DxO FilmPack 7 是一款将您的数码图像带回胶片摄影黄金时代的软件。 这款致敬暗房的软件可带领您探索历史,并以科学精度真实再现的优美渲染为您赋予灵感。DxO FilmPack 7 魔力 背后的科学 DxO 多年来一直在实验室中对胶片进行梳理和分析,以打造超逼真的胶片模拟。加之无与伦比的镜头校正和超广工作色彩空间。DxO FilmPack 的胶片渲染效果源自于 DxO 实验室内进行的独家科学校准流程。每款胶片效果都经过精心设计,以无与伦比的理想品质还原该胶片的外观、色彩和颗粒感。
灵感源自经典胶片渲染,更多创意效果、边框和纹理,DxO FilmPack 7 基于详尽研究,涵盖海量精准还原的胶片效果:包括 40 种黑白胶片和 49 种彩色负片和正片。
“时光机”带您穿梭历史,记录重大事件、定义时代的图像,在 FilmPack 7 中,“时光机”模式再度回归!使用按时间线排列的 104 里款历史预设,应用特定时期的效果外观,并了解其背景。
定义您的个性 FilmPack 配方,永久保存您最喜爱的效果,除了 DxO FilmPack 7 的内置预设外,您还可以打造丰富选项,创建和保存自己的自定义预设,并与他人共享预设。
DxO FilmPack, a major new version of the popular DxO Labs analogue film simulation and creative effects software, featuring over 65 beautiful renderings and stunning new effects to help photographers capture their affective photos as well as a unique style To the person whether in color or in black and white. With DxO FilmPack, photographers can combine their digital photos with all the special colors, contrast and analogue films that have made the history of photography. You can use DxO FilmPack as a standalone application and as an add-on for Photoshop and other Adobe products. In standalone mode or as a plugin for DxO Optics Pro, you can process your TIFF, JPEG and RAW images with just a few clicks. In plugin mode you can follow your normal processing workflow.
Features and Features of DxO FilmPack Software:
- Export to Facebook: Easy sharing of images via Facebook account
- Batch Processing: Processing a large number of images in a few clicks and obtaining a uniform rendering
- Printing: Full production of all image processing by printing them directly from DxO FilmPack
- Snapshot: Save the photo during processing to retrieve and reuse similar fixes
- Custom Pristas: Save contrast, intensity, etc. settings to reuse and apply to other images
- Import and Export Preset: Save and share processing settings with other DxO FilmPack users
- Many advanced settings for controlling and displaying black and white photos
- Includes many original renderings: up to 39 different black and white prisms
- Over 30 silver halide renders
DxO FilmPack Elite x64 Multilingual 多语言中文版
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DxO FilmPack Elite x64 Multilingual 多语言中文版
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