Hexagon Edgecam 2023.1 是市场领先的用于计算机辅助制造 (CAM) 系统,它为铣削、车削和铣削/车削编程提供了完整的解决方案,具有无与伦比的易用性和复杂的刀具路径生成功能。 Edgecam 极大地简化了从生产铣削和工具制造到铣削/车削多任务加工的所有加工应用程序的编程。 凭借一系列 2 到 6 轴铣削循环和完整的车削功能,它与 CAD 集成和复杂的自动化工具无缝结合。
Hexagon EdgeCAM 2023.1 是HEXAGON公司于2023年5月发布的一款CNC数控编程软件,增强了对六轴铣床的支持,波形粗加工周期性能提升,旋转孔的自动碰撞检测,粗加工循环中可用的凸台偏移,B轴轮廓车削平滑系数,精加工凹槽循环和特征查找改进,粗车循环切屑改进,倒角和余料精加工循环增强,粗略轮廓循环禁用碰撞检查,是三维铣削、铣削车削加工和多轴加工所需的CAD/CAM系统。
海克斯康工业软件旗下的EDGECAM软件是一款主要面向于产品零部件的智能编程加工软件。 使用EDGECAM进行简单的操作便可生成复杂的刀具路径,如车削、线切割、三轴铣削、多轴车铣复合、四轴/五轴加工以及在机测量等加工程序。同时,EDGECAM可以根据产品类型与需求,为客户定制符合工艺需求的CAM系统程序,具有广泛的加工适用范围,是当前全球主流的CAM软件之一。
EDGECAM 2023.1 功能介绍
- 高效波形线铣计算速度、算法优化,如250mm*250mm*20mm零件在之前版本计算需要36S,EDGECAM2023.1版本计算只需23S,节省了37%的计算时间。
- 残料精加工增强刀具路径双向优化功能,有效提高机床程序加工的平滑性,提升加工效率。
- 粗加工功能增强-凸台单独面余量设定,支持对模型中的凸台单独设定余量,对一些关键尺寸需要单独设定粗加工后的余量非常有帮助。
- 粗车加工新增“禁用/开启刀柄碰撞干涉检查”功能,用户可以根据刀具刀柄情况灵活运用。经测试:在使用开启刀柄碰撞干涉检查功能运算时间17秒;激活“禁用刀柄碰撞干涉检查”后时间为8秒,节省50%的时间,提升编程效率。
- B轴车增强平滑控制功能,模拟刀具轨迹-过度的B轴运动,容易发生刀具、机床干涉,开启平滑控制功能,更平滑、安全的B轴运动。
- 增强孔循环碰撞检查功能,对之前版本刀具路径在EDGECAM2023.1进行优化,通过模拟仿真查看到有警告和碰撞。重新计算生成刀具路径并且在碰撞中的孔被移除。
- 倒角功能增强,支持球头刀、倒角刀,自动避让干涉区域,对一些复杂零件可以得到很好的应用。
- 后处理功能增强,支持第三个旋转轴,对三个旋转轴的立式、卧式机床得到很好的支持。
Edgecam software is a powerful, comprehensive and leading for programmers, CNC is a program that the component instruments of the group CAM or design and Computer Aided Manufacturing is the really skills a lot in this field to work with devices, milling and turning, CNC has to offer, with the use of this software, the possibility of milling devices, milling and … turning the control support device, control the number of times machine, drilling etc. chip removal and all things related to turning metals in your possession, etc. This software, in class work, except the first and the best in the industry car work.
Using this app, possible to change a variety of parameters, including changing the order of cutting is to determine the Zero Point and the angle of the car there. Also in the part design (CAD), accuracy, high design, and almost all the tools needed to design two-and three-dimensional as well as accurate simulation of devices, turning it. This app simply their unique, and also produce professional paths, machining is the only tool CAM will be that you will need for all the acts of milling and. drilling and turning, and … ‘ll need. This product is now in the machine industry working from small workshops taken, up to large factories are used, and manufacturers of the benefits of this tool to increase productivity and the quality of their products to good use.
System requirements
System Requirements for Edgecam and Part Modeler
OS: 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10/Windows 11 Professional/Microsoft Win10/Win11 Enterprise
System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
- Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (SP1 required)
- Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise (SP1 required)
- Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (SP1 required)
- Microsoft Windows 8 Professional
- Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise
- Microsoft Windows 10 Professional
- Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
- Microsoft Windows 11 Professional
- Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise
Hexagon Edgecam 2023.1 Build 2347 x64 注册版 – CAD/CAM系统