Photoshop CC 2017 版为设计人员和数码摄影师包含了一些激动人心的功能,现在,当您在 Photoshop 中创建文档时,您无需从空白画布开始,而是可以从 Adobe Stock 的各种模板中进行选择。这些模板包含 Stock 资源和插图,您可以在此基础上进行构建,从而完成您的项目。在 Photoshop 中打开一个模板时,您可以像处理其他任何 Photoshop 文档 (.psd) 那样处理该模板。
新增功能概述 | Photoshop CC 2017
除了模板之外,您还可以从 Photoshop 大量可用的预设中选择或者创建自定大小,进而创建文档。您也可以存储自己的预设,以便重复使用。Photoshop 现在具有强大的搜索功能,您可以在用户界面元素、文档、帮助和学习内容、振奋人心的 Stock 资源中进行搜索,更重要的是,您可以使用统一的对话框完成搜索。启动 Photoshop 后或者打开一个或多个文档时,您就可以立即搜索项目。
Photoshop 支持 SVG 字体,并且随附了 Trajan Color Concept 和 EmojiOne 字体。SVG 字体在一种字形中提供了多种颜色和渐变。
已在此 Photoshop CC 版本中得到增强,您现在可以将“人脸识别液化”设置独立或对称地应用于眼睛。单击“链接”图标 () 以同时锁定左右眼的设置。此选项有助于让眼睛应用对称效果。
已在此版本的 Photoshop CC 中得到增强
可直接从“开始”屏幕打开 Creative Cloud Files 目录中的 PSD 文件
对于 16 位图像,表面模糊的速度现在提高了 10 倍。
增加了隐藏“人脸识别液化”中屏幕 Widget 的能力
在配有 AMD 图形处理器且运行 Mac OS X 10.11 及更高版本的计算机上,您可以将 Apple 的 Metal 图形加速框架与油画滤镜结合使用。
现在,通过导出为执行导出时,可保留 GPano 元数据。
此版本的 Photoshop 无法再使用设计空间(预览)。
在 Photoshop 的早期版本中,Cmd/Ctrl+F 曾是重新应用上次所用滤镜的键盘快捷键。从这个版本开始,它的作用是调用 Photoshop 搜索体验。如有必要,您可以使用“编辑”>“键盘快捷键”来重新分配键盘快捷键。
Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) 不再是这个 Photoshop CC 版本支持的操作系统。
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 更新记录:
In-app search
Quickly search Photoshop tools, panels, menus, Adobe Stock assets, help content, and tutorials from within the app using a new search panel that’s right at your fingertips.
Tighter integration with Adobe XD
Now you can copy SVG elements to your clipboard to easily paste Photoshop design assets into Adobe XD.
Get started faster
Jumpstart design projects with easy access to presets as well as free Adobe Stock templates that you can access right from File > New.
Stock templates, 3D objects, and search
Adobe Stock marketplace now includes design templates and 3D objects, plus you can drag and drop Stock search results from your Library panel right into your canvas and start using them right away. Right-click on a stock image to do a visual search for similar images.
See how it works ›
Enhanced Properties panel
The Properties panel now displays information about common layer types as well as the document, so it’s easier to make precise adjustments.
Support for SVG color fonts
Access any SVG font installed on your system from the Photoshop Font menu. Great for responsive design, SVG fonts support multiple colors and gradients, and they can be raster or vector.
New Creative Cloud Libraries capabilities
Libraries in Photoshop now support Adobe Stock templates. Plus, Send Link has been updated so you can share read-only access to a public library. When you follow a library, it appears in your Library panel and updates automatically.
Creative Cloud Assets improvements
Archive and restore all your assets stored in Creative Cloud, including the ones in your Creative Cloud Libraries, assets created with CC desktop products, and mobile projects.
Introducing Typekit Marketplace
Now you can buy fonts from some of the industry’s biggest names and use them in your Photoshop projects. Typekit uses its font sync and web technologies to deliver your Marketplace fonts anywhere you need them.
Better overall performance
Photoshop now works more efficiently thanks to performance improvements, including a faster Liquify tool.
And so much more
Also includes: The ability to adjust the eyes independently in Face-Aware Liquify, an improved user experience for Match Font, and more.
我下載 v18.0 版的就可以正常安裝了~~謝謝^^
沒有耶~ 點了就自動安裝了 也沒提示要裝什麼語言
請問要在哪改語言呢!? 我的顯示英文,我要繁中的。