如今,增强现实(AR)技术、汽车以及其它高科技市场和行业的发展,正在推动光学行业以前所未有的速度设计全新的、更高性能的创新型产品。仿真在光学设计中至关重要,因为它使您能够准确地对设计和性能进行建模,但仿真的作用并不仅限于此。Ansys Zemax OpticStudio 使您能够仿真、优化光学设计并开展公差分析;Ansys Zemax OpticsBuilder则能够将光学和机械团队联合在一起,以开展光学产品和系统的设计协作。现在,随着最新版本Ansys 2024 R1的发布,这两个平台都推出了新功能,使用户能够将设计和性能优化到更高水平,可以设计和构建系统,针对从AR可穿戴设备到汽车抬头显示(HUD)的各种应用生成更清晰、准确的图像。
OpticStudio is an optical design software that is used to design and analyze optical and lighting systems. This program was written by Mr. Moore and was introduced as the first optical design program for the Windows operating system. The first version of the program was released in 1990 under the name Max, which was later renamed to Zymx. It is used to design and analyze photography systems such as camera lenses as well as lighting systems. The program is based on the detection of rays and optical beams and the modeling of rays through the optical system. You can model various optical elements such as simple lenses, aspheric lenses, mirrors and differential optical elements with the help of this program. It is also possible to produce standard analytical charts such as point and segment X-ray charts. Zemax is also able to model the effect of optical coatings on the surface of components.
A library of commercial lenses is intended for this purpose. The program can perform continuous sequential numerical tracking through optical elements or non-sequential optical tracking for light analysis and physical proton emission. Simex is able to take into account the tolerances and design errors caused by physical limitations or human errors. Simex’s optimization tool can improve the design of the lens by minimizing the amount of distortion possible by taking into account the automatic parameters. Zemax has a complete library of types of commercial lenses, optical materials that can be used for optical analysis. This program is able to be used in optical fibers due to the physical optical properties of the devices whose diffraction is very important, such as laser beam and light coupling.
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