
Substance Designer x64注册版-专业材质纹理制作

substance designer 5.5是由Allegorithmic制作的一款专业的材质纹理制作软件,通过substance designer 5可以将各种类型的图形资源转为实时动态和高度灵活的纹理和过滤器,是目前最为流行的贴图制作工具之一,广受3D设计师欢迎,substance designer 5.5是目前的最新版本,可支持xp、win7Win10等操作系统。

Substance Designer x64注册版-专业材质纹理制作



substance designer 5特色

√ Substance Designer是Substance贴图工具产品系列之一,它可以帮助美术师高效地创建并且重复应用贴图。Substance Designer是首款能够混合及应用位图, 矢量图和其他元素的专业贴图工具,使用它能够制作复杂的贴图。

√ 用Substance Designer制作的贴图具有许多传统位图不具备的优势。后者相对静止且用线性方式制作,而用Substance Designer制作的贴图更具活力,在制作的每个阶段都可以被高度的自定义。

Substance Designer x64注册版-专业材质纹理制作

√ Allegorithmic的Substance技术为3D图形而提供的、一个新的、采取传统ASSET(资源)的创造过程。Substance替代了原来创建的、固定的、不可改变的位图作为纹理使用的状态,它是动态的、实时的ASSET(资源),在安装时,加载时,甚至运行时都可以被修改。

√ 这样的结果是产生了一个更加灵活、强大的ASSET(资源),特别适合于下一代的3D图形。它最关键的在于把传统的位图、矢量图、程序纹理技术结合了起来。Substance是一个混合型ASSET(资源),他结合了传统和程序的元素。

√ Substances是一场3D图形的革命。一个包含春季,夏季和冬季的Scene(场景)需要三套传统的纹理位图。而一个同样的Scene(场景)只需要设计一组合适的Substs。

√ Substance是一个xml文件, 描述了纹理的合成信息。Substance最终被渲染成位图的形式放入建模软件或者3D游戏引擎中,使它拥有更强大的实时渲染结果控制的能力。(例如:生成的材质球放入其他软件后,在其他软件中还是提供Substance自带的实时渲染控制项,用户可以通过这些控制项来改变材质球效果,这是其他同类软件所有没有的)

Substance Designer x64注册版-专业材质纹理制作

√ Substances作为一种描述文件被存储在一个文本文档里,而是不作为一个固定的位图设定来存储。

√ Substance文件通常被打包成Parkage(封包、软件包)。一个单一Parckage(封包、软件包)可以包含成千上万的Substances,但是它本身却是一个很小的文件。它可以在只有2千自己的空间里存储2万种纹理材质。而一个单一的传统纹理贴图,通常的存储空间远远超过这个数字,所以仅仅是这个优势,我们也有理由使用Substance。

√ 存储Substances描述文件和矢量图像是一样的。这意味着它们可以更容易在高分辨率下被渲染,而且不会出现明显的质量损失。(在实践中,大部分的Substances在最大分辨率下运行时,都会比我们预想添加的效果好更多)

√ 每一个Substance里的自定义变量称之为参数,Substance就可以在渲染时修改这个参数了。例如:一个”木板”Substance,可能会只使用一个变量,但是这个变量可以产生各种各样的木纹图案——但是所有的一切只是一个单一Substance。所以,一个Substance可以取代许多传统的纹理材质。

Substance Designer x64注册版-专业材质纹理制作 更新记录:

Bug fixes:
[Player] Crash when playing a Package directly in Designer by the “play button”
[Startup] popup display missing nvcuvid.dll file
[Environment init] double clicking an .sbs file does not load it in SD
[Export] Export with dependencies crash
[MDL] Synchronization issue in between a Graph an its Instance
[MDL] sbsar instance nodes are outputing texture_return instead of values
[IRay 3D View] In Iray Renderer the “Height Channel” isn’t updated properly when you change of height map
[IRay 3D View Undocked] “Camera>Save Render” Doesn’t work after hiding app in the Windows’s Taskbar
[Mac IRay] NVIDIA GPU no more detected by IRay
[Bakers] Transferred Texture from Mesh Crash when baking Non POT textures
[Crash] Crash when exporting a graph on Substance Share
[Graph] Crash when selecting a ghost instance
[3D View] Can’t dolly (Zoom In or Zoom Out) the orthographic camera in Iray mode
[UI] Color Picker doesn’t manage High DPI display
[Graph] (MacOS 10.11.06) Infinite computation with multi-material blend node
[Graph] Copy/Paste Graph’s content ==> paste in the content and also a reference to that graph
[Graph] Several multi material blends in scene, it autoselect the wrong outputs
[Graph] Metal Edge Wear locks up PC
[Library] The “SBSAR” files displays “S” logo instead of thumbnails
[Library] Folder inside .sbsar are displayed in library

[MDL Graph] Propagate SBS Graph default values to SBS Graph Node instance in MDL Graph
[MDL] Support Drag&Drop of SBSAR graph
[IRay] upgrade to SDK 2016.1.6 (261500.16187)
[sbsrender] Optimise the memory management of sbsrender to match of Player performances
[3D View] Allow the widget size to be smaller than the top menu bar
[Console] Allow to copy some lines to the clipboard更新记录:

Added :
[Iray] Add “IQ” mode for cloud rendering
[Iray] Update to Iray SDK 2016.1.5

Fixed :
[MDL] View in 3D View does not work properly the first time
[MDL] gradient_interpolation_linear is not exported with the full path
[MDL] newly created frame bottom right corner is exactly aligned with the related node
[MDL] Root material thumbnail does not update in some cases
[MDL] Crash when delete all nodes and redo
[MDL] Sluggish performances in the graph display compared to Substance Graph
[MDL] Can’t export MDL module because of IOR parameter
[MDL] Displayed parameters don’t correspond to the selected node
[3D View] MDL Material that comes from an MDL Graph is not reseted when root node is deleted
[3D View] Default camera framing is lost after loading fbx’s mesh
[3D View] Texture assignment is not kept when switching to Iray
[Iray] Warning message from IRay when moving camera
[Iray] Crash when switching to Iray
[Iray] VCA password is not saved
[Graph] Crash when deleting nodes
[Graph] Pressing CTRL to copy link doesn’t work with Material mode
[Graph] Crash when deleting output node in an instance node material
[Bakers][3D View] Can’t load high definition mesh
[Mac][3D View] Crash when trying to restore detached windows on secondary monitor
[Parameters] Cannot edit a value in a spinboxedit without removing the suffix
[UI] Use “Cancel” when closing SD should stop message box
Crash when opening two 3D Views
Crash in Alg::Scripting::Engine when using lots of VisibleIf condition
Files get deleted by autosave if a .algautosave file exists

Download 城通网盘: http://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/Q9i158731131
Download 百度云盘/360云盘:



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