QTranslate 是一个轻量级的免费电子词典,通过集成各大在线翻译引擎实现便捷的实时翻译。QTranslate 帮助你更好地利用在线翻译工具,目前支持 Google Translate、Bing Translator、Promt、Babylon、SDL、Yandex、youdao、Baidu等翻译引擎或信息服务。
启动 QTranslate 后,默认配置下,鼠标选中任意文本,连点两下 Ctrl 即可激活主窗口并翻译选中的文本,或者通过 Ctrl+Q 弹出小窗口直接显示翻译结果、Ctrl+W 则显示网络搜索结果。启用即时翻译模式后,在任意程序中选择文字,则自动弹出 QTranslate 图标,点击图标即可查看翻译结果,QTranslate 会自动检测源文本语言格式。
QTranslate,软件小巧精悍、速度流畅,能快速给出翻译结果,以前使用的灵格斯词霸还有有道词典感觉是越来越臃肿、运行效率越来越低了。QTranslate 立足于在线翻译并做到极致操作体验,虽然使用时必须联网,但已适用于大部分情况了。
值得一提的是,QTranslate 还提供了国际字符软键盘,能够轻松输入各国语言,特别当你不方便或者懒得安装新的输入法时,这个小功能尤为有用。
单字建议/自动完成(Ctrl + Space)
翻译纪录(Ctrl + H)
Microsoft 与Google并具语音朗读功能
可在Acrobat Reader、浏览器、文书编辑工具、 Microsoft Outlook 、Skype。。。中鼠标选词翻译!
What’s new in 6.7.2
- New: DeepL supports Portuguese and Russian languages
- Fixed: DeepL translation service
- Fixed: Regular fonts are not available in options
What’s new in 6.7.1
- Fixed: Google translation service
- Fixed: Baidu translation service
- Updated: Most services use https protocol
What’s new in 6.7.0
- New: Naver service API (Naver service was renamed to Papago)
- New: Marathi language
- New: Danish localization
- Improved: Text recognition
- Fixed: Yandex translates only short texts
- Fixed: Microsoft service doesn’t work in China (set Preferred Domain option to “cn”)
- Fixed: Options are not saved sometimes after user logoff
What’s new in 6.5.3
- New: ‘Enable global hotkeys’ tray menu option
- Fixed: Text recognition
- Updated: libcurl to 7.61.0
- Updated: wolfssl to 3.15.3
- Updated: zlib to 1.2.11
What’s new in 6.5.2
- New: History export to JSON format
- New: Kannada and Tamil languages
- New: Portuguese Europian localization
- New: ‘Pin when dragging’ popup window option
- New: Proxy scheme option
- Fixed: DeepL translation service
- Updated: libcurl to 7.59.0
What’s new in 6.5.1
- New: History export to CSV format
- New: ‘Remove line breaks’ option (fixes PDF translation)
- Fixed: Microsoft translation service
- Fixed: Popup window is closed immediately on mouse exit
What’s new in 6.5.0
- New: DeepL translation service
- New: Mongolian language
- New: Keyboard window is resizable
- Fixed: Baidu, Promt and youdao translation services
- Fixed: Any QTranslate window activation brings to the top all the visible QTranslate windows
- Fixed: Replace selected text with Microsoft service adds redundand new line
- Fixed: Translate button click cancels instant translation result
官网地址: http://quest-app.appspot.com
Download YunFile云盘:http://putpan.com/fs/ft0ocpdm4obl0d06/
Download 皮皮网盘:https://sun0816.pipipan.com/fs/3477565-327368256
Download 城通网盘:https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/3477565-327368256
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ojruzaSVeFuBUd6QVdQLcw 密码:rmdv
Download 城通网盘:https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/gw5172374214
Download YunFile云盘:http://yfdisk.com/fs/1teodp1m1o0l8d13/
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVAxZtd 密码:hyia
Thank you for sharing.