SyncBackPro 是一个强大的文件备份和同步程序。 它支持多种数据源之间的同步操作, 包括硬盘、 可移动媒体(例如 U盘)、 FTP 服务器(标准 FTP、FTPS 和 SFTP)、 压缩文件(标准 ZIP、 Zip64 和 256 位 AES 加密算法)、 POP3/IMAP4/SMTP/Exchange 邮件服务器、 网络共享位置、云备份服务(S3、Azure 和 Office 365、Dropbox、OneDrive、Google Drive 和 Storage、Box、SugarSync、OpenStack,以及 Backblaze)、 媒体传输协议设备(如手机、平板电脑)。它容易使用,但为高级用户提供了很多选项,例如,它可以支持脚本控制同步操作。SyncBackPro 是在屡获殊荣的 SyncBackSE 基础上大幅强化的版本。
它可用于在硬盘、可重写光盘(含蓝光碟)、云备份服务器(支持亚马逊S3、微软Azure)、U盘和闪存卡、FTP及安全FTP服务器、ZIP压缩文件(支持Zip64压缩及256位AES加密)、电子邮件服务器和网络共享文件夹之间同步文件。 程序使用简单,但为高级用户提供大量配置选项, 甚至可在同步过程中执行脚本程序。 SyncBackPro是屡获殊荣的同步程序——SyncBackSE的增强版本。
SyncBackPro有一个强大的内置FTP引擎可以对任何FTP站点进行备份。它还提供了AES 256位加密以增强软件使用的安全性。 SyncBackPro自带的自动调度,自动备份作业。 SyncBackPro可备份到CD/DVD或者其它设备和驱动器,支持电子邮件的备份,不管是SMTP,POP3或IMAP4。 SyncBackPro支持脚本作业,所以你可以根据实际情况用你自己自定义的脚本来配置程序。程序支持压缩,可以方便减少备份文件大小,减少空间占用。
SyncBackPro, the professional’s tool to backup, synchronize, and restore data files. SyncBackPro for Windows is used by individuals, small businesses, and mission critical organizations throughout the world including law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and government departments.
Install SyncBackPro on a Windows computer and backup your data across multiple operating systems using SyncBack Touch (licensed separately). SyncBack Touch works with Windows, macOS (Apple), and Android (Mobile phones and Devices).
SyncBackPro, the most powerful backup and synchronization utility in its class. Version 7 now supports more Cloud services than ever.
Transfer media files to and from portable devices automatically. Backup your pictures, music files and movies. With notifications about profile runs, creation etc. scripting functions, and automatic drive failure detection (S.M.A.R.T.), SyncBackPro delivers the complete backup solution.
SyncBackPro, together with SyncBack Touch provide an outstanding multi-platform (Windows, macOS and Android) backup solution.
SyncBackPro also connects to the SyncBack Management System (SBMS) which makes monitoring and managing remote backups a whole lot easier and more secure. Review the Full Features and Comparison List.
Windows 11,Windows 10, Win8, Win7, Vista & XP SP3, 2003 and Windows Server 2022 (32/64-bit)
Copy Locked or Open Files
Supports Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Amazon Drive, Azure, Google Storage, Office 365 (OneDrive for Business and SharePoint) and SugarSync.
Fast Backup, Smart Synchronization and Incremental Backups
Backup Emails Stored on a POP3/IMAP4/Exchange Server
Versioning – Keep Previous Backup Versions
Scripting – Configure How SyncBackPro Runs
Powerful FTP/FTPS/SFTP Engine and Encryption
Automatic Drive Failure Detection (S.M.A.R.T.)
V11.3.45.0 SyncBackPro, SyncBackSE, SyncBackFree (26th August 2024)
Fixed: When restoring from system tray icon, and dark style used, SyncBack window may flash white
Fixed (Pro): Script function midstr() was wrongly expecting 2 parameters instead of 3
Update: 7z is now used to create No Install Zip files (Zip format still used)
V11.3.35.0 SyncBackPro, SyncBackSE, SyncBackFree (1st July 2024)
Fixed: Exception when selecting ‘Exit but do not backup profiles’ from Exit button on main menu
Fixed (Pro): Fix for Chilkat SFTP not setting last modification date and time when using SFTP v3 servers
Fixed: Some anti-virus software can delay SyncBack starting
Fixed: The expanded source and destination directories may be displayed differently on Simple settings page than what is actually used when run
Updated: Runtime Intelligence removed
Updated: Profile and Global variables will warn if a SyncBack, Windows, etc. variable name is being used
Updated (Pro/SE): Upgrade Assurance can now be purchased at a later stage
V11.3.29.0 SyncBackPro, SyncBackSE, SyncBackFree (30th May 2024)
New (Pro/SE): New COMPAREBOTHTOTAL variable
Updated (Pro/SE): Can use wildcards for network names in Copy Delete -> Network settings
Updated: When error is ERROR_RETRY then it will only retry 5 times before failing
Updated: When opening or comparing files from Differences window it will now change volume GUID or device path to drive letter paths automatically
Fixed (Pro): Can add secrets connection if no secrets
Fixed (Pro): Change in S3 to use the correct maximum number of uploaded parts when using Scaleway storage
Fixed: Exit from tray icon pop-up menu, and Close from taskbar pop-up menu, correctly handles situations where modal windows are open
Fixed: Choose sub-directories and Files window may fail to expand folder when using Chilkat FTP engine
Fixed: When using single zip the zip filename in the log had a trailing slash
Updated (Pro/SE): Improved error handling and logging when file cannot be zipped when using PKZip
V11.3.16.0 SyncBackPro, SyncBackSE, SyncBackFree (2nd April 2024)
Updated (Pro): Considerably quicker initial start when using SBMS
Updated (Pro/SE): User interface changes to choosing profiles backup directory in Global Settings
Updated: French and Dutch translations
Updated (Pro): Change in Google Drive and Google Photos to ensure users grant all required permissions during authorization
Updated: When enabling or disabling a schedule you are prompted if the schedule should also be enabled or disabled
Updated (Pro): S3 (and compatibles) retry HTTP request if socket error 10048
Fixed: In the main window, a tab may incorrectly appear (called scGP…) when there are errors
Fixed: For WebDAV, do not retry upload if HTTP Error 507 (Insufficient Storage)
Fixed: Correct a problem in extracting user’s name from the encoded token (SharePoint)
Fixed: In rare cases the minimized to tray balloon notification flickers constantly
Fixed: Occasional error opening Global Settings
Fixed: Error on start-up due to invalid entry in registry for Windows TLS
Fixed (Pro/SE): When using Azure Speech the sound will no longer be clipped when SyncBack or the profile ends
SyncBackPro v11.3.45 x86/x64 Multilingual 中文注册版 – 文件备份及同步程序
Download 城通网盘: (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘: 提取码: kn2v
SyncBackPro v11.2.15 Multilingual x32/x64 多语言中文注册版 – 文件备份及同步程序
Download 城通网盘 x32: (访问密码: 6871)
Download 城通网盘 x64: (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘 x32: 提取码: scmu
Download 百度网盘 x64: 提取码: sbxm