随着移动运营商引进 5G 技术,新设备必须与旧有 2G / 3G / 4G LTE标准共存一段时间。多标准无线(MSR)测试可以表征这些标准的交互作用,广泛应用在多种安捷伦测试产品。Keysight SystemVue 是可用于通信物理层的系统级建模环境,允许研发工程师预测上述交互作用,获得更稳固的系统设计,通过与测试套件连接并且使用真实硬件,可对仿真性能进行验证。
工程师可建立跨多个仿真域的并行体系结构,包括非线性射频以及数据流系统级的仿真。此外,他们也可进行单信号模拟,或者维持通过阵列访问的单个信号。该系统组合了矩阵实验室MATLAB Script,以使用现有算法并扩展射频和系统设计的数组设计工具。
业界首个 5G 基带探测程序库推进 5G 技术研究,适用于 SystemVue 电子系统级(ESL)设计软件的 5G 基带探测程序库,5G 基带探测程序库能够为 5G 技术研究提供可立即使用的参考信号处理用户专利(IP)设计,使得系统构架师和基带物理层(PHY)设计人员可以大幅提升工作效率。新的基带探测程序库包括源代码、模型、子系统、仿真实例和基础设施组件,可支持用户使用 Keysight SystemVue 电子系统级(ESL)仿真平台快速开发和验证高质量的先进数字调制解调器。”
5G 基带探测程序库与 SystemVue System Architect 仿真环境结合能够提供:
• 用于 5G 候选波形技术的先进数字信号处理模块
• 端到端物理层发射和接收仿真模型
• 包括空间多路复用、空时编码和多探测方法的 MIMO 通道信令方案
• 生成参考波形以验证射频电路设计
Keysight SystemVue(电子系统模拟)和AGI STK(惯性与环境建模)的组合,可提供雷达与电子战演算法的虚拟飞行测试,是克服前述难题的高效率解决方案。 Keysight SystemVue可与Analytical Graphics Inc.(AGI)提供的STK搭配使用,充分发挥各自的专业知识与优势,以解决牵涉层面极广的测试问题。除了善用SystemVue灵活的API之外,W1905 SystemVue Radar模型库还提供雷达信号处理/ 特定领域智财(IP),不但可处理此特定系统的最终细节,还为建模和测试设备提供简单易用的介面。
Keysight SystemVue软件功能与AGI STK工具的组合,不仅可解决诸多测试难题,同时还提供多项重要功能。这样的最佳化软体整合可提升易用性、降低成本,同时还可增强功能。
Keysight Technologies, Inc. introduced the latest release of its powerful SystemVue 2016.08 software. This release now includes dynamic plotting, and provides many improvements to the core platform, design flows, and add-on libraries.
SystemVue is a focused electronic design automation (EDA) environment for electronic system-level (ESL) design. It enables system architects and algorithm developers to innovate the physical layer (PHY) of wireless and aerospace/defense communications systems and provides unique value to RF, DSP, and FPGA/ASIC implementers. As a dedicated platform for ESL design and signal processing realization, SystemVue replaces general-purpose digital, analog, and math environments. SystemVue “speaks RF”, cuts PHY development and verification time in half, and connects to your mainstream EDA flow.
Key Benefits of SystemVue
– Best-in-class RF fidelity among today’s baseband/PHY environments – allows baseband designers to virtualize the RF and eliminate excess margin
– Superior integration with Test accelerates real-world maturity and streamlines your model-based design flow, from Architectures to Verification
– Priced for networked workgroups to maximize design re-use and capitalize on Baseband & RF synergies
SystemVue 2016.08 is a major release, enabling phased array beamforming in both Spectrasys and Dataflow. It also adds dynamic plots, updates to many add-on libraries (5G, LTE-A, Radar, WLAN, IBIS AMI), and HIL support for Xilinx Virtex7.
Key Features & Specifications
– New Phased Array Beamforming Kit that extends the convenient SystemVue Cockpit for Baseband-RF co-design for use with high-order phased arrays
– Dynamic 2D and 3D plotting, previously only possible with the 89600 VSA software
– Improvements to nearly every SystemVue add-on library
– FPGA flow support for the latest Xilinx and Altera families, and Keysight instruments
Keysight SystemVue 2016.08 多语言中文注册版下载地址: