NewTek 公司开发的 LightWave 3D 2023 是一款高性价比的三维动画制作软件,它的功能非常强大,是业界为数不多的几款重量级三维动画软件之一。广泛应用在电影、电视、游戏、网页、广告、印刷、动画等各领域。它的操作简便,易学易用,在生物建模和角色动画方面功能异常强大;基于光线跟踪、光能传递等技术的渲染模块,令它的渲染品质几尽完美。
它以其优异性能倍受影视特效制作公司和游戏开发商的青睐。当年火爆一时的好莱坞大片《TITANIC》中细致逼真的船体模型、《RED PLANET》中的电影特效以及《恐龙危机2》、《生化危机-代号维洛尼卡》等许多经典游戏均由LightWave 3D开发制作完成。
TurbulenceFD 已被 LightWave Digital 收购,现在包含在所有 2023 年许可证中。这为 LightWave 用户提供了一个基于体素的原生气态流体动力学插件,通常用于创建逼真的火焰、烟雾和其他流体效果。
虚幻引擎是一个流行的实时3D创作平台,广泛应用于游戏行业,以及建筑、电影、虚拟制片和模拟等其他领域。LightWave在虚幻引擎5.x中对桥接的支持意味着从LightWave Layout到虚幻引擎5.x的实时通信。
实例化是指一种用于在场景中有效复制和渲染同一对象或几何体的多个副本的技术。实例化不是创建对象的单个副本,而是允许 LightWave 在不复制基础数据的情况下复制几何图形。这可以显著提高渲染性能并减少内存使用量。这个新的工具集允许 LightWave 艺术家使用画笔界面放置这些实例。
LightWave 3D software, graphics, 3D computer designed by NewTek. This application in film, television, motion graphics, digital matte painting, visual effects, video game development, product design, architectural visualization, virtual production, music videos, previews and promotions are used. LightWave is a software package that is used to render images of 3D, animated and static are used.
The application includes a fast rendering engine that supports advanced features such as true reflections, radiosity, caustics and render nodes 999 support. 3D modeling of multiple components of both the modeling and below the levels of support. Components such as inverse kinematics animation features and default character animations, and dynamic particle system. Developers can use the SDK capabilities of LightWave with the included Python and LScript (proprietary scripting language) script and language C offers, to expand.
Features and software LightWave 3D:
- Blobby metabolism for things like water and mercury , including settings reflecting surface or fracture
- Transparent and flexible material such as a full internal reflection algorithms
- Underground distribution of multifunctional materials such as wax or plastic
- Realistic skin, such as subsurface scattering and multi-layered skin
- Spirit that is able to reproduce the effects of fire are.
- Metal and reflective materials using energy-saving algorithms
- Shades range to simulate clouds or fog
NewTek LightWave 3D 2023.0.0 x64 Multilingual 注册版