
Siemens Star CCM+ 2310 (18.06.006) x64 Multilingual 中文注册版 - CFD仿真软件

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 是一款多物理场计算流体力学 (CFD) 仿真软件。借助该软件,CFD 工程师能够模拟真实条件下运行的产品的复杂性并探索其可能性。通过完全集成的用户界面提高工作效率,在这个统一的软件中查找所有信息。Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 包括通过多物理场建模、数据分析和逼真可视化以及 VR 划分网格的预处理。

应对复杂应用,涵盖流体流动和热传导以外的物理场。这个完全集成的求解器平台支持运行复杂的多物理场 CFD 仿真。,缩短 CFD 准备时间,通过自动网格划分和复杂几何体预处理,将仿真准备时间从一周缩短至数小时。得益于自动化 CAD 清理、曲面包络和自动化高保真网格划分等先进技术,用户可以将时间花在重要事项上,从而设计出更出色的产品。充分发挥强大的端到端、无代码工作流自动化和完全嵌入式设计探索的作用,通过全程自动化的仿真,发挥基于 CFD 的设计探索的强大作用。

Siemens Star CCM+ 2310 (18.06.006) x64 Multilingual 中文注册版 - CFD仿真软件

电子产品的热设计对于开发满足成本和性能目标的可靠产品至关重要。随着复杂性、微型化和功率密度的提高,工程师必须准确预测温度和流体流动。他们还必须在开发阶段早期就对散热进行评估,以便设计出高效的散热管理解决方案。Simcenter 产品组合包括先进的 CFD 软件,具有芯片封装级的特定电子冷却仿真功能、印刷电路板 (PCB)、机架和外壳以及大型数据中心等。Simcenter 通过对流、传导、辐射和太阳能负载建模,缩短了产品上市时间,避免了电路板返工,降低了风冷和液冷电子产品的原型开发成本。Simcenter 热测试解决方案支持封装热模型校准,以达到极高精度。

为了在当今的面对面环境中实现材料创新,访问涵盖整个材料尺度层次结构的计算化学工具箱至关重要。快速准确地预测复杂混合物的物理化学特性可以改变材料开发和提高流体动力学仿真保真度的规则。Simcenter 提供行业前沿计算化学软件,用于快速准确地预测化学反应过程和材料特性。凭借其独特的架构,工程师能够在一个解决方案中对从量子尺度到中观尺度的系统进行建模,快速准确地以数字方式呈现系统的材料配方,并缩小与流体和热行为连续体描述之间的差异。

+Star Ccm product company, CD-adapco and recently, Siemens is the most complete software simulation of fluid dynamics, which is of course much more of a fluid dynamics application of psychology. this is the product of a process engineering full to solve issues related to fluid and solids, transfer of heat and pressure. +Star Ccm in relation to resolving complex issues, the geometrical and physical abilities, good in the field of produce quality output with minimal code and effort, the reputation has proven it.

This software easily in the process of engineering Your was and helps you to for complete, process simulation got auto-get and design repeat pussies with a minimum of interaction can deliver. The result of all these things is that the engineers are capable of spending more time analyzing engineering data, they spend less time on tasks, preparation and simulation work. The key factor of success +Star Ccm is on customer satisfaction focused and all the efforts to contribute to the success of any what’s more, companies and organizations through simulations engineering. This app for accurate, efficient and easy user according to the requirement of users, design, development and promotion, has found so that in the last year more than 600 requests from the customers of this software apply the effect has been.

Features and software features +STAR CCM :

  • The interface is simple and efficient
  • The capability of detailed analysis and rigorous design
  • Simulation the comprehensive functions of the system from different directions
  • Ability to remesh the surfaces selected to reduce the time the production of mesh levels
  • The use of Native Cylindrical, in part, a variety of DEM
  • Co-extrusion in the calculations of rheological – operating extend the working sphere +Star Ccm to the field of processes of extrusion, complex multi-material
  • Ability to hinge this connection, the exact systems several physical

Siemens Star CCM+ 2310 (18.06.006) x64 Multilingual 中文注册版 – CFD仿真软件


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