MySQL 8 正式版 8.0.11 已发布,官方表示 MySQL 8 要比 MySQL 5.7 快 2 倍,还带来了大量的改进和更快的性能!注意:从 MySQL 5.7 升级到 MySQL 8.0 仅支持通过使用 in-place 方式进行升级,并且不支持从 MySQL 8.0 降级到 MySQL 5.7(或从某个 MySQL 8.0 版本降级到任意一个更早的 MySQL 8.0 版本)。唯一受支持的替代方案是在升级之前对数据进行备份。
MySQL 8.0 主要特性:
1. 性能:MySQL 8.0 的速度要比 MySQL 5.7 快 2 倍。MySQL 8.0 在以下方面带来了更好的性能:读/写工作负载、IO 密集型工作负载、以及高竞争(”hot spot”热点竞争问题)工作负载。
2. NoSQL:MySQL 从 5.7 版本开始提供 NoSQL 存储功能,目前在 8.0 版本中这部分功能也得到了更大的改进。该项功能消除了对独立的 NoSQL 文档的需求,而 MySQL 文档存储也为 schema-less 模式的 JSON 文档提供了多文档事务支持和完整的 ACID 合规性。
3. 窗口函数(Window Functions):从 MySQL 8.0 开始,新增了一个叫窗口函数的概念,它可以用来实现若干新的查询方式。窗口函数与 SUM()、COUNT() 这种集合函数类似,但它不会将多行查询结果合并为一行,而是将结果放回多行当中。即窗口函数不需要 GROUP BY。
5. 降序索引:MySQL 8.0 为索引提供按降序方式进行排序的支持,在这种索引中的值也会按降序的方式进行排序。
6. 通用表表达式(Common Table Expressions CTE):在复杂的查询中使用嵌入式表时,使用 CTE 使得查询语句更清晰。
7. UTF-8 编码:从 MySQL 8 开始,使用 utf8mb4 作为 MySQL 的默认字符集。
8. JSON:MySQL 8 大幅改进了对 JSON 的支持,添加了基于路径查询参数从 JSON 字段中抽取数据的 JSON_EXTRACT() 函数,以及用于将数据分别组合到 JSON 数组和对象中的 JSON_ARRAYAGG() 和 JSON_OBJECTAGG() 聚合函数。
9. 可靠性:InnoDB 现在支持表 DDL 的原子性,也就是 InnoDB 表上的 DDL 也可以实现事务完整性了,要么失败回滚,要么成功提交,不至于出现 DDL 时部分成功的问题,此外还支持 crash-safe 特性,元数据存储在单个事务数据字典中。
10. 高可用性(High Availability):InnoDB 集群为您的数据库提供集成的原生 HA 解决方案。
11. 安全性:对 OpenSSL 的改进、新的默认身份验证、SQL 角色、密码强度、授权。
MySQL 8.0:
- New! Document Store for developing both SQL and NoSQL document applications using a single database.
- New! Transactional Data Dictionary implemented as a set of SQL tables stored in a single InnoDB tablespace.
- New! SQL Roles for granting and denying permissions to groups of users, greatly reducing the security workload.
- New! Default to utf8mb4 character set for richer mobile applications and international character sets.
- New! Common Table Expressions also known as WITH queries have been added to MySQL 8.0.
- New! Window Functions to reduce code complexity and help developers be more productive.
- New! Invisible Indexes to better manage software upgrades and database changes for applications that run 24×7.
- New! Descending Indexes to eliminate the need for sorting results and leads to performance improvements.
- Improved! JSON Support with numerous additions including the JSON_TABLE() function which accepts JSON data and returns it as a relational table.
- Improved! Up to 2x faster and sets new benchmarks records with upto 1.8 Million Queries/Second.
- Improved! OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library in MySQL.
- Improved! Performance Schema with queries that are up to 30x faster.
- Improved! Information Schema with queries that are up to 100x faster.
- Improved! GIS is enhanced to support geography and Spatial Reference Systems (SRS).
- Improved! Replication and InnoDB Cluster for better scale out of high volume applications.
- Reliability requiring little or no intervention to achieve continuous uptime.
- Ease of use with “3 minutes from download to development” installation and configuration.
- Low administration with very little database maintenance required.
- Replication providing flexible topologies for scale-out and high availability.
- Partitioning to improve performance and management of very large database environments.
- ACID Transactions to build reliable and secure business critical applications.
- Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity.
- Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level.
- Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised.
MySQL 8 正式版的新增功能:
for Windows:
for MacOS: