以数据为中心的多专业 3D 工程与设计,AVEVA E3D 是全球领先的 3D 设计解决方案,适用于工厂、海事和电力行业。它能够实现强大的可视化、无冲突、多专业的 3D 设计,可以快速生成准确的图纸和报告,以降低新项目和已有项目开发的成本、用时和商业风险。AVEVA E3D 提供一流的生产力和功能,且可与其它 AVEVA 工程和设计解决方案无缝兼容,其中包括 AVEVA Unified Engineering。
AVEVA E3D 在生成始终如一的高质量可交付成果方面具有非凡的效率,可根据最新的施工现场/制造和造船厂的条件进行调整,并通过减少返工,以及通过在复杂项目中采用首次即正确的方法来提供可观的商业价值。
从 AVEVA™ PDMS 迁移到 AVEVA™ E3D,我们最近宣布,我们将逐步淘汰全球首个三维建模软件 AVEVA PDMS,到 2024 年 AVEVA PDMS 将完全退出市场。为了保持领先,为什么不现在就开始从 AVEVA PDMS 迁移到 AVEVA E3D 呢?体验 AVEVA E3D 更强大、更高效的工作方式。我们提供全面的迁移支持,以确保对项目造成的影响最小,并保证数据安全,您的工程团队可以在项目的每个阶段以完全透明的方式相互协作。在 AVEVA Connect 上使用 AVEVA E3D 可节省 30-50% 的项目启动时间,并有望降低 IT 成本。
AVEVA™ E3D Design Mobile
AVEVA E3D Design Mobile 的前身是 AVEVA E3D Insight,用户通过 AVEVA E3D Design Mobile 在全球任何地方均能通过平板电脑或移动设备访问 3D 设计以审核和批准模型更新,在全球任何地方均可实现实时响应以加速项目交付。
AVEVA™ Model Simplification
通过 AVEVA Model Simplification 和 AVEVA Native Model Simplification,用户能够将在外部机械 CAD (MCAD) 系统中创建的设备项目的复杂 3D CAD 模型导入 AVEVA E3D Design。
3DfindIT.com 是一个免费的附加组件,AVEVA E3D Design 用户通过其可以访问 CADENAS 的由供应商提供的海量机械设备模型和数据库,用户可以轻松将这些模型和数据集成到他们的 3D 工厂和船舶模型中。
AVEVA™ E3D Whitespace Optimizer
将技术人员从检查和编辑自动生成的图纸这一耗时、重复、关注细节的负担中解放出来。AVEVA E3D Whitespace Optimizer 通过我们的安全云平台 AVEVA Connect 使用人工智能 (AI) 引擎来定位和有效利用图纸空白,以自主清理上交图纸上的注释。
AVEVA Everything3D, or E3D for short, is an integrated software for the production and design of plant / plant in various industries. Using the latest innovations in mobile computing, cloud computing, and laser scanning, the program introduces a new level of capability in the plant industry. Using this program, both on a small and large scale, saves final costs. In both the financial sphere, it takes time and minimizes production risks.
E3D is one of the key products of AVEVA and therefore there is a very good compatibility between this software and other engineering, design and management software of this company. This program is more powerful, simpler and more efficient than competitors’ products in this field. According to the manufacturer, it is enough to use this product once to fully understand the new level of plant design.
This software is an advanced version of the old software of this company and its interesting point is that it has many other capabilities of the company’s software, namely PDMS, in a frustrating way. AVEVA Everything3D will deliver projects faster and faster by shortening project steps, reducing effort, eliminating errors and rework. This software has laid the groundwork for the design of plantations, has no special shortcomings and meets all the needs of engineers.
Features and features of AVEVA Everything3D:
- Design of three-dimensional and multi-strand plantations
- Advanced 3D graphics thanks to new hardware technologies
- User-friendly and at the same time advanced user interface
- Ability to customize different parts of the product to better match your projects
- And …
官网地址: https://www.aveva.com/language-masters/zh_cn/products/e3d-design/
AVEVA Everything3D Multilingual 多语言中文注册版