Mentor Graphics 是电子设计自动化技术的领导厂商,提供完整的软件和硬件设计解决方案,让客户能在短时间内,以最低的成本,在市场上推出功能强大的电子产品。当今电路板与 半导体元件变得更加复杂,并随着深亚微米工艺技术在系统单芯片设计的深入应用,要把一个具有创意的想法转换成市场上的产品,其中的困难度已大幅增加;为此 Mentor Graphics提供了技术创新的产品与完整解决方案,让工程师得以克服他们所面临的设计挑战。
PADS Standard 可在直观且简单易用的环境中提供原理图设计和 Layout 功能,这对于寻求高价值并经过生产验证的工具的 PCB 设计人员和工程师而言,实可谓理想之选。PADS Standard 非常适用于复杂度较低但成本优先考虑的电路板设计。功能包括:原理图设计、Layout、元器件选择和验证、包含元器件信息管理的强大搜索和筛选功能、创建符合 IPC 标准的自定义封装
PADS Standard Plus 如果您需要仿真和分析以及先进的 Layout 实现快速创建高质量 PCB,PADS Standard Plus 将是您的上乘之选。具备 PADS Standard 的所有功能,以及:集成式约束管理、高速约束和布线、使用 HyperLynx® 处理带串扰的信号完整性问题、热仿真和模拟仿真、中心库。获得量身定制的高性能 PCB 设计,满足您的各种特定需求和预算要求。
直观的项目和设计导航、完整的层次化设计支持,以及先进的规则和属性管理工具,均可帮助您实现 PCB 设计目标。
利用 PADS 强大的 3D Layout 功能,可以轻松地设计各种从简单到复杂的印刷电路板,类型涵盖高速、高密度、模拟和/或数字,以及射频电路。PADS 提供了帮助您轻松、高效地完成布局和布线工作所需的全部要素,同时还能确保 PCB 符合您的设计目标。
如果在您所设计的电路板上,高速信号所占比例较高,那么您应该很清楚采用约束驱动型设计的重要性。PADS 拥有功能强大且简单易用的约束管理系统,适用于创建、评审和验证 PCB 设计约束。
PADS PCB 设计分析和验证采用的是 HyperLynx® 技术,该技术以其高精度和简单易用的特点享誉全球。从设计到制造,PADS 内置的分析工具均可帮助您实现最佳的效率。
通过单个电子表格来访问所有元器件信息,而无需担心数据冗余、多个库或耗时费力的工具开销。PADS 还附带经过验证的启动库、免费的库转换器,以及用于生成符合 IPC 标准的封装的向导。
在整个设计流程中使用 PADS 归档管理可节省时间,提高设计质量以及存储信息。生成用于设计评审的报告,并对归档进行比较,以确定设计差别。
Standard Plus 模块
还可以在 PADS Standard Plus 中增加高速布线、DFT、MCAD 协同设计以及更多的模块。
Mentor Graphics, a technology leader in electronic design automation (EDA), has released VX.2 version of PADS Standart Plus is an easy-to-use, complete desktop design flow for PCB hardware engineers and layout designers requiring higher productivity.
PADS Personal Automated Design Solutions provide an easy-to-use environment that helps solve the PCB design challenges you meet every day. Using PADS, you will get your job done faster and better, while saving costs. Targeted toward the independent engineer who requires a more complete design flow that includes advanced toolsets, PADS Standard Plus is equipped with enhanced layout and integrated analysis and verification, supplying all you need to produce quality PCBs, fast Easy-to-use schematic and layout translators help import libraries and designs from your current toolset, whether it’s Allegro, Altium Designer, CADSTAR, OrCAD, P-CAD, or Protel.
PADS VX.2 delivers the PADS Product Creation Platform, now extended to include new technology modules:
– PADS HyperLynx DC Drop – Avoid unexpected circuit behavior by identifying power delivery issues early. Validate power supply impedance to optimize power distribution networks. Assess voltage drop by quickly and accurately identifying areas of excessive current density with fast and accurate results.
– PADS HyperLynx DRC – A rules based approach versus traditional simulation to identify non-CAD constraints. Out of the box checks for EMI, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity. Simple to set up and fast time to results. Visual and report form of results for easy identification of violations.
– PADS HyperLynx DDR – Identify and solve Signal Integrity and timing challenges specific to DDRX designs. Resolve typical SI impairments such as Overshoot/Undershoot and ringing. Identify DDX timing issues such as Setup/Hold, De- rating, Skew and Data bus margins.
– PADS FloTHERM XT – 3D computational fluid dynamic (CFD) solution that supports steady state and transient analysis. Allows electrical/hardware engineers to perform thermal analysis much earlier in the design cycle. Easily import mechanical objects such as product enclosures and heat sinks.
– PADS AMS Design Suite – Comprehensive circuit design and virtual prototyping environment, including support for analog and mixed signal (AMS) with SPICE based simulation engine and modeling. In addition to standard simulation analysis: DC Bias, time-domain, and frequency-domain simulations, AMS also includes multi-run parametric sweeps, sensitivity, Monte Carlo, and Worst Case analysis.
– PADS Multi-Trace HSD Routing – Route and tune nets with high speed design constraints automatically without the need for the Batch auto-router.
– PADS Professional Multi-Trace HSD Tuning
This release also includes significant core enhancements to xDX Designer, PADS Layout, and PADS Professional.
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