PTC公司正式发布了Creo 3.0 正式版 更新 M190版本 ,其革命性的新一代产品设计软件。专业的2D&3D设计软件,产品生命周期管理(PLM)和服务管理解决方案.Creo 3.0是一个可伸缩的套件,集成了多个可互操作的应用程序,功能覆盖整个产品开发领域。
Creo 3.0的产品设计应用程序使企业中的每个人都能使用最适合自己的工具,因此,他们可以全面参与产品开发过程。除了CREO Parametric 之外,还有多个独立的应用程序在2D和3D CAD建模、分析及可视化方面提供了新的功能。Creo 3.0还提供了空前的互操作性,可确保在内部和外部团队之间轻松共享数据。
“With PTC Creo 3.0, we continue to deliver on the PTC strategy. Our ground breaking Unite technology addresses the data and process-related challenges of CAD consolidation. By enabling designers to convert data ‘as needed, when needed’, and only converting the data that requires modification, organizations can save a tremendous amount of effort and cost,” said Michael Campbell, Executive Vice President CAD Segment, PTC. “In situations where development teams need to collaborate across CAD formats, Unite technology enables designers to create and protect design intent between PTC Creo and other CAD data. This both significantly reduces the efforts needed to maintain design integrity and enables collaboration to take place earlier and more often in the design process.”
“With Unite technology, richer and truly integrated concept design tools, and a continued emphasis on day-day productivity gains, this new release empowers our customers to bring greater efficiency to their product development process,” continued Campbell.
Unite Technology
Unite technology in PTC Creo 3.0 enables CAD data of varying formats to be used directly in the PTC Creo Parametric, Creo Direct, Creo Simulate, and Creo Options Modeler apps. As a result, this release enables significant efficiencies to be achieved when consolidating multiple CAD systems onto PTC Creo, as well as when collaborating with others using different CAD tools. These efficiencies enable improvements in on-time delivery, product quality and desirability by allowing design teams to spend more time innovating and less time on non-value add tasks such as recreating design intent and redundant file management.
How Unite Technology supports more effective CAD Consolidation:
- Easily reuse existing CAD data as is, in its current format, with no need for a costly upfront migration
- Convert existing legacy data to PTC Creo easily, on demand, and only when modifications are actually needed
- No need to convert entire assemblies to modify individual parts, simply convert parts as changes are required
How Unite Technology supports more effective CAD Collaboration:
- Open SolidWorks®, CATIA® and NXTM files directly in PTC Creo without the need for additional software
- Import SolidWorks, CATIA, NX, Solid Edge® and Autodesk® Inventor® files into PTC Creo without the need for additional software
- Enable higher levels of concurrent engineering between the product development teams and suppliers/partners/customers by allowing designers to quickly and easily incorporate CAD data created in other systems earlier in the process, create design intent across CAD formats and, as new versions of the non-PTC Creo data are updated in the assembly, ensure that any design intent build between the original part and the PTC Creo parts are protected when the part is updated.
- Support on-time delivery by ensuring that consistency and integrity are maintained between in-house and outsourced design data over the course of product development
- Promote the reuse and sharing of data
- Eliminate the need to manage many secondary formats, and significantly reduce the need to export data in neutral formats. Data can be shared in customer/supplier’s native format
Empowering Innovation
PTC Creo 3.0 delivers new and enhanced concept design tools that give product development teams the flexibility and control they need to develop higher quality, better designed products. PTC Creo also continues to ensure that efforts undertaken at the concept design stage are fully reusable in later stages of the product development process.
Specific benefits for concept design from the PTC Creo 3.0 suite include:
- Align, a new freestyle functionality (part of PTC Creo Parametric) enables designers to create and drive freeform designs parametrically, combining organic geometry creation and modification with associative parametric design intent.
- Greater scalability and richer tools in PTC Creo Layout to support 2D concept engineering activities with seamless re-use in the 3D parametric environment
- A more powerful and easier to use 3D direct modeling app (PTC Creo Direct) for quickly creating concept designs that are fully reusable in PTC Creo Parametric
- PTC Creo Design Exploration Extension provides a dedicated environment in PTC Creo Parametric for developing design alternatives, investigating modeling approaches and safely understanding the consequences of design changes. It significantly reduces the current level of manual effort and overhead required to undertake these activities.
Productivity Enhancements
PTC Creo 3.0 introduces new and enhanced capabilities and workflows to make everyday design tasks easier. This enables productivity increases and enables individuals and design teams to focus on driving the development of more innovative and higher quality products, while supporting on-time delivery.
Some of the most significant improvements in the core aspects of the PTC Creo suite include:
- New graphical realism support
- Extensive hardware libraries and automated fastener assembly workflows
- New and improved help system with dedicated tools for new users
- New flexible modeling capabilities
- New and enhanced analysis tools
- Core modeling enhancements
- Sheet metal modeling enhancements
“We are pleased to see PTC’s commitment to enabling its customers to increase product development efficiency and output through all of the new productivity enhancements in Creo 3.0,” said Andrew Hermanson, CAD Administrator, Daktronics. “In particular, our team is eager to utilize the Design Exploration Extension. We expect it to give us great flexibility to explore multiple design concepts and the ability to keep those sets archived for future design iterations or as a historical document to remind us why we made a decision – and then move forward quickly.”
软件下载地址:PTC Creo v3.0 M190-140 x86/x64 多语言中文注册版
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