
Simufact Forming 2023.2 x64 Multilingual 中文注册版

MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 是Hexagon公司于2023年7月推出的一款用于模拟金属成形制造过程的软件,该软件涵盖了成形技术的所有重要领域:锻造、冷成形、钣金成形、所有主要的增量工艺和机械连接。Simufact Forming在传统和感应热处理过程中为微观结构模拟、模具载荷计算、材料流动和材料性能预测分享支持。此外,还支持压力焊接的热机械连接方法。MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 主要亮点包括:钣金成形模拟的显著加速、FLD支持2D轴对称和2D平面仿真、在模具寿命分析中的改进、重新加载和交换CAD几何图形。

MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 x64 Multilingual 中文注册版

MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 包含以下语言:英语、德语、波兰语、土耳其语、俄罗斯语、简体中文、繁体中文、日本语,支持64位Windows 10/Windows 11系统。Simufact Forming 是用于模拟金属成形制造过程的成熟软件解决方案。该软件涵盖了成形技术的所有重要领域:锻造、冷成形、钣金成形、所有主要的增量工艺和机械连接。Simufact Forming在传统和感应热处理过程中为微观结构模拟、模具载荷计算、材料流动和材料性能预测提供支持。此外,还支持压力焊接的热机械连接方法。

Simufact Forming 2023.2 主要亮点:

钣金成形模拟的显著加速:新的加速模式将钣金成形的模拟计算优化了 3 倍。此模式可以在流程定义中找到。选择此模式时,将自动应用由我们的专家定义的模拟设置,以在保持精度的同时实现显著的加速度。

MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 x64 Multilingual 中文注册版

FLD 支持 2D 轴对称和 2D 平面仿真:在 Simufact Forming 2021.1 中,我们引入了新实现的成形极限图 (FLD) 分析,仅适用于 3D 仿真。在 Simufact Forming 2023.2 中,我们现在已将 FLD 分析扩展到 2D 轴对称和 2D 平面仿真。现在,您可以从快速准确的 2D 轴对称和 2D 平面仿真中获益,并评估 FLD。


使用硬度值生成自动EN和SN曲线:在以前的版本中,只能使用极限抗拉强度(UTS)生成Auto-EN和SN曲线。但是,UTS不常用于刀具材料。因此,在最新版本中,可以使用大多数刀具材料证书中指定的硬度值来确定UTS。我们支持 3 种常见的硬度值:维氏硬度 (HV)、洛氏硬度 (HRC) 和布氏硬度 (HBW)。结果变量现在支持对数分布:在最新版本中,可以对数显示芯片寿命,以便更好地可视化芯片寿命。

重新加载和交换 CAD 几何图形:实现了一项新功能,当原始 CAD 几何图形发生更改时,该函数会自动更新 Simufact Forming GUI 中的几何图形。这允许用户始终自动使用最新的几何图形,即使他必须对 CAD 文件进行许多更改。这样可以节省时间并避免错误。注意:目前仅适用于 STL 文件。其他文件格式正在用于未来版本。Simufact Forming 的外观已更改:期待我们新的 Simufact Forming 图标,并从我们现代化的软件 GUI 中受益,使您的过程模拟变得简单直观。

MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 x64 Multilingual 中文注册版

Simufact Forming is a software application that simulates the process of metal forming. The main purpose of the program was to provide efficient software that focuses on the essential needs of users and, according to the manufacturer, many users have confirmed this fact. Simulating metal forming processes is a complex process requiring high technical knowledge. But in this software the case is different, users here are involved in the technical details of the shaping processes without engaging with the details of the simulation. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of time getting involved with the physical aspects of the product or simulation process. Here you quickly came to the analytical parts.

Like all other Windows applications, the UI has the required standards, and users can simulate and evaluate the processes in a few simple steps. In this program it is possible to perform simulations of hot and cold forming. You can easily simulate and analyze manufacturing processes for sheet metal or sheet metal. It is possible to output the design in CAD format. Files of this format can be edited later in other 3D drawing software.

The program provides relatively accurate reports and information on materials and their properties during simulation operations and their impact on various physical conditions. This information will be useful and useful for concluding analyzes and deciding on different processes. The program is provided with a comprehensive guide and various sections of this guide are provided with sufficient explanations. Project management in this program is simple and easy to manage multiple projects.

MSC Simufact Forming 2023.2 x64 Multilingual 中文注册版


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