新版本的Camnetics Suite 2017软件套装,给 SolidWorks, Solid Edge 和 AutoDesk Inventor使用设计师们提供了更高阶的工具和功能集成。其中包含GearTeq(齿轮组生成器)、CamTrax64(凸轮生成器)和GearTrax(齿轮生成器)。Camnetics 致力于改进传动部件的设计方式。
– GearTrax为设计者提供了一个易于使用的工具,用于创建驱动部件的实体模型。 创建正齿轮,斜齿轮,伞齿轮,蜗轮齿轮和花键与真正的渐开线齿廓。
– GearTeq提供了先进的工具,设计人员创建的驱动部件和组件的实体模型。
– CamTrax帮助设计师创建几乎所有类型的凸轮随动运动控制参数,您的系统需要的实体模型。
Camnetics Inc., a provider tools to engineers and designers for creating solid models of drive components, announced the release of Camnetics Suite 2017. This softwares provides the designer advanced tools for creating solid models of drive components and assemblies.
Camnetics is dedicated to improving the way automation components are designed. We offer gear and cam design software. GearTrax provides the designer with an easy-to-use tool for creating solid models of drive components. It is intuitively easy to use for the designer with limited gear experience yet powerful enough for the gear expert. The animation window shows the spur/helical gear mesh which updates as the data is changed. It is extremely useful in understanding how changes to the gear parameters reflect on the gear mesh. GearTeq provides the designer with advanced tools for creating solid models of drive components and assemblies. With CAD-like features, users can view components with drag, rotate, and multiple zoom options. Users can also drive the components for immediate animation! Work with multiple parts and assemblies and more.
CAMTrax64 2017 for Autodesl Inventor > Autodesk Inventor 2017
GearTeq 2017 for Autodesl Inventor > Autodesk Inventor 2017
GearTrax 2017 for Autodesl Inventor > Autodesk Inventor 2017
CAMTrax64 2017 for SolidWorks > SolidWorks 2010-2016
GearTeq 2017 for SolidWorks > SolidWorks 2009-2016
GearTrax 2017 for SolidWorks > SolidWorks 2009-2016
Download 城通网盘: http://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/I9q156878895
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