
Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.50 注册版 - 采矿分析软件

MineSight 3D v9.20-02可以满足所有你的采矿需求,无论是地下或地表,从贵金属到基本金属、煤、焦油砂和工业矿物,MineSight 3D v9.20-02几乎囊括了所有的采矿应用功能。而且感谢其广泛的应用程序集,它可以处理各个层面的地质和工程测量等。使用MineSight 3D v9.20-02,通过可行性研究、矿山规划和日常矿山运营管理用于矿山开发的地质解释。

Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.50 注册版 - 采矿分析软件

Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.20-02是一个综合的建模和采矿规划软件平台。为解释、建模、设计、规划和生产提供集成的解决方案。

MineSight3D设置基准可视化和处理所有类型的地质和采矿数据。工作流程继续在MineSight 3D v9.20-02的发展上作为一个重要考虑因素。Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.20-02在界面美化和功能方面都有了很大的增强。

9.2版本中将会更容易的组织你的屏幕界面,为浏览、数据管理、和信息窗口提供了停靠支持。所有的改变都会被保存在用户的个人资料下。Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.20-02因此可以实现用户个性化。


自定义的菜单允许你创建属于你自己的工具栏或者编辑现有的一些。这将会帮助你保持一个干净和功能性的工具栏(可以只包括你需要的工具)。在特定任务期间,如多段线编辑,你甚至可以直接拖放任何的工具栏到Mintec MineSight 3D v9.20-02,来改进你的工作流程。

Hexagon Mining is part of Hexagon, a leading global provider of information technologies that drive quality and productivity improvements across geospatial and industrial enterprise applications, has presented 9.2 version of MineSight 3D is Hexagon Mining’s comprehensive modeling and mine planning software platform.

In this release added new functionality to vastly improve workflow and visualization. This includes faster digitizing in 2D while displaying a large amount of data; many new icons for functions within MS3D; the ability to switch easily between MineSight Reserve setups and visualizing drillhole data in 3D with Barrels; the ability to offset labels in drillhole views; and a new placement for object properties in a dock-able panel. This article shows you where to find these improvements and additions, plus how to use them.

– 2D digitizing speed improvement
In Version 9.2, MineSight improves the performance of digitizing in 2D when displaying a large amount of data. Digitizing in these views is quicker, which will benefit anyone who digitizes against drillholes or block models in 2D in their workflow.

– New icons
MS3D’s interface continues to improve, and now includes many new icons for functions. Now you can use these icons in customized toolbars, which will greatly improve your workflow.

– Recent Reserves
Now you can choose from recently used reserve logics from the Model menu. This allows for quick switching between your most commonly used reserve logics in MineSight Reserve from viewer or OCB, without the need to open the Reserves Setup function.

– Drillhole Views – Barrels
Version 9.2 offers two great additions to our drillhole view technology. The first is the ability to view your data as “barrels” in 3D. Barrels are a graphical representation of drillhole data in cylinder-like objects that can be colored, sized and textured with patterns to highlight grade, codes among other types of data. This greatly enhances the visualization of data for many applications, including geologic interpretation in 3D, MineSight Implicit Modeler, and underground design.

– Drillhole Views – Text offset
The second addition to our drillhole views is the ability to offset survey and interval labels. This allows you to customize the placement of your labels with respect to the drillhole trace. Below is an example where a negative offset puts your labels inside your strips in 2D.

– Properties panel
Object and material properties are now a dynamic, dock-able window. Simply open an object and click on it in the data manager to activate the new properties panel. If you close or have closed this window then a double click on the object brings the window back. Make any changes to the properties and the object will change immediately. No need to apply. This greatly helps your workflow because you don’t need to apply changes. Geometry object properties and material properties have been moved to this window. Future versions will work toward getting drillhole view and model view among others into this new panel.

In the properties panel you can now highlight any properties that were changed from the original material properties of the object. Do this by toggling on the “Show boxes indicating property overwrites material”. Any changes made to the original material properties will be highlighted by a blue box. Right click on any of the “groups,” such as Global, Nodes, Polylines to reset that group to the material properties, or all groups to material properties (this works like the Refresh button from the previous properties dialog).

Another great advantage to the properties panel is the ability to dock it alongside, float or tab into the position most suitable for your workspace, as shown in Figure 5.

The setup for node labels and line labels is also redesigned with an intuitive, yet space-saving way to represent the properties, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 also shows that there are three tabs to the Properties panel after clicking on a geometry object in the data manager: Object, Information and Material. When you click on a material in the data manager, the panel will only show material and information.

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