ANSYS Lumerical 2024 R1 是一款业界领先光子模拟软体,Ansys Lumerical 为研究人员和工程师提供专门用于光子器件、电路和系统设计的模拟环境,应用在光子科学和材料加工的先进领域中,如AR/VR、数位成像、太阳能和量子计算等。自2003年成立以来, Ansys Lumerical已成为光子模拟领域的领导者。Ansys Lumerical 的客户已遍布全球50 多个国家,其客户包含标准普尔1200 全球IT 指数前15 家大型企业中的10 家,以及泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名前50 名的研究型大学中的47 家。在13,500 多份科学期刊和专利中引用了Ansys Lumerical,是光子界中被引用最广泛的工具之一。
Lumerical 的器件级仿真产品 DEVICE Suite 使用多物理场式仿真工作流程在物理层面对光学、电学和热效应进行建模。 Lumerical 的系统级仿真产品 SYSTEM Suite 提供了丰富的分析功能,可用于设计和优化光子集成电路的性能。
Lumerical 的设备套件、系统套件和互操作性产品无缝协作,使设计人员能够对光子学中最具挑战性的问题进行建模,包括相互作用的光学、电学和热效应。套件之间灵活的互操作性支持各种工作流程,将设备多物理场和系统级光子电路仿真与第三方设计自动化和生产力工具相结合。互操作性进一步通过自动化 API 提供基于 Python 的自动化支持,并为业界领先的光子代工厂提供紧凑库支持。
ANSYS Lumerical 2024 Include
Lumerical CHARGE
Lumerical DGTD
Lumerical FDTD
Lumerical FEEM
Lumerical HEAT
Lumerical MQW
Lumerical STACK
Lumerical RCWA
Lumerical FDE
Lumerical EME
Lumerical varFDTD
Lumerical CLM Compiler
Lumerical is a powerful software for the design and analysis of photonics and electromagnetism from component to system stages. This edition of Lumerical has improved electrical and photonics design tools for multiphysical analysis of complex photonics, photovoltaics and. Other applications of optical electronics have included improved heat waveguides, modulators, and switching matrices. Lumerical has four parts:
- FDTD: Comprehensive software solution for solving 3D dimples. Able to analyze the interaction of ultraviolet, visible light and infrared radiation with complex structures
- MODE: Complete design space for waveguides for analysis and optimization of integrated flat planar waveguides, components and fibers
- INTERCONNECT: Integrated Space and Photonics for Design of Integrated Optical Flows, Silicon Photonics and Optical Connectors
- DEVICE: Simulation of TCAD Semiconductor Devices for Design, Analysis and Optimization of Semiconductor Optical Electronic Components
Lumerical Software Features:
- Injection of finite and measured beams with constant slope that does not change with frequency. Beams with high numerical apertures that also have variable and frequency-dependent profiles can also be easily injected into any bandwidth.
- With the new BFAST feature in the FDTD section, you can inject flat waves on periodic gradient structures that do not change with frequency.
- Parametric analysis and simulation of PICs can now be easily adjusted and implemented directly.
- Support for Windows 10, Mac El Capitan, Linux RedHat 7 and CentOS 7
ANSYS Lumerical 2024 R1 x64 Multilingual 注册版
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