PSTViewer Pro 是一款PST文件的专业查看浏览工具,帮助您查看轻松的PST文件的内容。.pst文件是微软outlook文件的专用格式,可以用outlook打开。支持:Win7/Win10。有了这个,就无需去安装outlook也可以直接看了。支持针对类别进行搜索的功能!
这款软件官方支持简体中文和繁体中文,不过官方把简体和繁体搞反了,切换简体却变成了繁体,相反,切换繁体却变成了简体。。。。大家在安装时或者在设定语言(Language)时选择Chinese 或者Chinese Simplified(简体中文)、Chinese Traditional(繁体中文) 或者ChineseS、ChineseT即可。
PST Viewer Pro is an application for viewing and exporting MSG, EML, PST and OST files, including those containing email messages, contacts and tasks. PSTViewer Pro does not require MAPI installed on computer to work with PST and OST files. You can view message headers, bodies, attachments and perform various actions on them including exporting them to different file formats.
PSTViewer Pro features:
- View any Outlook .PST file
- View Outlook .msg files
- View .eml (RFC-2822) files
- Bypass password protection on .pst files
- View .msg files formatted as Outlook notes, tasks, calendar items, contacts
- Search emails
- Export emails to PDF
- Convert many attachment types to PDF, or embed them as files within the PDF
- Reply and Forward emails using your default email client
- Reads emails stored in recursive folders
- Reads emails stored in a read-only state
- View MAPI properties
- Export email file attachments to PDF image
- Embed email file attachments within PDF image
- Export images and files to hard drive
- Export email file attachments to a designated folder
- Batch process one or thousands of emails for print or export operations
- Duplicate selected emails
- Add important messages or folders to a favorites list
- Set as windows default for .msg or .eml or .pst files
- .MSI file available for installation from command line
- Print emails from command line
- Convert email from a batch file or command line
- User interface is configurable and some features can be disabled
- Flexible file naming of exported email messages during export operations
- Set text viewing as the default
- Language Support for English, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Polish, Portuguese.
- Automatic software update notifications (may be disabled for enterprise users) keeps your software current. Includes one year free updates.
Supported message formats:
MSG – Microsoft Outlook message file; compatible with other programs that use Microsoft’s Messaging Applications Programming Interface (MAPI).
EML – E-mail message saved by Microsoft Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Lotus, and other e-mail programs; may also contain e-mail attachments, or files sent with the message.
PST – Personal Storage Table, file format used to store local copies of messages, calendar events, and other items within Microsoft Outlook.
OST – Off-line Storage Table that stores e-mail messages and other data saved by the application from an Exchange server.
PSTViewer Pro 24 9.0.1720.0 x86/x64多语言中文注册版-PST文件浏览工具
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