Ansys SCADE 2024 R1 是一款模型驱动的开发工具包,适用于安全关键型嵌入式软件。通过使用专用软件工具和经过认证的代码生成器,系统工程师和开发人员可以避免编码错误并遵守严格的认证标准。在逐渐成为航空航天、国防军工、轨道交通、核能重工、汽车电子等安全关键行业里具有广泛的商业应用的同时,SCADE也是产学研相结合的一个典范,SCADE研发团队中脱颖而出的法国科学院院士和图灵奖获得者就是对该产品的一种绝佳肯定。
SCADE诞生于上世纪80年代的法国,从欧洲的航空与核能领域的工程应用起步,经过近40年的发展,现代SCADE已经是融合了Esterel、Lustre、SAO\SAGA、Lucid Synchrone等多个语言和工具的集大成之作。由于SCADE专注于流程规范、标准严苛的安全关键行业,行业的特性使得其多应用于研制具有相当密级的、高难度的重大项目。
SCADE is a model-based development environment for embedded or impacted sensitive software. This software for native language Scade is integrated, and as a development environment integrated for programs, it is critical that include requirements management, design-based, model., simulation., the approved, building codes allowed. The program’s output data can be used on other tools and platforms.
From SCADE can be used for the design of the software is critical, like flight control, etc. control systems, engine systems, wheel provider, the landing, the Autopilot, etc. systems, power management and fuel etc. displays the cockpit, function, auto, train, control the train based computers, brake system, auto, protect the high speed, control of nuclear plant, systems, management, battery, etc. electronic steering in cars, and many applications in air and space, rail, energy, automotive, and industry use.
Features and features of SCADE
Advanced model-based design
Synchronize with software architecture design
Model analysis
Debugging and simulation
Automatic code generation
Integration with SCADE tools
System simulation capabilities
Proprietary solutions for embedded automotive software
ANSYS SCADE 2024 R1 x64 Multilingual 注册版