Geomagic Sculpt 通过全新的三维触觉笔系统使您摆脱旧式的设计方式。不再仅限于传统式的鼠标,造型和触觉功能使您能感受到设计的各种外形、每一个纹理、每一条曲线。这种组合使您能轻松自信地完成三维设计,特别是复杂的几何数模。软件兼容Win7/Windows 10操作系统。
您可以省去困扰,因为Geomagic Sculpt生成的文件都符合3D打印要求,无需考虑是否实体或水密性。Sculpt还可以检查是否存在打印问题,如模型大小和距离等并及时提醒,这样您可以在打印前做出调整。
Geomagic Sculpt填补了CAD所遗留的空白,在以往既定工作流程下不可能完成的设计现在信手拈来。造型美观详尽的有机设计将不再成为问题,除了想象力您的设计不受限制。
Geomagic Sculpt可与您的CAD软件协作,所以您可以把美观的工业设计与CAD的功能模型结合而两者兼得。Geomagic Sculpt快速和易于使用,相对于令人头疼的复杂曲面建模模块无疑是前进了一大步。
3D Systems announced the release of its Geomagic Freeform 2016 software products, including Geomagic Freeform, Geomagic Freeform Plus and Geomagic Sculpt. These updated software products offer professionals an organic engineering solution for precise, sculpted 3D design that bypasses the restrictions of geometric CAD platforms and enables the quick transition from design to production.
The new Geomagic Freeform 2016 products allow engineers, designers, artists, model makers and sculptors to solve complex design and manufacturing challenges with the industry’s most comprehensive organic 3D engineering tools. These professional-grade products allow users to manipulate virtual clay models into any detail or form with an advanced set of tools to support 3D printing. Geomagic Freeform Plus extends these toolsets with advanced manufacturing design capabilities, including automatic conversion of digital clay and polygons to NURBS surfaces, mold and die design, shelling, draft analysis, parting line and surface creation tools for complex organic shapes.
– Improved 3D CAD and direct scan data input. 3D data can be scanned directly into Geomagic Freeform products using the Geomagic Capture scanner for a seamless scan-to-design workflow. Imported CAD data can serve as the basis for organic designs as well as be subjected to a complete Boolean toolset, ideal for subtracting mechanical parts from the finished product design.
– New StructureFX toolset for lattice structures, delivering the ability to create custom, internal and external lattice structures for intricate and lightweight designs. Advanced cage creation tools assist the design of structures for functional applications such as custom medical implants. StructureFX tools work alongside Freeform’s advanced 3D print analysis tools to successfully 3D print advanced designs.
– Improved 3D print analysis and printability tools to streamline the design to manufacturing workflow. Freeform 2016 products include enhanced feature size analysis and print alignment tools to enable quality and repeatability in 3D printing. Integration with 3DSPRINT™ enables direct support of 3D Systems’ suite of 3D printers, including print monitoring and queue management. Geomagic Freeform 2016 solutions also offer simple tools to repair faulty and low-grade 3D data for 3D printing, traditional manufacturing or a wide range of file format exports.
– New Wrap for Freeform Plus, enabling an enhanced workflow of improved CAD surface output for use downstream. Existing Geomagic Freeform Plus customers on current maintenance now also have access to a version of Geomagic Wrap at no charge.
Geomagic Freeform products work exclusively with 3D Systems Touch haptic devices to deliver the physical sensation of sculpting in a virtual environment. This intuitive mode of interacting within the digital space reduces learning curves, speeds the design process and helps deliver high quality 3D data.
Geomagic Sculpt is a simple, fast yet sophisticated precision voxel 3D sculpting and modeling software solution. Create organic designs and edit and transform existing 3D data with sculpting, shaping and detailing tools not found in traditional CAD software. Get the sensation of clay modeling with the benefits of digital design.
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Geomagic Sculpt 2016.1.117 注册版.part1.rar
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Geomagic Sculpt 2016.1.117 注册版.part3.rar
Geomagic Sculpt 2016.1.117 注册版.part4.rar
Geomagic Sculpt 2016.1.117 注册版.part5.rar
Geomagic Sculpt 2016.1.117 注册版.part6.rar
Geomagic Sculpt 2016.1.117 注册版.part7.rar
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