Altium公司最新的旗舰产品——Altium Designer 16可以帮助各位设计师提升工作效率、减缓设计压力,成功应对越来越复杂的电子设计。Altium Designer 16的核心功能的简介如下:全新的替代元器件选择系统,帮助设计师掌控制定义元器件可替换方案的全过程。直观的间距指示,帮助设计师在PCB板上正确地放置各种设计元素,因为他可以直观的看到它们之间的距离。智能的元器件布局系统,帮助设计师高效地实现在PCB板上实现排列整齐的元器件布局。
PCB设计是工程与艺术的结合。它将科学知识与自然设计直观地结合起来,创造出单一的统一视觉化产品。虽然您的设计可能并不引人注目,但它在我们的生活中举足轻重,代表了未来技术的发展方向。Altium Designer 帮助您协调PCB设计潜能,创造当今最先进最新颖的PCB设计产品。
在全球有着数以万计的专业PCB工程师选择使用Altium Designer。倚仗于PCB设计进而成功生产的风险很高,所以你需要一套高效易用的设计解决方案,来即时满足如您一样的专业PCB工程师的需求。
运用Draftsman™,提高文档处理工作效率,全部的文档处理流程在Altium Designer统一设计环境中都可以实现。无需离开设计空间,就能轻松传达设计意图。
Altium Designer 16.1有诸多亮点。
支持xSignals Wizard USB3.1
了解Altium Designer16.1 发布说明中所有关于设计环境增强的信息。
Altium Limited, a global leader in Electronic Design Automation, native 3D PCB design systems (Altium Designer) and embedded software development toolkits (TASKING), has released the 16.0 version of its professional printed circuit board (PCB) and electronic system level design software, Altium Designer.
Altium Designer 16 demonstrates the continuing commitment by Altium to produce software and solutions that increase productivity and reduce user stress during challenging electronics design projects. It reflects Altium’s commitment to supporting customer success by delivering products that customers both want and need. In keeping with these objectives, Altium Designer 16 includes powerful new enhancements for designing the next generation of high-speed printed circuit boards, and keeping up with the leading trends in industry with support for new fabrication output standards.
Each release of Altium Designer continues the process of keeping you plugged into a continuous stream of new features, technologies and enhancements, designed to make it easier for you to create your next generation electronics designs.
Key feature highlights
– 3D STEP Model Generation in IPC Wizard
– Alternate Components in the BOM
– Panelization – Embedded Board Array Enhancements
– Improved Violation Feedback
– Design Rules Enhancements
– Differential Pair Routing Improvements
– PADS Logic Exporter Extension
– Single ‘Master’ Control to Work Offline
– Enhancements to PDF 3D Export
– Pin-Package Delay Support
– Net Color Synchronization
– Dynamic Display of Clearance Boundaries During Routing
– Add Hole Tolerance
– Smart Component Placement
– Technology Aware xSignals Wizard
– Improvements to Same-Net Clearance Rule
– Static Simulation Probes
Version 16.1.12
12431 | Draftsman – Fixed bug where access violation happens in particular cases when placing a layer Stack legend for Rigid-Flex PCB. |
13365 | Draftsman – Fixed bug where access violation has occurred when trying to create Draftsman document from the Default Fabrication Drawing template with Rigid-Flex on PCB. |
12409 | Draftsman – Fixed bug where new document’s “Modified Status” remains unchanged after placing any objects (BC:6781). |
12325 | Draftsman – Fixed bug where only the pad that is inside the custom pad generates Solder Mask/Paste Mask. |
12583 | Draftsman – Fixed bug where PCB was not shown in board assembly front view. |
12320 | Draftsman – Fixed bug where solder mask expansion is absent for Vias on Fab view (BC:6697). |
12303 | Draftsman – Fixed crash on complex 3D designs while placing assembly view. |
12118 | Draftsman – Fixed massive memory leak during switching between Draftsman and PC (BC:6633). |
10295 | Fixed – All Suppliers now connect correctly when there is a proxy server in use. |
13364 | Fixed – bug where board fabrication view goes black after Update from PCB. |
12888 | Fixed – bug where special string in quotes are not interpreted in output for a particular designs. |
13326 | Fixed – regression bug where some tracks disappeared after routing (BC:6843). |
12760 | Importers – Fixed bug in Allegro Importer where pads of rotated components have pad-shaped regions added. |
12959 | Importers – Fixed bug in allegro importer, where PCB boarders are defined incorrectly. |
13181 | Importers – Fixed bug in xDx Designer Importer where pins are missing after the library import. |
12703 | Importers – Fixed bug where pads of bottom components appear on top layer after the import from Eagle file in 16.1.8. |
13024 | Restored – column Average Length for Diff. pair in PCB panel. |
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