
Comfy File Recovery v6.9.0 Commercial Edition Multilingual 中文注册版

Comfy File Recovery 用于恢复硬盘驱动器, 记忆卡和USB设备由于各种原因引起损坏或数据删除后丢失的数据的. 该方案不需要通过Windows资源管理器访问被损坏的磁盘. 该工具可以快速恢复丢失的数据或硬盘上删除的逻辑分区,闪存卡和记忆卡完整格式化后的数据.软件将恢复文件系统错误和引导扇区损坏后您的磁盘结构.

Comfy File Recovery v6.9.0 Commercial Edition Multilingual 中文注册版

Comfy File Recovery Recovers能恢复任何意外删除的文件:文档,数码照片,压缩档案,音乐和视频.程序允许您恢复硬盘格式化的逻辑卷,可移动设备,USB闪存卡和记忆卡丢失的数据,支持NTFS或FAT文件系统,用户界面友好,可让您在短短数分钟内找到并恢复删除的文件.通过深入分析功能,搜索删除的分区,让文件在几秒内恢复,该程序不仅对家庭用户有用,在数据恢复领域对专业人士也相当有益,信息恢复的结果将给您带来很多的快乐。

Comfy File Recovery Recover deleted files using Comfy File Recovery. The program recovers accidentally deleted files, information lost after formatting logical volumes on hard drives, USB flash drives, and memory cards. The program’s “Partition search” function lets you find and continue recovering files from a deleted logical partition.

A user-friendly interface resembling Windows Explorer displays files in the folders they were in prior to deletion, and the program’s “File recovery wizard” make the program accessible for any user. A built-in wizard not only allows users to quickly find and recover files, but also to save data to any folder, record it to CD or DVD, create a virtual ISO copy, or save files to a remote server using an FTP protocol.

Comfy File Recovery v6.9.0 Commercial Edition Multilingual 中文注册版

File recovery with Comfy File Recovery is absolutely risk-free. When scanning the information carrier, the program works only to read the information carrier, without re-saving the deleting information. The function of creating a virtual copy of the carrier and the ability to recover data from it later significantly increases the percentage of the information volume that you can recover from a hit or corrupted drive.

The program’s capabilities

Recovers accidentally deleted files regardless of type: documents, digital images, compressed archives, music and videos.

Recovers information that was lost after emptying the Recycle Bin and files that were deleted using the “Shift” + “Del” keys (without using the Recycle Bin).

Recovers data that was lost after quick and total formatting or total deletion of a logical drive.

Supports the following file systems: VFAT, FAT16, FAT32 и NTFS3, NTFS4, NTFS5, NTFS6 (including recovery of ADS – alternative data streams, and recovery of files on compressed and encrypted partitions).

While working, the program only reads the carrier, without saving anything on it. The program lets you create a copy of a partition or the entire carrier and to continue recovering data from the copy. This completely eliminates the chance of irreversibly corrupting the information being recovered.

The program lets you save the recovered files to any logical partition that is connected to your system, record them to CD or DVD, create an ISO copy with the recovered data, and to save files to a remote server using an FTP protocol.

The program lets you view the contents of the files being recovered and to search for, filter, and sort the files that were found for recovery.


English, العربية, 中文, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, 日本語, Nederlands, Polski, Русский, Українська





Comfy File Recovery v6.9.0 Commercial Edition Multilingual 中文注册版
Download 诚通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-975499141-b69e74?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/16Kq74t3U_owPry1SdP9qOA 提取码: j6cy

Comfy File Recovery v6.6 Multilingual
Download 诚通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-811726083-28bcfb?p=6871 (访问密码: 6871)
Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Y5CqhE-PaWtfEz6WAV9mVw 提取码: trtn

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