
TinkerTool System 4.81 MacOSX 多语言注册版

TinkerTool System是一款Mac平台的系统深度设置维护工具,以帮助你修改一些系统隐藏的属性,包括系统界面字体,是否不显示隐藏文件等,Mac有很多功能和选项并没有通过界面的形式暴露给用户,作为系统控的用户,每次改隐藏设置都需要上网搜索,比如关掉网络卷宗上的 .DS_store文件创建等等,得到一个不可能记住的命令行。TinkerTool就是让隐藏功能现身的免费程序,从 Finder/Dock/Quicktime/iTunes/Safari 隐藏功能定制到各种界面字体选择,字体平滑程度,登录项,各种定制,灰常方便。而且不会损坏系统,设置仅仅对当前用户有效。

TinkerTool System 4.81 MacOSX 多语言注册版

√ 只需按下一个按钮即可执行定期的系统维护脚本
√ 重置Mac OS X系统文件的权限设置
√ 重复安装步骤“系统性能优化”
√ 清理互联网浏览器如Safari浏览器、Internet Explorer、Netscape、Mozilla浏览器、OmniWeb、Camino、Opera 6、iCab的缓存文件
√ 为当前用户清理缓存文件
√ 清理整个系统的缓存文件
√ 删除系统日志文件的归档副本
√ 删除搜索信息文件(.DS_Store文件)
√ 删除资源叉仿真文件
√ 强制删除单个文件或空文件夹
√ 强制清空垃圾箱(如果Finder是无法做到这一点)
√ 还原本地化设置
√ 硬盘设置节能选项指定值
√ 调整网络选项,包括为每个网络接口的MTU大小,TCP和UDP接收窗口的大小,和TCP发送窗口大小
√ 启用Quartz Extreme范围更广的显卡
√ 启用或禁用文件系统的Mac OS X扩展卷日志
√ 实施诊断或安全启动模式的操作系统
√ 在启动和登录时更改基本系统的有效语言而无需重新安装系统

This includes:
– built-in maintenance features of OS X, usually not visible on the graphical user interface,
– extended file operations, not available in the OS X Finder,
– the possibility to access advanced system settings which are not visible in System Preferences,
– genuine and unique features of TinkerTool System, designed to resolve typical real-world problems of administrators and to fix the effects of certain defects (“bugs”) in the operating system,
– an emergency tool to troubleshoot and repair OS X in cases where the graphical user interface is no longer starting correctly or the user account of the system administrator has been damaged,
– features to protect your privacy, e.g. by reviewing and editing the list of Internet cookies stored for your user account,
– functions to collect advanced information about the hardware, operating system, and applications.

Together with its sister program TinkerTool which is available at no charge, TinkerTool System is a perfect substitute for the following types of system utilities:
– Finder enhancers,
– Cache and font cache cleaners,
– Tools to access hidden preference settings,
– Applications to make objects invisible in the Finder,
– Internet browser privacy protection tools,
– Cookie managers for Safari,
– Tools to remove international language support files,
– Log file browsers,
– Application uninstallers,
– Single User Mode troubleshooting tools,
– Spell-checker dictionary editors,
and many others.

Version 4.81 (Build 160831)

  • Added new feature for OS X El Capitan to change the computer setting for optimizing system performance for server operations with OS X Server.
  • Analyzing log files is now automatically decoupled from application startup if a high number of logs is detected. Excessive log files on a computer no longer slow down the launch of the program.
  • The use of different workarounds for bugs in OS X Yosemite and OS X El Capitan could create subtle compatibility problems with version 4.8 if operating system, main application, privileged auxiliary program, and the Standalone Utility have been updated in a specific order. Launching version 4.81 analyzes this situation and replaces the helper programs if necessary to resolve such problems.

Download 城通网盘: http://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/8Lp156031162
Download 百度云盘: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dF7J4hb 密码:6jb8

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