Mastercam 2017是一款功能强大的三维设计软件,软件拥有二维绘图、三维实体造型、曲面设计、体素拼合等功能,能够快速高效的帮助用户轻松绘制。Mastercam 2017支持中文环境,而且价位适中,对广大的中小企业来说是理想的选择,是经济有效的全方位的软件系统,是工业界及学校广泛采用的CAD/CAM系统。
Mastercam是美国CNC Software Inc.公司开发的基于PC平台的CAD/CAM软件。它集二维绘图、三维实体造型、曲面设计、体素拼合、数控编程、刀具路径摸拟及真实感摸拟等多种功能于一身。它具有方便直观的几何造型。 Mastercam提供了设计零件外形所需的理想环境,其强大稳定的造型功能可设计出复杂的曲线、曲面零件。
CNC Software announces the release first update of Mastercam 2017. Mastercam 2017 brings a new suite of programming tools focused on delivering speed, automation, and efficiency for all machining jobs. Mastercam 2017 introduces a more efficient workflow, improved usability, Dynamic Motion improvements, and so much more.
– Mastercam 2017 (version 19.0.11004.10) Update1
Version number: 19.0.11004.0
Multiaxis Roughing lead-in over engagement
Multiaxis imported toolpath stability
OptiRough gouge in back feed motion
Context menu and sub menus
Mill-Turn sync points
Mill-Turn and shifted planes
Part geometry nesting
Curve on Edges
Lathe machine groups in Machsim
Space between tool and spindle in Simulation
Startup product with non-Mastercam files
Hidden stock model display
Large icon setting
– Mastercam 2017 (version 19.0.11004.10) Update1 for SolidWorks
Version number: 19.0.11004.10
Multiaxis Roughing lead-in over engagement
Multiaxis imported toolpath stability
OptiRough gouge in back feed motion
Deleted operation clean-up
Lathe machine groups in Machsim
Space between tool and spindle in Simulation
Hidden stock model display
Verify after using Save As
Stock model and associativity in other operations
– Mastercam 2017 (version 19.0.11004.10) Update1 Update Only
– Mastercam 2017 (version 19.0.11004.10) Update1 for SolidWorks Update only
Name: Mastercam and Mastercam for SolidWorks
Version: (64bit) 2017 Update1 (Build 19.0.11004.0)
Interface: english
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / Windows 10
Size: 3.0 Gb
Mastercam 2017 Update 1 and Mastercam for SolidWorks下载地址: