
The Foundry Mari 7.0v1 x64 注册版 - 高精度数字化3D纹理绘制

艺术家友好的3D绘画工具,Mari 是一款无所限制的3D绘画,功能和性能完美结合。即使面对最复杂的资产,也可以运用艺术家友好的3D绘画工具,充分发挥您的创造力。3D 投影绘画- 凭借对于UDIM工作流程的支持,艺术家能运用数以百计的高分辨率纹理贴图。基于投影的绘画系统,在提交之前对绘画进行编辑,能在情境中预览,并进行2D调整,让艺术家不再受分辨率和复杂性的限制。

The Foundry Mari 7.0v1 x64 注册版 - 高精度数字化3D纹理绘制

程序化工作流程 – Mari的非破坏性图层和节点图系统可让艺术家轻松地创建所需外观效果,并具备了广泛的程序化。材质系统则让艺术家能轻松地创建海量的低复杂度资产,或为重点资产快速奠定基础。生产流程就绪 – 通过广泛的Python API和全面的OCIO色彩管理支持,技术型艺术家能轻松实现工作流程的自动化,并处理色彩转换。更重要的是,Mari提供了对各行业标准格式的支持,如FBX、OBJ、Alembic和OpenEXR。

规模化的质量 – Mari能在不减慢速度的情况下,将单个拓扑的规模扩展到上百万个多边形,足以应对最艰难的生产模型,并可通过UDIM支持每个模型上的数千张纹理。此外,艺术家还可以用Mari的着色器简化外观开发的实现,并更有信心地绘制纹理,确信自己的艺术在最终渲染中看起来正确无误。

Mari与Katana: 纵览更大场面

Mari与Katana 将构成一个强大的工具组合。Mari确保了3D纹理绘画不再受限,而Katana则将会以迅猛地方式应对着创意外观开发和灯光挑战。这两款工具结合在一起,必将成为引领外观开发和灯光行业工作流程的终极组合。

MARI 7.0- 有何新特性?

Mari 7.0 带来了基础性的USD和特性升级,以减少流程阻力,促进创意协作,并增强您的艺术性。改进的笔刷引擎让您能在每条笔划、每个笔尖触点或在压感控制基础上单独控制笔刷的颜色以及HSV抖动效果,此外,自定义笔尖现在已经能运用全彩色图像了。新的烘焙点滤镜真正释放了Mari的程序化功能和您的创造潜力。而在对Mari核心技术的进一步优化中,包括改进的拼合引擎,可将烘焙速度提升50%。只需更少的等待,能进行更多创造了。

The Foundry Mari 7.0v1 x64 注册版 - 高精度数字化3D纹理绘制


  • • 借助Mari的艺术家友好型绘画工具,以最高质量完成作品
  • • 如同在虚拟的玻璃上作画一般,并在整个资产情境中下预览绘画
  • • 利用Mari的材质系统迅速构建起资产的外观效果


  • • Mari完全能处理好艺术家最棘手的生产模型
  • • 利用Mari广泛的程序层,轻松创建想要的外观
  • • 通过Mari可轻松摄取数以千计的PBR纹理集
  • • 每个UDIM支持多达32K @ 32bit的纹理


  • • 利用Mari的供应商着色器,减少Mari和Katana以及其它DCC程序之间的往返次数
  • • 艺术家能借助Mari的复杂几何处理技术轻松地扩展
  • • 可选用如下四种着色器之一:3Delight、V-Ray、Unreal和Arnold


  • • 支持OpenColorIO和OpenSubdiv等开放标准,以及FBX和Alembic等文件格式
  • • 广泛的API和Python脚本
  • • 建立在Qt5上,并且可访问PySide2

The Foundry Mari , name of the software engineering and specialized in the field of design and digital painting as three-dimensional. You to help of this product powerful be able to paintings, three-dimensional, without limitation, your mood, session. The combination of power and performance has led you when this product for drawing, painting, and your use so that you can bring out the creativity in your terms of use. When using this program, you with a resolution very high work you’ll. You will also when this product select to the high number of the most complex and the most efficient tools access you’ll find.

Due to the capability of that software, The Foundry Mari in itself, you can confidently only to thought, creativity, and results in mind. You will be able to painting digitally with your techniques a very good to help the product improve. In fact, the creators of this product, all your efforts have you everything that you want to get. You have to design and draw paintings of the digital in this software to the imagination suitable for this you’ll need.

In the end, you confidently want to have this software as necessary tools for the digital design of your choose. Quotes from official website of this product. the quality is very high, this software makes it is effortless so that you can in a working environment appropriate painting your own digital with a different scale drawing below. Also, you to the help tools available in this software, you can control very full of colors in their paintings in mind.

Features and software features Foundry Mari :

  • Provide solutions and techniques to efficiently UV
  • Very high quality in designs, output
  • The interface is very convenient and dynamic, that the conditions of the work’s simple, has
  • The possibility of drawing, painting, three-dimensional, without limitation, provides
  • Benefit from the tools and features necessary for the design and outlining the paintings you
  • The functionality of adjustment layers, mask them the best way possible, made it
  • And…

System requirements

The Foundry Mari System Requirements

Operating Systems
Windows 11
Windows 10
Windows 8/8.1
Windows 7

The Foundry Mari 7.0v1 x64 注册版 – 高精度数字化3D纹理绘制
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