CrossFTP enterprise是一款非常好用的、功能强大且操作简单的FTP管理工具,界面有点类似FlashFxp。软件支持Win7/Win8/Win10/Win2008/Win2012/Win2016 系统。它适用于企业用户,支持SSL/TSL加密传输技术,支持多线程传输,支持站点管理、支持中文编码,支持续传,可以轻松的帮助用户将本地文件上传至ftp服务器,同时软件附带CrossFTP服务器的网络启动,可以帮助用户构建专业级FTP系统。
* 内置Serve服务器端软件,但需要你电脑安装有JAVA运行环境!
* 内置Ident Server服务器端功能!
* 内置磁盘空间报表功能!
* 支持同步文件夹的功能!
* 支持创建和检验CRC的功能!
* 支持密码保护和安全证书功能!
* 优良的CJK/中文编码支持!
* 站点管理,配置文件远程备份
* 多标签支持!
* 退出位置的自动记忆
* 队列恢复
* 压缩文档浏览(.zip,.tar.gz,.jar, …),解压,压缩
* 文本及图像(.jpg,.png,.gif)快速浏览
* 文件本地和Web搜索
* 自动重连和anti-idle
* 命令控制
* SSL/TSL加密传输
* 多线程传输
* FXP传输
CrossFTP Enterprise is a powerful FTP, FTPS, SFTP, FXP, WebDav, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, and Google Storage client for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Compared with CrossFTP Pro, it further features CrossFTP Commander, site-local-site transfer and Email notifications to automate your data sync/migration between any sites and protocols.
Easy to Use
Its traditional two-pane browser-like user interface is easy to learn and use. Multi-tabs design facilitates you to manage and connect multiple FTP sites simultaneously in one single window.
Powerful Engine
It is capable of transfer, queue, schedule, synchronize, mirror, job management, with the speed be boosted by turbo mutli-threaded engine. CrossFTP’s powerful engine solves your file transfer problems.
Advanced Security
Default password encryption, master password, TLS/SSL/SSH cipher configuration, and software signiture & integrity checking provide you with top level security.
Keeping Investment Valuable
Supporing all major FTP protocols, and running on all major operting systems, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD. CrossFTP simply works for your changing and complex IT environment.
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