连应用套件、数据库(如 SQL Server)、服务(如 IIS)以及 DCOM 和 SxS。
  • 轻松将运行时依赖项(如 .NET、Java 和 SQL)直接嵌入到虚拟应用程序中。在任何桌面上可靠地启动,无论基础组件安装如何。
  • 在独立 EXE、传统 MSI 中、使用 Turbo 在内联网或通过云部署 Turbo.net 集成。
  • Turbo Studio 可以访问 Turbo.net 中心上的大量映像存储库,允许您从数千种已知的工作应用程序配置中进行选择,并根据需要对其进行自定义。
  • 将应用程序直接从 Turbo Studio 发布到任何受支持的部署模组中,包括独立 EXE、MSI、Turbo 服务器和云 Turbo.net。

Turbo Studio (formerly Spoon Studio) – with this app you can combine the files needed to make the application run on the package ready to use without need to deploy. This app allows you to create a program to contain and run virtual in a virtual environment without the need to install and make changes in registry and system. Because the update drivers and the system is constantly being developed to reduce the likelihood of errors occur, the application may need to be root on the system and your registration so they can keep up the pace. However, with the help of facilities such as Spoon Virtual Application Studio, you can combine the files needed to make the application run in a pack ready to use without need to deploy.

In case you don’t want to spend too much time with configuring the files needed to package content, you can run a guide with a number of options available. The wizard allows you to quickly build a virtual application from media provided or download, scan the app on the computer to your desk and select the app to handle the application of the Tuesday by using snapshots, as well as configure the installation procedure.

In addition, you can go deep into the richness of the features that the main window allows you to access. A side panel lets you navigate through the main areas, such as system files, registry settings, components, set-up, as well as expiration. Depending on the category selected, the work space of you to provide multiple settings for professional use.
You can insert new files that you think need to be included in the package. Moreover, isolation can be set to full or fused, with the ability to also hide components, make them read only or turn off sync.

Switch to the subscriptions tab allows you to add keys and values or modify existing components to the application you want to handle do not need to change the register server. All the settings and files can easily be package in the package set MSI basic deployment the installation of your custom, as well as the link files and shortcuts on the destination computer.
Moreover, the application allows you to select the run-time environment on which your product depends on, grab configure the system to not require them on the PC to which it is deployed. After completing a few times click create package set in a custom folder.

considering everything, we can say that Spoon Virtual Application Studio promises and managed to change the way your application is deployed. It can be used to eliminate the need for any request of the Tuesday other or simply move the entire application and the ongoing project to a new machine.

Turbo Studio 23.11.19 注册版
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-976441912-966e38?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1n6HV3Ir70lzkJT_nKsQwYQ 提取码: b2xe

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