LabVIEW 2023 是一种图形化编程环境,工程师可使用该环境来开发自动化研究、验证和生产测试系统。LabVIEW 2023 编程环境简化了工程应用的硬件集成,使您可以采用一致的方式采集NI和第三方硬件的数据。LabVIEW 2023 降低了编程的复杂性,使您可以将注意力集中在重要的工程问题上。LabVIEW还提供了拖放式工程用户界面创建和集成的数据查看器,可帮助您即时可视化结果。
为了将所采集的数据转化为真正的商业成果,您可以使用内含的数学和信号处理IP来开发数据分析和高级控制算法,或者复用其他各种工具的程序库。为了确保与其他工程工具的兼容性,LabVIEW 2023 可以支持与其他软件和开源语言的互操作性,并能够复用这些软件和语言的程序库。
LabVIEW 2023 集成了快速搭建自动化测试系统所需的一切。
- 内置数千个可用分析函数
- 使用可配置的交互式显示元素
- 提供用于自动化每个仪器和数据采集硬件的驱动程序
- 可与其他语言和行业标准协议实现连接
LabVIEW 2023 Q3 新增功能
LabVIEW不断改进的步伐从未停歇。我们很荣幸地宣布推出LabVIEW 2023 Q3,并为您提供激动人心的新增功能,包括缩放、访问JKI Dragon,以及更多的可用性改进。
- 缩放程序框图,最大可达250%
- 访问JKI Dragon,以便在打开项目时跟踪和安装VIPM项目依赖关系
- Quick Change(快速更改)功能加快对象创建速度
- 高亮显示执行过程有四种动画速度可供选择
- 连线时双击手势以创建输入控件或显示控件
- 加快应用重建和项目库打包
- 更多其他功能!
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit
Windows Server 2016 64-bit
Windows Server 2019 64-bit
NI LabVIEW stands for Nationally I nstruments Lab oratory V irtual I nstrument E ngineering W orkbench, meaning National Instruments Lab’s Virtual Labs Engineering Desktop, which is a graphical or visual programming language platform or environment (Visual Programming Language). This programming language is called G.
Labview has been widely used in a variety of electronics engineering, mechanics, medicine, mathematics, food industry, etc., but mostly in data acquisition systems (DAQ stands for Data Acquisition), measuring systems analysis, industrial automation and control systems, testing and data processing. Used.
NI LabVIEW Software Features and Features :
- – Fully graphical environment with the ability to learn fast
- – Measuring a variety of parameters such as physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, force, displacement, traction, etc. in various industries with very high accuracy
- – Using block diagrams in programming and thus simplifying the detection and complexity of program paths
- – Control and test all types of cards and electronic components using a computer
- – Processing of input data and performing mathematical calculations and so on
- – Has a comprehensive library of various data acquisition, mathematics, statistics, analytics and …
- – Programming for FPGA chips
- – Advanced simulation of outputs and outputs of designed projects
- And…
NI LabVIEW 2023 Q3 v23.3.0 x86/x64 注册版 – 图形化编程环境